I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 729

A blood-red picture, an irreversible situation.


Standing on a high slope, this figure aimed at with a double-pass shotgun, motionless, the whole person fell into chaos.

——Wang Hong Berry: If you gain, you will lose, Li Yan.

——Ichihara Yuko: ...they knowing you is a kind of happiness, but it is also a kind of danger. The danger is not because of you. Maybe there is already where you want to go, lonely and die, or continue to edit your own world?

The rain drenched the figure who had struggled to this day. He stepped back, lightning and thunder accompanied by high places on the hillside, white flowers flying in the world, he raised his head and looked at the ancient god.

There will be gains and losses...

It turns out that this is the truth.

There is no accident, everything is inevitable... already doomed, their rebirth cannot escape the fate.

Therefore, no one can beat the ancient gods.

The dominant power is not power, but the ability to change fate. This is an irreplaceable power dozens of times stronger than Wang Cranberry.

In the wind and rain, the flame on that person's body gradually extinguished...

Under the complicated inner torment, Li Yan finally extinguished the flame of his endless struggle.

His bloodshot eyes were sullen down, as if they couldn't see anything.

Bit by bit of memory, painful, happy, lonely, reunited, indifferent, expectant... the proof of his existence in the world, I don’t know how long it took, the tentacles began to entangle Li Yan’s Li Yan was motionless on his body, seeming to have grasped his existence, but he could not make any resistance.


Suddenly, when it was about to be dark, the deadlock was broken like a pure white rendering. In the dark mountains and forests, a girl's tearing voice stopped Li Yan.


When Li Yan heard this, he raised his head and looked over again.

After all the hardships, Shiina Mashiro successfully landed ashore, and under exhaustion, he still had to run to the very dynamic hillside of this island. At this last moment, he finally found Li Yan smoothly.

But when her eyes looked directly at the huge, twisted and weird creature, her headache suddenly became more painful than ever, and she suddenly fell on the grass, unable to move.

"Really white, why did you come here?" Li Yan asked in amazement.

Almost on the verge of falling into a mental breakdown, Shiina Zhenbai cried out in pain, and the tearing sound passed through Li Yan's ear, causing Li Yan's heart to shatter.

"Holmes... what are you doing, run away... run away!!"

Shiina Mashiro shouted hurriedly.


Li Yan looked at Shiina really white.

This girl, is he looking for him again...

Li Yan's eyes became more and more complicated, and finally, he responded to Shiina Zhenbai.

"...Sorry, it's white, I'm afraid I can't go back."

The sound of rain, thunder and lightning, everything suddenly calmed down.

Humans are creatures with precious emotions.


In the neighborhood of the street, like yesterday, in the street anxiously looking for the true white green mountains and seven seas, constantly shouting in various eyes.

"This fool... Where did he go..."

Standing in a street, Qi Hai looked left and right, muttering.

Sakura Village, near the venue, at the station, almost half of Tokyo, she thought she had searched for it, but she did not find a true white figure.

When Shiina Mashiro left, she just told Nanami who was standing in the corridor to say something to Uesugiyan about herself, and then left in a hurry.As a result, Qi Hai was left alone in the corridor and waited for an hour.

How many close people will there be in the world who is taken care of, always doing wrong things, always forgiven, not complained, and consistently met by a girl?Shiina was indeed lucky, except for Li Yan, it was Nanami.

Qi Hai searched and searched, and finally, near the evening, in a quiet street, she accidentally ran into a figure in white clothes.

During the conversation, Qingshan Qihai's expression was startled, and she was surprised. After hurriedly bowing to the woman, she went to the highway and stopped a taxi to get to a farther place.

"Almost... it's over."

Ichihara Yuko quietly watched the girl get in the car, and did one last thing that was unnecessary and necessary for the white wish.

on the other hand.

Darkness can't stop those bright and beautiful eyes from seeing all this.

After hearing Li Yan's reply, the true white expression on the grass suddenly became dumbfounded.The girl trembled, and she didn't understand why Li Yan said such words.

Amidst the darkness, there was tranquility, and the lawns and woods were filled with rain and mist, and the rustling of rain made the place a little bit more miserable.The girl who fell on the ground, and the figure wrapped in the tentacles of the huge creature, seemed to be still.

"Listen to me, it's really white..."

"I actually died once..."

"It was killed by one of my favorite girls."

"I have never encountered anything happy in my whole life. The mere warmth was given to me by my grandfather and my master, but after they left, I was already exhausted..."

"After I was given a new life by the ancient gods, on the day I decided to write a novel and chose to leave my bicycle to save the angel, I began to understand the meaning of life and the real happiness. So, I I don’t want you to die so lonely like me. This feeling is really uncomfortable..."

Shiina opened her eyes wide and listened to Li Yan's words.

Li Yan raised his head and looked at Zhen Bai and said, "I have something that must be done. Whether I like it or not, I can't escape it. So. Everyone forgot...you also forget it."


Shiina Mashiro fell on the lawn, squeezed away in pain, but shook his head visibly.

"...Holmes... don't disappear"

"This is not only my wish, but also everyone's wish. You just exist..."

"Do you have something you have to do..."

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