I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 727

She remembered that when Li Yan took her to sign the contract, she had walked a long way, but this place was not in Shinjuku at all, but after a corner of the street, she saw the simple Japanese-style house.

The room was quite warm, and the soaked coat was left in the room. Shiina, who was only wearing a shirt, was wrapped in a blanket on her body, holding hot tea, and found a touch of warmth.

"Your body is warm, even if you are young, don't be too messy." Ichihara Yuko took a towel and dried Shiina's white hair, with a relaxed expression.

"..." Shiina was really silent.

Ichihara Yuko smiled faintly, and said: "You are working hard. You keep trying to remember your precious things. Even if your spirit is torn, you can finally maintain it."

"The world has always been very strange, even if it has a weird existence, as long as you pass by the other party, the other party will pass away in a flash, and the world is no longer relevant. The world is ordinary. Talents are the strangest creatures in this world. Living in the world, you are not only yours. There is no single existence in the world, just like Li Yan's last "Persistence". Persistence is born for hope and the emotion of fighting for hope, even if it is a trace. , And some people are willing to move forward. Everyone will get in touch with someone, whether it’s other people’s experience, or experience with you, they will all become the source of your persistence. Everyone will not be free, so...life is interesting , Is the sadness, the one that cannot be abandoned..."

Ichihara Yuko's words seemed to poke Shiina's heart in the real white.

Life is happy because of meeting precious people.

"The landlord... how do I retrieve Holmes?" Shiina asked, looking up at her.

Ichihara Yuko smiled, took back the towel, sat on her cushion, turned her head to look at the bewildered rain view in the courtyard, and said, "Wishes cost a price. That's what the current agent said. The world has no Free stuff. To tell you the truth, I have also been in this industry for a long time, and I know this truth deeply. I will be here now because of the price of my wish... That incumbent looks like a man Very good, I am willing to tell you some last messages."

Immediately, her eyes were a little dark and gloomy, staring at Shiina Shiro, and asked: "The price is not necessarily equal, but it is absolutely uncomfortable. Even if you use your life as a mortgage, it may not be able to shake this. A force of strength, the hope in exchange for it is absolutely low, I guess only one hope is reserved for you, so would you be willing to gamble once?"


Shiina nodded and said.

Ichihara Yuko was slightly dumb, watching Shiina really white.

She originally thought that Shiina would hesitate for a while. This was a bit hesitant for ordinary people. It was not a fault, but a human nature.But this young girl knew what the price was, and she didn't change her face.

Suddenly, Ichihara Yuko laughed and said happily: "...Sure enough, you are the guest introduced by Jun Li. The residents I accept are all such guys. All my life continues to be interesting."

"...So, come back with you and them, Li Yan, my favorite friend... Bring it back too, please, in this world, only you can do things that witches, angels and demons cannot do. done."

"...I won't let Holmes disappear."

Shiina Mashiro was silent for a while, and said the words that he had always worried about.

Even Ying Lili finally forgot, Xia Shizi also forgot, everyone forgot, she will let Ying Lili and the others remember this one who has saved many people but could not be saved by others.

Ichihara Yuko looked at her face quietly, her expression gradually becoming sad.

"So, it's almost time, you should wake up, Miss Shiina."

This faint woman said to Shiina who was sitting opposite.

For an instant, it was like a dream.


Shiina Mashiro seemed to hear a bell ringing, suddenly opened his eyes, awake from the dream, and found that he was lying on the table and wondering why he fell asleep.

She got up and realized that she was still in this room, but the room was empty.

The tea on the table was already cold. It was still warm just now, but there was an extra item on the table, a laptop.

Shiina hesitated for a while. She didn't understand what was going on, but she reached out her hand, tapped the keyboard, and searched for the address.

Sanqishan Island.

One location is on an uninhabited island by the sea of ​​Tokyo Bay.

On the west side of Japan, there are hundreds of such small islands with only woods and no residents. One of them is called [Sanqishan Island], which has been developed and used as a tourist destination, but now the island is under heavy rain and there is no one. It also does not accept online bookings.

However, what was even more frightening was that it turned out to be 3:00 in the afternoon, and she slept for more than three hours unknowingly.

After Shiina understood the location, she stood up and prepared to go out.

But before going out, she turned her head silently, not knowing why, she still bowed slightly to the empty house, turned and left.

The picture turned, and in the empty house, Ichihara Yuko was sitting in that seat again, as if she had never left, tasting the bottle of shochu.

"There is no accident in the world, only inevitable..."

"I have calculated that Li Yan will be lonely all his life. Only at this point, will it turn over later... It depends on whether everyone in Yunyun is willing to find him back..."

"Shiina, it is the last key that I calculated together with the agent. It is the final compromise. Sorry, Shiina, a life is not simply rebirth, a simple mission can be accomplished..."

Shiina Mashiro fainted directly in the street and was sent in by her.

Time is also the time for Shiina to fall asleep, and it's already destined.Just like the similarity in the plot of the novel, Holmes has returned to the stage. Only "Watson" can always find Holmes back...

In the evening, the pier on the opposite bank of Sanqishan Island.

The fishing villages that rely on the seaside are all closed today, and the boatmen in the fishing villages who rely on island sightseeing to earn profits have nothing to do. Together, they are waiting for this long rainstorm to cease completely.

However, in the rest house, near the evening, a young girl came here, and no matter what, she asked to go to the island.

"To save a person who was put there."

The girl, who bowed her head and refused to leave, gave such a reason when she was discouraged by a group of boatmen.

No matter how the boatman refused or even yelled, the petite blonde girl shrank her body slightly and refused to leave.

A group of boatmen are completely gone. It would be more appropriate to call the police and ask the police to take it away, but they always feel that this girl is pitiful, saying to save people, they are sure that there is no talent on the island at all, but this girl of mixed blood Persist, they are also a little frustrated. Could there really be tourists missing on which island?

It took a full two hours and it became a deadlock.

A middle-aged boatman kept staring at this entangled high school girl, and realized that the longer her body was, the more her body was trembling.

"...A beautiful girl has a big advantage."

A middle-aged boatman looked at her, who bowed his head silently, and said with a long sigh.

It seems that this is a joke, but it is a truthful statement. This female high school student is indeed quite beautiful, with snow-white cheeks, beautiful features, blond hair of European whites, but with the delicate softness of oriental beauty. God seemed to favor her too much.

"It seems that you are not lying, I will take you to the island. In short, it is important to save people. You are so nervous, I am afraid that you can't take it easy." The tanned captain looked at her and said.

"!" Shiina Mashiro suddenly raised his head and looked at the captain in amazement.

"Are you crazy, don't you know how strong the wind and waves are outside?"

"I know, but this girl reminds me of the unsatisfied daughter in my family. She is as stubborn as she is. Don't worry. My crew and I will drive cautiously. When we were fishing before, such storms and waves were repeated. Forget it."

"...Yes, you are the best boatman in the village."


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