I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 721

In the evening, the sky was clouded.

After the game, Shiina Mashiro did not return to Sakura-so, but came to Shinjuku together because Nanami wanted to go back to the supermarket that had been working in Shinjuku to help.

In the supermarket’s staff lounge, Shiina Shiro sat on her seat. At this time, Aoyama Nanami, who had changed her clothes in the locker room, walked out, smiled, and said to her: "Sorry, Real Shiro, I will help you for about an hour. Just wait here for a while, if there is anything, just call me and feel wronged a little bit."

"It's okay." Shiina nodded and replied.

In this way, when Nanami Aoyama was greeted by the store manager, she hurried over to help, leaving Shiina Shiro alone.

Today, she watched the second game. As always, it was full of surprises. The story written by Uesugi Yan always felt very novel. After the end of the first novel, Shiina Mashiro was full of memories and reflections on the plot of the book. However, this Once Uesugi Yan did not disappoint her, and she still wrote a story that touched her heart greatly.

At this time, there are still happy stories with her, so she is not alone.


Shiina Mashiro sat quietly on the seat, and suddenly, a moist cold wind blew in, blowing her hair and cheeks, causing her attention to the window not far away.

The storm is about to come, but it seems that the heavy rain will not fall for a while, and the beautiful sunset can be seen on the edge of the dark clouds.

The leaves swayed, a hazy view of the city, but Shiina Mashiro looked at this scene quietly, but she didn't know why in her heart. He always felt that the scene seemed familiar...

The strong emotion made her eyes flicker constantly, and the emotion in her heart that urged her to remember and search quickly made her unable to calm down.

"...Have I... lived here?"

Shiina Mashiro watched this scene quietly, with a sense of restlessness in her calm expression, muttering to herself.

Finally, she stood up, her expression kept warm and nostalgic. With her own feelings, she left from the rest area and missed the busy customers at the entrance of the supermarket and the busy Qihai and other employees, alone. Walked to the street.

Under the dim sky, there was a long road flashing neon lights of various shops. Shiina was walking down the street, passers-by hurriedly passed by, and children living nearby were frolicking around her and quickly ran away.


Shiina can hardly distract her attention. She stared at this street blankly. A familiar sense of sight in her heart filled her with a touch. She always felt that she had walked this way many, many times, because I always go home with a joyful mood, walking on the road, with a complex emotion of strangeness and familiarity in my heart, and I don't hate this place.


Shiina Mashiro stopped and saw a bookstore.

This bookstore still hangs posters for a batch of popular novels such as "Super Academy War".However, Shiina's mind flashed with the image of her always carrying a bag of vegetables and meat.

Her eyes widened slightly, always wondering if she really forgot something, forgot a very important thing...

Going along the road, after going up a small ramp, you arrive at an apartment complex.

As a result, a nine-story apartment building stopped Shiina, who seemed to be wandering in a dream, and she raised her head and looked at the somewhat old apartment building.

Shiina Mashiro looked inside through the iron net at the door, her heartbeat speeded up a bit, and she stood at the door without moving.Feeling nostalgic, very nostalgic, but there is an indescribable sadness.



The heartbeat is fierce.

Just as Shiina was puzzled, two figures passed by her inadvertently. For an instant, as if time had stagnated, Shiina was dazed and saw the young man in the white coat who was pushing the bicycle back, and Carrying a basket and following themselves behind them, the two of them talked about something and walked into the apartment peacefully...

Her ears couldn't hear anything, so Shiina was really white with a look of astonishment. She looked in her eyes, but couldn't do anything.

Soon, some noisy voices around came back, Shiina really recovered, and as a result, there was no herself and that young man in front of her. Everything was like a mirrored flower.

Shiina's body felt a chill. After hesitating finally, she followed the direction of the illusion and walked into this apartment building.

In front of the glass door, there is a combination lock...

"125605..." Shiina looked at the code lock, and this series of numbers appeared in her memory. She hesitated to stretch out her finger and paused several times in the middle. Finally, she pressed six numbers one by one, and finally prepared to press OK Button, but hesitated again halfway, but finally pressed it down.


This voice was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and it stunned Shiina who was on the side. She stared at the gap where the glass door was slightly opened. The password in her mind turned out to be correct...

Shiina looked at the inside of this apartment and thought, "What's wrong...Where is this..."

Like a child who has been lost for a long time and has not returned home, the dim nostalgia, the extreme anxiety, and the anxiety of eager to see, prompted Shiina to finally push the door open.

All the same...


For some reason, Shiina Shiro held her head suddenly. She suddenly felt a splitting headache, and squatted down to endure it. It seemed that something was preventing her from remembering something, and she was very uncomfortable.

This state did not last for a long time, and soon stopped, Shiina was really white panting, extremely uncomfortable, she finally stood up slowly.

On the clean first floor, there is a row of mailboxes, dimly lit, and quiet, but they don't look gloomy, but rather warm.

Shiina's eyes were confused, and finally she started walking up the stairs.

The fourth floor was quiet, but the originally empty corridor in front of her saw the noisy scene of a few girls with different hair colors surrounding the door, just a few seconds back to the original.

Under doubt, she went up to the fifth floor and saw that corridor. She was more familiar. It should be said that she was so familiar, and even her body still remembered the feeling that she often traveled here.



Shiina raised her head and looked at the stairs above, always feeling that if she goes up, there is something waiting for her. An unspeakable strange mood lingers in her heart, as if she can pass through something to reach what she has forgotten. In the world.

She hesitated and stood there for a long, long time.

Rustle... rustle...

The patter of rain began to fall, and thunder and lightning flickered, bringing a gloomy atmosphere to this building, as if something was going to come out, Shiina's uneasy mood became stronger and stronger, but in the end, Shiina was in a storm , Went up the ladder.

Room 605.

Shiina looked at this door blankly, feeling the wind here, the sound here, the color here...

very familiar.

Suddenly, just as Zhen Bai stood here quietly, the door of 605's room opened.

The people who came out made Shiina's eyes wide open uncontrollably.

The one who opened the door turned out to be Aoyama Qikai in plain clothes.

"Huh? What are you in a daze at the door, really white, seniors, Rita and neighbors are waiting for you, come in quickly."

Aoyama Nanami also saw Shiina Shirai, and was taken aback, then smiled, stretched out her hand and grabbed Shiina Shirai's wrist, smiling and urged.

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