I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 720

Li Yan quietly looked at Hongsaka Zhuyin, who was speaking strangely. The strength and level of this superwoman is not the one who won "That Light Novel Is Really Amazing" and "Jiecun Award for Outstanding Top Ten Excellent Awards". Such a name can be negated.

But relying on this bet, Li Yan finally had a way to stand on the same level as her, deny Hongsaka Zhuyin, and preserve the dignity of Yinglili and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

"The two of us are indeed similar. I was even more commercialistic than you at the beginning, using various resources and intelligence to find the best route to complete the work, but the difference is that Miss Hongsaka, you finally abandoned your animation company. , Abandon your friends, pay a painful price, use the best talents, best connections and plans to realize your career dream. I am different, although I make the same choice as you, I intend to abandon myself Partner, but then I didn’t do it..."

Li Yan looked at Hongsaka Zhuyin's increasingly distorted face with serious eyes, and explained.

"Don't talk about this nonsense!!"

Hongsaka Zhu Yin waved a big hand and sternly interrupted Li Yan's words. She was almost quite angry, staring at Li Yan, and said: "I once owned something like this. Yinglili is another example. Look at yourself. Look at Ying Lili, she looks so helpless and pitiful, what you said is just a burden, the guy who can’t keep up but drags you down is useless at all! What do you want to say is like those passionate novels you wrote That way, relying on ties and friendship can make things. Don’t talk nonsense!"

Li Yan asked calmly, "If that subject matter is given to you, how would you draft and plan it?"


Hongsaka Zhu Yin's body shook, and he frowned vigilantly and asked, "What are you trying to say?"

Li Yan continued: "You who have been pursuing commercial perfection and doing a masterpiece that everyone likes will definitely not realize this kind of mood. Since you grew up with such a strangeness, Miss Hongsaka, your creation The mood of joy and freedom is also tightly bound by those accomplishments. Of course you can’t do the work of [joy]."

"..." Hongsaka Zhu Yin said nothing.

"The only difference between me and you is this. I still remember the freedom of writing. I didn’t write for business at the beginning of writing. I didn’t do it for the sake of pleasing the highest percentage of the audience like you. I am contrary to you, I I have been writing what I want to write. In order to write a good work, I have always been seeking transformation, absorbing every bit of resonance in my life, and understanding their precious and deeper meaning. I let the readers be bound by themselves In my world of fiction, I use the hard work I sincerely want to write...to keep it."

Li Yan looked directly into Hongsaka Zhu Yin's eyes and said.

The most fundamental starting point for creators to create is interest.Hongsaka Zhuyin has extremely high attainments in the Japanese industry. However, tens of thousands of creators have been buried by money and reputation. After the fundamental meaning has been changed, they are located in various chains, and it is almost impossible to absorb the more essence. inspiration.Using only the best company, the best resources and talents, and the most concentrated energy, it was originally a kind of factory-style work. It is no longer a creator’s dream, nor an interest, but a thing to please the public. s work.


Hongsaka Zhu Yin's hideous face gradually turned into a confused color.

The old thief in front of her is using the random and willful "freedom" and "interest" to deny her theory of perfect reality to achieve works.

No one knows whether Hongban Zhuyin will agree with this after hearing this.Maybe she didn't understand it personally. The more people understand, the more confused and difficult it is to judge, but the easier it is to take the extreme path that is difficult to understand.

Finally, Hongsaka Zhuyin closed his eyes and stopped talking to Li Yan. He didn't even bother to say goodbyes, and turned around and left.

In the corridor, Li Yan was left alone.

Li Yan looked at this corridor quietly, alone.

After walking for more than a dozen steps, Li Yan stopped in front of a pile of black garbage bags with recycled paper and asked in confusion, "Ying Lili, what are you hiding there for?"


Eiri Sawamura, who has been hiding here secretly, is cautiously locked and hidden in bags of garbage bags. Although it is not dirty at all, it is very boring. She was still worried about whether she should talk to Li Yan after the game, but Unexpectedly, seeing Hongsaka Zhuyin come here, I asked her to hide away, even if Hongsaka Zhuyin had left, Ying Lili didn't dare to come out...

