I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 726

"Because... if there is gain, there will be loss, everyone lost to themselves, because we are the same as Li Yan..."

-[Ding Ding!!!


Shiina was rolling up, as if there was some plan to brainwash her again, Li Yan's appearance, Yinglili's appearance, Kagurazaka Ayame's appearance, Room 605 Nanami and Rita's appearance, all shattered like fragments, tearing their hearts apart. Lung-like pain, but under the guardianship of Zhen Bai who didn't want to forget, one after another was overlapped, and the fight was repeated.


The unfamiliar girl was silent, seeing the delicate girl who was unwilling to give in, and was extremely powerful in intelligence and spirit.

Suddenly, the brainwashing work ended, and it failed.

Shiina really lay on the ground, shaking her body, panting constantly with her head, she opened her eyes feebly, trying to take a look at the girl.

"Don't you want to forget it again? If you don't forget, do you have to wait for him for a lifetime? Do you want to wait for him to come back?

"You are indeed very good, but it is still very bad. The cost of looking directly at the dominator is terrifying. You will quickly go crazy, but it is not impossible to help you a little..."

The strange girl knelt down and said with a smile.

She leaned down and whispered in Shiina's ears, "He comes back, there is still hope...but the price is high, are you willing to bear it?"

"!" Shiina really opened his eyes.


Wang Hongberry smiled at Shiina's reaction.

She really envied Li Yan, in his world, there was a bug against the dominator.

She finally whispered an address in Shiina's ear, and there was a price, so Shiina was silent and motionless.

When it was quiet, Wang Cranberry also disappeared.In the courtyard, there was only a rustling rain, so quiet, it seemed that nothing had happened.

Leave this girl with a bent body and losing an important person...

Chapter 350

Under the dark clouds, a strange place in the wilderness.

A torrential rain, swaying leaves, where the grass is surrounded, the rolling hillside with large white flowers is extremely empty.

The surrounding air was extremely heavy, and the raindrops that struck Li Yan's coat seemed so heavy. Only shortly after standing here, Li Yan's body was wet, and a biting cold feeling spread throughout his body.


Li Yan looked around, he was familiar with this area in his memory, but he didn't really make sense to come to this place. He just dreamed of it countless times in his dreams.

There was a strong wind, and the air contained a salty smell of fresh water. This place was near the sea, but a white petal with rainwater swept across Li Yan's back. He suddenly turned around and headed towards the distant and dark sky. Look.

The dark clouds in the sky are surging like the sea, which is quite spectacular, as if the sky and the earth are turning upside down, and the clouds that roll like waves are shining with thunder, and in the distant sky, something seems to be creeping from the sea.

Suddenly, a thunder and lightning struck down, illuminating the world at the end of this piece in an instant, and illuminating the creature that towers into the clouds like a mountain...

what is that?!

An indescribable breath of horror sprouts in Li Yan's heart.

He took out the flashlight and shone it in that direction on the slope of the dark woods.


The roar of thunder and lightning reached Li Yan's ears.

Amidst the white petals and raindrops in the strong wind, he lifted his head and looked at this existence earth, existence space, existence in every human spirit. For a time, he not only felt cold in his body, but even The cold from the depths of the soul is constantly emerging.

He knew one thing at that time, and that was that it was absolutely correct that he did not let Shiina really follow him...

Once, the prediction made by the landlord Miss Ihara Yuko seemed to have finally been confirmed after more than a year.


on the other hand.

That address is near Tokyo.

In the drizzle, the soaked Shiina Shiro walked alone on the way back to Sakura Village. After all, her mobile phone was damaged yesterday. The only tool that can search for the address on the Internet is in her room. She must rush as soon as possible. Just go back.

In a drizzle street, wearing a soaking raincoat, some desperate girls walked alone.

She didn't find Nanami who went out with her anymore. On the way to the meeting place, she tried to ask the people of Sanhe Library for help, but after being asked who she was, she gave up the power of seeking the Forgotten.

To a certain extent, she was also forgotten by everyone...

Obviously, I just forget that there is no damage, but the accident is a horrible blow to a person living in a happy time. Cutting off each other's fate is like being erased from the traces of their existence. People are always human. , Beautiful emotions are a precious part of people.

Human beings are not creatures that exist by themselves. Even if there is only one color in your heart, when the dazzling people around you add a color to your soul, you are not living by yourself.

Shiina Masashi lowered her head slightly, her wet cheeks watched the water under her feet.

"The resident of Room 605, Ms. Shiina Mashiro, it's been a long time."

Suddenly, amidst the ticking sound of the umbrella, a clear and mysterious woman's voice was heard. Shiina's body was shocked, and she suddenly raised her head to look at the roadside. As a result, in the rainy and misty Tokyo streets, she was one of them. Standing to the side was a woman wearing a white kimono and holding a paper umbrella.

The paper umbrella covering the face was slightly lifted, revealing the appearance of this beautiful young woman. The incredible woman with a fascinating, charming and graceful appearance showed a slight smile and asked: "Miss Shiina, do you remember me? "


Shiina Mashiro looked at this figure quietly, how many hairstyles and dresses had changed, but she did meet this person, and what made her gradually startled was that it was not she who remembered this woman, but this woman. Remember her.

Shiina nodded, eyes sharp, and said, "You are the landlord who gave me the Baumkuchen."

"Yes, the answer is correct, but unfortunately, the apartment I finally gave to a certain kind of people was taken away when I left."

The woman who arrived suddenly was the landlord Ichihara Yuko. She smiled a little helplessly, and said something like a bit of bitterness.

"...Why do you remember?" Shiina asked, feeling curious.

"It needs to be said for a long time. Even if it is a god, there are things it cannot do. Otherwise, it will not find one after another to maintain the basic order of this world. There will always be some bugs, such as Li Jun, you...and me."

Ichihara Yuko smiled and said.

"Since there is a lot to say, why might as well come sit down at my house, and I can lend you my computer by the way." Ichihara Yuko reached out his hand and said inviting Zhenbai with an unreadable smile.

"..." Shiina was ignorant and blinked. She always felt that there was always a group of indescribable strange characters around Holmes.

Shiina Masashi finally agreed, and followed this woman with an ethereal temperament.

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