I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 728

"I have decided, I will take this responsibility."

During the discussion with a group of boatmen, Shiina Mashiro watched quietly, her hands clenched slightly.

A white ordinary refitted ship put away its heavy anchor amidst the shouts of a group of sailors. The ship sounded its flute, as if it were on an expedition. Watched by a group of boatmen, it began its expedition on the stormy sea. .

On the swaying boat, the boatmen were cautiously operating, paying attention to the wind direction and surrounding conditions. Such wind and rain were actually not a big deal to the residents at sea. The middle-aged captain didn’t take it seriously. He just became responsible. They are all tied up.

Shiina Mashiro grabbed the handrail and looked forward in the dark ocean.

Gradually, an island appeared on the dim skyline.

"I saw..."

Shiina Mashiro whispered.

"Hey, can you see it? It's so rare. The fishermen who are used to fighting the night ocean can barely see a little, and you can see it too."

The captain was taken aback for a moment, and said with some emotion.

Shiina Mashiro's always dazzling pair of eyes quietly looked forward.

For a few kilometers in the sea, everything is going well in front, the radio is usually, and the hull is very stable.However, just when he thought that he could land on the island smoothly, there was a hoarse noise from the radio. The fifty-meter water around Sanqishan Island suddenly became quite turbulent, and the ship could not venture to shore.

"No, I can't rely on it at all!"

The middle-aged captain felt that it was too dangerous to let the ship enter the current. This ship could easily be taken away and stranded, and it might even hit a rock and be crushed, making it impossible to reach the port.

He turned his head to Shiina Masashi who was shocked and said, "No, this time the weather is too strange. We must turn back to be safer."

"...I won't go."

Shiina looked at the situation and understood the situation, she looked at the direction of the ocean current, shook her head, and said.

"Don't be fooling around, even if someone above asks us to save it, it's too dangerous!"

"thank you."

After Shiina Mashiro stood up straight, he bowed to the captain and other crew members.

With that said, she was wearing a life jacket herself, and when no one knew what she was going to do, she opened the door of the ship and jumped into the dark sea.

All crew members were shocked by this move.

They rushed to the deck one after another and saw this girl swimming desperately to that island.

The turbulent sea water constantly washes objects onto the shore. Naturally, a boat can’t get to the shore anywhere, but people can. It’s just too dangerous in the middle and the possibility of being caught in the sea is very high. However, when Zhenbai wanted to draw comics In the words that the island was killed and the corpse hidden in the wall, she carefully studied the knowledge of many ocean currents. Her eyes were sharper than any experienced captain. This is the ability that Holmes has praised, and she continues to struggle. , Avoiding the rocks on the bottom of the sea, approaching that coast.

The people on the boat board were all dumbfounded, what kind of girl this is so amazing.

"Too messy..."

The captain was worried and planned to jump down to protect this girl, but in the sea of ​​lightning and thunder, a terrifying scene happened at this moment.

Amidst the dark clouds, a piece of dawn appeared in the sky, like a solidified minefield, illuminating a huge creature wriggling behind an island.This creature was able to cover the mountains of the island, revealing a faint shadow.

Like a movie, a wandering boat encounters a weird and terrible monster.

The people on the boat were completely confused, what is this!?


After a while, everyone covered their heads after putting them on, almost bursting, and the spirit was almost on the verge of collapse.

The captain fell on the boat board, he was horrified and rested, listening to the painful groans of other people, he didn't understand why he just saw a vague thing and suddenly collapsed like this.

Are there any monsters on the island!?

Chapter 351: The Elapsed Half Year (End of Volume)

Black rain enveloped the world.

In a dark forest, you can't see your fingers, and the flashing thunder light from time to time illuminates this dull place. Vaguely, there is a jitter of firelight in the gap of the forest.


The figure wandering in the dark, burning flames, emitting a little spark in the damp wind, holding the double-pass shotgun that burned with him, in the woods with this behemoth with countless tentacles.

The communication was fruitless, and the positions of both parties became extremely obvious in just a moment.

Agoffs, the former ruler, was exiled and the only deity who was nostalgic for human civilization. He had unparalleled strength and wisdom, but he seemed a bit old-fashioned.This mortal who came from the darkness of the sea told him a lot of the secrets of this world, especially the soul of all things is the indestructible energy in the universe.But the next step is to prepare to absorb him compulsorily, and finally use his soul and a strong sense of guarding the world to inherit the world creatures who have been exiled while continuing to guard this world of danger.

Even if the old ruler is really willing to let him prove himself, he is doomed from the beginning that his odds of winning are very low, almost negligible.

It lasted for a long time, Li Yan persevered. Even when the odds of winning were very low, at the moment he was caught, he ignited the biggest flame of his soul, and almost used his desperate level to resist the old. Day dominator.

However, if this continues, he still firmly believes that he can win.

Even if the power of the dominator is really terrifying, it seems that the dominator has fallen into exhaustion and is already unable to do it. His soul fire has the same strong damage to the dominator. After all, this is the strongest he has burst out so far. This time, even Niederhogg suffered a heavy blow under half of the flame and was defeated. This time, the more he stalemate to the back, the more sure he was to defend his rights.

In the torrential rain, in the open grassland, the slender and unexpectedly powerful figure made an adventurous and courageous move. Facing the behemoth, he had no intention to retreat, looked face to face, and stared at the opponent's weakness.

But vaguely, Li Yan always had a doubt in his heart.

—— [So far, 19 predecessors of successors are heroes who save the world, and 6 predecessors of successors are known as the strongest in the world. My own skill and speed have always maintained the highest level of mankind, but we all challenge Failed... if there is gain, there must be loss, Li Yan, please remember what my senior sister said.

"Wang Hong Berry...what does it mean?" Li Yan thought uncomfortably.

He can come this far, why can't Wang Hong Berry and the others...

In the anxious resistance, an overwhelming forest, a hillside that was almost completely turned over, and a mist of water, Li Yan used the terrain to repel the tentacle with a shotgun and fist.

In the continuous battle, Li Yan almost no longer preserved his physical strength, and worked tirelessly to this step.

The bell kept reverberating in the soul, like a judge, and this rebirth who resisted fate is trying to prove his innocence.

The figure walking like the wind climbed up the hillside, preparing to attack the weak spot of the ancient god's eyes.

At that moment, when he raised his gun and aimed it at the eyes of the ancient god, an unexpected thing happened.

His fingers did not pull the trigger.

[Beep beep...]

[Beep beep...]

The voice of the editing system suddenly resounded in his consciousness, like a weird sound coming from a blank, dark space.

In just an instant, Li Yan's pupils contracted, and at this critical moment, his consciousness once again peeped into the...not far future.

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