She heard the conversation between Li Yan and Hongsaka Zhuyin again by accident, and she was also thrilled.

As a result, when asked by Li Yan, both ponytails flew up in fright. When he raised his head, he saw Li Yan, who was expressionless, looking down at him.

"How do you...you, you...how did you know that I am here!?" Ying Lili stood up directly, with a piece of discarded manuscript scattered in the trash bag, asked in surprise.

"Gold or yellow is one of the most conspicuous colors in black."

Li Yan said.

Ying Lili suddenly worried that she was holding her hair from the British Empire, why not brown, red, but this kind of golden hair color...


Ying Lili thought with a stern face, always feeling that she was embarrassed like this.

However, in the quiet corridor, it seemed that because of this, the cold and serious atmosphere disappeared in an instant.

After the partner’s relationship broke apart, it was only half a month after the separation in the park where the wind and rain were about to come, but it seemed that a long time had passed, the wind and rain vicissitudes of life.

Li Yan showed a long-lost smile and said, "It's been a while, Ying Lili."

Li Yan, who had been serious about his opponent and the game, finally eased.The long-lost smile at someone who couldn't be more familiar seemed to be like a peaceful and sunny day after a storm passed.

Ying Lili saw Li Yan's smile, but she didn't know why, and there was a sense of confusion in her heart.

"House...Houseman Li, has been gone for a while."

Sawamura Yinglili turned her head shyly, not knowing where to look, and said in embarrassment and shyness.

"She has always wanted to come over and cheer for you, but she has never dared to come close to you. She is really an unfrank fellow....Congratulations, teacher, for getting a good grade."

At this time, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's voice came not far away. With a somewhat ridiculous tone, Ying Lili suddenly became angry and turned her head to stare at the figure who was starting to walk.

"...Why?" Li Yan asked puzzledly.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu calmly explained: "She thinks that is normal. Let alone the school community, there are some people who think that the two of us have betrayed them and left suddenly, leaving such traces. Can't refute it."

Ying Lili lowered her head slightly when she heard it, not knowing what she was thinking.

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment. He couldn't understand the thoughts of this kind of involvement, and said, "If you think so, what is the difference from Miss Hongsaka Zhuyin? No matter what, it uses friendship, family affection, or even threats to trap a creator. Dream, in essence, is also a kind of overlord clause. The organization does not plan interests and responsibilities in a legal form. Although I mostly disagree with Hongsaka Zhuyin’s approach, I am sure of one thing, that is, she uses her dream as a transaction to let you Free choice, and the community should not completely limit the dreams of others for their own dreams."


Both Yinglili and Kasumigaoka Shiba are dumbfounded. In Japan, where collective culture prevails, even Shiba who always likes to be alone would rarely have such thoughts.

"It's really an old thief who can talk about Hongsaka Zhuyin, a bunch of clever and despicable methods, so we dare not make a conclusion to you easily." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said with emotion.


Li Yan was stunned, what was going on with such a wind comment.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu immediately showed a sly smile, and said, "But, thank you, for all of us, this time, Hongsaka Zhuyin may be a little restrained. In the end, it is me and Yinglili who defeat her. He will definitely be able to beat Hongsaka Zhuyin in the future."

Ying Lili was silent for a while, she was a little timid, raised her head, but glanced elsewhere, and asked nervously and embarrassingly: "That...Otaku Lee, can we...be the same..."

Li Yan looked at Ying Lili and finally nodded and smiled and said: "Of course, my next work is still waiting for you to come back."


Ying Lili was taken aback, and then joy appeared on her face, but she still pretended to be calm, and said: "I, I don't mean to say that I'm not a partner for the time being and I won't talk anymore... It's just that occasionally, occasionally I still want to eat. Junk food like McDonald’s is not accompanied by anyone, so don’t think too much."

Li Yan and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu smiled. It seemed that this kind of life, no matter what kind of turbulence, can continue.

However, there is one last day left.

When Li Yan watched Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and Yinglili quarrel, he knew very well that the outcome of the game was heavier than they thought. There is one day, even if there is another day, he hopes to work hard. A precious time of the day, get along with the people he loves.

Tomorrow, it is time for him to win or lose...

Chapter 348: Go Home, Watson

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