I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 731

The landlord also said that even if it is a hard gamble, the hope is very thin.

For the painter, losing color and light is like killing her...


Shiina felt silently that she was standing in the dark world, there was nothing, she was of no color.

However, she once saw a precious scene in the dark.He saw Li Yan's gradually disappearing hand, and everything explained that if Li Yan disappeared in a corner of the world, no one could see him, she could still find Li Yan in the dark.

Her eyes lost the light, but she made the necessary conditions to bring light to Li Yan. This is the indispensable faint light...

The spiritual pollution of the old dominators is most direct than looking directly. Zhenbai, with extraordinary eyes, happens to be the only one who has the best ability to retrieve Li Yan. In order to protect Zhenbai and find that new "dominator", she A heavy price must be paid.

"Nichikai, don't cry...I'm fine."

Said in vain.

"This is my strength..."

half year later.

In the physics class of the University of Tokyo, Suzu Hagi always kept a seat next to her somehow, but she always felt too strange why she always used to do this. The result was even more strange that Professor Kenichi Ogura would always be in this empty seat. Turn around in a circle.

In the afternoon, among a mess of objects in a room, a girl with blonde hair and ponytails accidentally found an unsigned outline of a novel. After reading it, she was surprised to find that it was quite interesting. So she was in her spare time, writing on the drawing paper. I planned to design the character image of this novel outline, but I only drew the organization diagram. Suddenly, the brush tip broke.

Several consecutive brushes are broken.


Ying Lili looked at her brush curiously, always feeling that it was too bad, but she didn't know why, she always felt that she unconsciously increased unnecessary strength so much...

Since the Sanqishan Island incident half a year ago, a world-class talented painter girl named Mashiro Shiina suddenly lost her eyesight. Medical staff from Germany, Britain, Japan and other countries have checked her. She has no eye problems at all, but just Can't see anything.The reason for the speculation seems to be caused by mental trauma, but when everyone regrets it, it is surprising that Shiina Shiro does not have any sad emotions. She still continues to paint oil paintings and draws a manga on the theme of detective works. Therefore, he insisted on staying in Japan, with Nanami and Rita.The parents and family agreed with her, and even the sales volume of that comic was quite good, but the update speed was very slow, and it only reached the third volume in half a year.

The advertisement for "Necromancer" is still hanging in the bookstore in Shinjuku.

In the rainy streets, there are few pedestrians, and a beautiful figure stands under the pavilion of the bus station.

"From the first volume, I can't see at all what the main storyline of this novel is now..."

On a summer Saturday, in the drizzle, under the snow with a transparent umbrella, while Xue Nai stood on the street waiting for the bus, looking at this pit work, which had only been updated to the second volume in half a year, frowned and said to herself stand up.

But when there is no book to read, it is the novel written by this author that is of interest to pass the time.

"Xiaoxue, waited a long time!"

At this time, Yukoshita Yukino was not far away, and Yuihama Yui ran over with a large bag of items with a smile.On Saturday, she accompanied this friend to a boutique clothing store in Tokyo to buy. She looked at it and it seemed that Yui bought a lot of clothes.

However, in the drizzle, in front of Yukino's eyes and in front of Yui, I suddenly saw a young figure wearing a white coat with a hazy figure looking at her quietly. For a moment, Yukino felt a little confused. He thumped, but after Yui ran over and covered it, when I looked again, that figure did not exist.

"Did you read it wrong?" Xuexiaxue Nai wondered.

As a result, after the two girls got together and chatted for a while, the public bus stopped steadily on the side of the road. When it was about to board the bus, Xuexiaxuena closed the novel and revealed the name of the book. [Uesugi].

It was drizzling, the bus drove out, and a hazy Tokyo street. In that empty street, but I don't know why, a quiet young figure stood in that position.


Those eyes glanced at the direction the bus was leaving, and finally, quietly disappeared into this vast rain and fog again...

The fourteenth volume of the half-year priest Chapter 352 The legendary creative god

A girls' school.

On Friday in October, in the scorching summer, after school, in the empty school corridors, there are always some girls who like to whisper.

"Now, do you know the legend?"

"What legend?"

"Urban legend, a legend that is very popular these days."

"Stop talking, I'm going to attend a music training class tonight."

"What are you afraid of? It's just a legend, and it's a legend that is closely related to us students of music."

"……what is that?"

"The traditional seven wonders, and the zero hour hell girl, these are old news. I heard from my sister that recently there is a legend circulating in the art club, called [Master Earl under the Moon]. A new urban legend that has only appeared in the last half a year. It is said that as long as the moon is full, you will see Lord Earl in a deserted street. He wears a high hat and cannot see his face, but his eyes will glow red, which is quite scary. After the people you meet go back to sleep for a day, those who fail the grades will see leaps and bounds for a period of time, the writers will be inspired, and the musicians will also be leaps and bounds during that time.

"It's a lie, it sounds like Ruishen doesn't it?"

"No wonder, if you see it when the moon is full, if you meet Lord Earl on a rainy night...but you will drag those who see him into hell~~~"

"Ah! Don't scare me, you fool!"

When school was over in the afternoon, the two girls who were in charge of locking the door of the club talked about urban strange talk, and ended the conversation in the midst of a fight.

He does not mean that.


A young girl carrying a black guitar bag came downstairs. This petite girl with a baby face is beautiful and cute, with an indescribable sense of weakness. Her long black hair is tied into a double ponytail hairstyle, which is somewhat difficult. It can be seen that she is already a female high school student in the second grade.She heard all the conversation, looked at the two girls with a slight frown, and sighed slightly.

"Technology needs to be honed with hard work over time. It's not like believing in weird legends to improve yourself. The people in the jazz club are really lazy."


She exhaled and walked downstairs carrying her schoolbag and guitar bag.

The quaint girls’ high school always has rumors of one kind or another, but this school is a good school, and the relaxed and brisk life allows every student to fully sublimate his interest in cultivation, she chooses The original purpose of this high school is that the music club of this high school is quite good and the atmosphere is good.

"Well, go to the bookstore today."

Today, the girl who left alone for the last time smiled and thought.

Located in a bookstore in Shinjuku, Tokyo, in a merchandise area that specializes in music products such as band albums and sheet music, this female high school student carrying a musical instrument carefully searched for music scores that he could refer to. The result seemed to be nothing, and he walked to the automatic door of the store in desperation.

As a result, in the doorway part of the bookstore, all kinds of light novel books and periodicals were piled up.


Such reading materials are extremely popular among students. As a candidate, you should have done your best to study. There are also management clubs that have been approved on the basis of acceptable grades.

She came to the automatic glass door, and when the glass door opened, she saw that it seemed to be raining outside.

"Oh... why is it raining suddenly again."

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