I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 732

She raised her head and looked at the surging dark clouds in the Tokyo sky, thinking helplessly.

The girl thought sadly: "Today, Friday, I had time to look for music scores and lyrics to conceive. After the typhoon, the weather is really changeable. Even if you bring an umbrella, you will get the guitar and schoolbag wet. The weather."

In desperation, she ran towards her home in small steps.

At the moment the peak period has passed, and because it is about to rain, there are not many pedestrians on this street.

However, just after getting off the subway, the girl saw that it was already pouring rain outside.

After calling the house and telling her that she could not go home for the time being, the girl sat in her seat and sighed, waiting for the torrential rain to cease.

At about 8:00, the girl who had waited for more than an hour walked out of the subway entrance, and finally it rained and cleared.

"Touch your hands lightly~~~~ Feeling your innocent warmth, I have found that time passes gently between my fingers..."

A girl in a white shirt in a summer school uniform reads various lyrics silently, but always feels that it is still a little different from the tune. Sure enough, composing and writing lyrics is really difficult, laborious and laborious, and she really cannot have such creative talents like her predecessors. .

The street after the rain was empty, and the street lamps seemed to be difficult to illuminate every corner of the street. The cool wind quietly blew the girl's hands and neck, causing her black hair to flutter.

The girl stopped thinking, but also stopped walking.

I always feel that there is a light mist in front of my eyes, and the streets I have to pass through every day are a bit strange today.

"It's weird, this kind of feeling..." The girl thought to herself, her face showing fear.

It should be said that it is not gloomy, but it is more like feeling that this street is a bit strange. The water drops gently falling down the green leaves of the potted plants on the roadside, ticking, and the girl carrying a school bag and a guitar bag inadvertently broke into it.

At this time, the moonlight after the rain fell gently on the ground.

——If you see it when the moon is full, if you meet Lord Earl on a rainy night...but you will drag those who see him into hell~~~]


Suddenly, the girl remembered the conversation between the two of them in the jazz club after school, and her face was pale. After swallowing, she mustered up courage in fear and continued to walk towards her home.

A piece of moonlight fell on the ground, illuminating the originally invisible road. The girl raised her head and looked at the sky. As a result, the night after the rain seemed to be particularly beautiful, so poetic, and a round of bright moon revealed whiteness from the dark clouds.

However, she smiled and walked a few more steps until she came to a bridge over a river and saw a figure in the moonlight.

There was a man in a dark coat and hat sitting on the railing of the bridge with his back to the girl.

"Eh..." The girl looked at this person, why was she dressed a little strangely, she always felt like she had come from a foreign country.

"Then, that... sir, it's dangerous to sit there..."

The girl was a little wary at first, but she was still worried that the person sitting there was a little unclear. She hesitated for a while, and then hesitated to remind.


As a result, the figure shook slightly, and he immediately turned around and looked at the girl.

Under the moonlight, this is a young man with a height of about 1.75 meters. When he looks at her, his face is dark and invisible. It seems to be covered with a layer of cloth. He wears a three-cornered hat, like a medieval dress. The breath was strange and handsome, but the girl's eyes widened and her body began to tremble. One of the eyes of this person was emitting an unnatural red light.

Those eyes were extremely fierce, peeping through like a demon in the dark.

The girl looked in her eyes, opened her eyes wide, opened her mouth slightly, her face turned blue.Lian trembled unnaturally and began to back up.

This figure is definitely not human.

A chill swept through the girl's heart, and she guessed that she had really encountered the legendary urban strange talk!


"I... I really didn't see anything, please don't come... don't come!"

The girl stepped back, trembling, as if she couldn't even make a call for help.I want to close my eyes to prove, but I am worried that closing my eyes is more dangerous.

Strange talk, Lord Earl!!

This figure slowly walked towards her. I don’t know why, the girl’s spirit began to become excited, and her consciousness became very strange. The schoolbag and guitar bag on her shoulders gradually slipped down. Seeing this figure stretched out her hand. To catch her, finally, the girl screamed and ran back.

The figure stopped, watching the girl crawling and running away, then looked at the guitar and schoolbag...


The girl who came home from the other way was almost paralyzed on the hallway, but when her parents saw her panting and asked about the situation, the girl finally shook her head and said nothing.

It was like a nightmare, leaving her undecided.

However, she couldn't believe that the urban legend was true. After eating, she hid in the quilt and trembled.

Rumor has it that seeing "Earl" under the moon will give you valuable inspiration.If you meet the "Earl" on a rainy night, those who see it will be dragged into hell.This time it was quite complicated. She saw this kind of monster under the moon after the rain, so how would the other party deal with her?

Just thinking about it made her even more afraid to get out of the quilt.

How to do how to do……

The girl huddled in the quilt rolled up like a kitten, her eyes closed and shaking.

However, I don't know why, in the girl's mind, the music scores and lyrics that were originally difficult to conceive, but between her thoughts, began to have a steady stream of inspiration. Almost the tunes and lyrics moved her herself.

After a long time, she finally plucked up the courage to climb out, and when she saw that there was nothing in the room, she wrote the new song with cold and warm.

"It's strange..."

"Why... why did it suddenly come out..."

The girl thought complicatedly.

However, in her heart, while worrying about the horrible encounter of the night, she was also deeply worried about her lost guitar and schoolbag...

on the other hand.

That night, an accident occurred in a corner of Tokyo's rainy city.

A yellow-haired high school sophomore suddenly rushed out of the highway and was hit and killed by an oncoming bus.

This guy who is quite popular in school has been talking on the 2ch forum that he always sees a figure wearing a high hat wandering beside him, and even a figure wearing a hat wandering in line In his window, many people thought that he had encountered [Earl]. Who knew that the person who was broadcasting this strange incident was really knocked out for some reason.As a result, this news spread like wildfire on the Internet and immediately caused a sensation on the Japanese Internet.

This is simply another sensational strange story on 2ch after the original [Karitsuki Station] strange story.

In the rain, in a police car, amidst the crowd of people, and the flashing warning lights, a figure standing at an alley in the misty rain was watching this scene.Wearing a high hat, like a European gentleman and girl, there is extreme danger in her beauty.

A charming and cold smile appeared in the corners of her pretty mouth.


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