I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 725

Li Yan stood there in silence, letting the breeze blow, motionless as a mountain.

"Now, will your second work be further adapted by the company? After all, it looks like a semi-finished product?" Wang Hongbing jumped off the guardrail and asked with a smile.

Li Yan nodded, his eyes still steadfast, and replied, “I will let a trusted author help me adapt it into the library model, and my story has not been finished yet.”

"...Really?" After Wang Hongbing heard it, he gradually smiled.

"Now let’s elaborate again, Li Yan. Anyone who is selected is eligible to refuse to inherit the power of the dominator, but the premise is that you must use your own strength and beliefs to fight for it. So far, there are 19 predecessors to save. The heroes of the world, there are 6 successors. The predecessors are hailed as the strongest in the world. My own skill and speed have always maintained the highest level of mankind, but we have all failed in the challenge... If you gain, you lose, Li Yan, please Remember what my senior sister said."

Wang Hongberry changed his cheerful and hip-hop attitude, and said slowly with a smile if he had emotion.

Li Yan was a little inexplicable, but he remembered it and nodded.

Wang Hongberry asked: "So, there is still some time now, do you have anything else you plan to do?"

Li Yan thought about it in the rain.

What he did now was futile for the things in front of him. It was his own price. In the end, he shook his head.

"is it?"

Wang Hongberry looked at Li Yan, and after a response, her eyes gradually shifted to the dark doorway in the corridor, as if she had seen through, and asked: "Then you, the little girl who can escape the mental interference of the dominator."


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, he realized something was wrong, and suddenly turned around.

As a result, amidst the gray drizzle scenery, a girl walking silently, soaked all over, with golden hair dripping down to the level, beautiful face and deeply disturbed girl walked out of the darkness.

"Really white?" Li Yan asked in surprise.

Shiina looked at him hesitantly with white eyes, and finally, she called out a name she couldn't be more familiar with, and whispered, "Holmes..."


He realized what Wang Hongberry had said before, and then turned and looked at Wang Hongberry again.

Wang Hongbing smiled and said: "This little girl is really a person who is loved by the gods. The spiritual power of mankind is incomparable to the existence of a dominator. However, it seems that the IQ of this little girl is a bit higher. At the beginning, it was an unstable existence, but now I have probably seen it through six to seventy."

"...Can you tell me what happened?"

As a result, Shiina's white and delicate voice once again attracted Li Yan.

Li Yan turned around and looked at her blankly. In the moist wind after another, the bangs in front of Li Yan kept swaying. He didn't know how to explain it.

He had to admit that the most incredible person by his side was still this girl with emotions like a piece of white snow.

Shiina's eyes were a little sad, and said, "My home is gone, I live at Sakura Village, my neighbor is gone, my memory is gone..."

The drenched girl looked at him, was silent for a moment, and said, "...you are gone."

"I have been trying to find something, wandering around..."

"I finally remembered this morning."

"I am no longer the one me."

"Nichikai doesn't seem to remember you, and everyone in the company... something must have happened..."

"Yeah, I'm too slow to remember these..."

Shiina Mashiro lowered his head slightly with a guilty expression, and whispered.

"But in my dreams, I can see through the illusions, so..."

Shiina raised his head, looked at Li Yan, and said, "...I will help you, Holmes."

Li Yan's expression was a little shocked, he was almost stunned in the corridor, with unexplainable shock in his eyes.

In the end, his complicated expression still couldn't conceal the last trace of joy. He smiled and said, "No, it's really white."

Shiina was stunned.

"I received your thoughts. This time it is my own problem. It is not about how much strength can be determined, but I didn't think I would lose. I have prepared everything I should prepare, so I will come back and everything will be restored. As before, you live upstairs with Nankai and Rita, and Sanhe Bunko also has parties and travels. Everything has recovered, so wait for me."

Li Yan walked up to her and said.

Shiina Masashi listened carefully to Li Yan’s words. She didn’t quite understand what had happened. Li Yan still didn’t seem to want to reveal it, but she heard it from the unfathomable and unfamiliar girl who was close in age The key messages of [Mental Interference], and the painful illusion when my memory is restored, this time the enemy is definitely not something that can be easily handled.

"Do you remember your "Devil Detective Agency"?" Li Yan asked suddenly.

"...Yes, remember." Shiina Shirai was taken aback for a moment, her expression was always depressed, and the topic was distracted, but she nodded and said.

"Just draw it again, now you are absolutely fine." Li Yan looked into her eyes and said.


Shiina was really blank for a moment.

With the usual smile, Li Yan put his hands on her shoulders, looked at her and continued: "I don't know when I will be back, but I will definitely be back. I didn't give up my dream. The dream will connect with each other. The strangers gather together again, so when I am not here, when I am forgotten, let go and pursue your dreams."


Shiina looked up at this face ignorantly. She didn't know why, she always felt that Li Yan was about to disappear.

Many people have forgotten him, even Rita and Qihai have forgotten. Li Yan meant that he would come back, but he might not be able to.

Her eyes suddenly panicked.

"Thank you, remember me, so white."

Li Yan stepped back and looked at her with some joy and sadness. It would not be so embarrassing to be completely forgotten, but it didn't seem to be a bad thing.Li Yan's body gradually faded. It seemed that he had never existed, just like the illusion that Zhenbai had seen before, just like a novelist who broke into their world imagined by a group of people.Zhenbai realized that something was wrong, she opened her eyes wide, her body began to move, and she reached out to grab something, but Li Yan in front of her looked down to see that she was finally sent to the place where she was supposed to go, raised her head to look again When it was really white, it completely disappeared in that moment.


Shiina Mashiro's hands were empty, like her mind.


When the mind and body were uncertain, an electric current suddenly disturbed the real white consciousness, and she suddenly squatted on the ground in pain, covering her head as before.

"He can't come back, 100% chance..."

There was also a strange girl who came over and whispered in her ear.


Stronger brainwashing disturbed her spirit, Shiina Masashi held her head tightly, and the pain was almost unbearable.

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