I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 734

The black-haired girl with two pony tails named Zi Nakano had a nervous expression. She had no time to eat that cup of ice cream. She took out a few pages of music from the package and handed it nervously to the two girls opposite.

"That... I just created the new song last night. Any comments or suggestions are provided."

Nakano Azusa pretended to be calm, and said to them both with a serious expression.

Sitting opposite, there is a brown-haired girl with a short ponytail. She has a beautiful and soft appearance and a good personality.The other one tied her dark brown hair in pairs. It looked quite normal, with some natural curly hair. At first glance, she looked like some kind of lovely girls who are kind of easy but not bad.

Hirazawa You and Suzuki Jun are both second-year students, like Azusa Nakano, and close friends of this composer girl.

Suzuki Jun first took the score and asked, "A new song created in such a short time...Will it be too rush?"

Not only Suzuki Jun, but also Hirazewor on the side with some worries. After all, this is the first time this guitar girl has composed a song. It took less than a week to conceive, and it was indeed a bit too fast.

However, when Jun Suzuki and Sawa Sawa saw the score, they just passed the middle section, and the melodious tunes and moving lyrics made the two girls stunned.

"How, how?"

Nakano Azusa asked nervously.

You Hiraze immediately raised his head to look at Azusa Nakano, and said in admiration, "It's great, the degree of completion is very high, Azusa, you are amazing!"

Suzuki Jun also had to agree, looked at her in astonishment, and asked, "How did you do it, so you can do it the first time you create?"

"Yes, is that right? This...this...maybe it was stimulated by something, on a whim..."

As soon as Azusa Nakano heard so much praise, her white cheeks turned red, her eyes widened slightly, and then she explained in a vaguely shy manner.

"It's great, I want to be on such a whim too..." Suzuki Jun said with an enviable expression and took a sip of juice.

"In this case, my sister and seniors will definitely adopt it."

You Hiraze said with a smile.

When Azusa Nakano heard this, joy gradually appeared on his dull face, and he whispered, "Hope."

Sakuragaoka High School for Girls has always been known for its excellent club culture and admission rate. Among them, the jazz program and the light music program have always been highly rated. Because it is a girls’ high school, the average level of cute looks for girls seems to be among the best in Tokyo. Attention.

In short, being able to successfully create outstanding newcomers and prepare for the academy festival also made Azusa Nakano a sigh of relief.

However, the credit for her first musical score creation in her life is generally related to the urban legend she encountered last night... It is rumored that anyone who sees it will get a valuable breakthrough in inspiration. Now that it is like this, she always feels that it is simply Just like the god of creation...

After eating the desserts, a group of people began to go to the area where they had agreed to go shopping.

The temperature in October is quite moderate, and it is slightly hot for cities covered by reinforced concrete. Although weekends, weekends in Japan are a little empty. There are not many pedestrians on the streets at ten o'clock. Under the gray sky, three people The girl strolled on the pedestrian street.

"October so soon, I really don't want time to slip away in such a hurry. For the January exam in the third grade, we are the prospective candidates. The thought of entering college is a headache..."

Suzuki Jun looked at this gray road, like his own future, surrounded by high-rise buildings, while the tram hurried past not far away, making a ding-dong ding-dong reminder sound as if to remind her that time was approaching.

Hiraze You said: "My sister has been preparing for college entrance examinations very hard recently. Time really flies quickly."

After hearing this, Azusa Nakano asked curiously: "It doesn't matter for seniors, right?"

"It doesn't matter, sister, although she usually doesn't seem to be in a hurry, but once the critical moment is the person who should take the shot." Hiraze You said with a smile.

Both Azusa Nakano and Jun Suzuki were stunned. They always felt that Hirazawa was very worried, and they would describe their sister's cuteness as unfathomable.

When it comes to the topic of the exam, Azusa Nakano's face is also slightly troubled. Her grades are not bad, but she once again remembered the situation that her guitar "charcoal" and her schoolbag were missing. In the morning she secretly went back to the bridge to watch Now, I have also asked about her package and guitar at the police station.

"It's a headache..."

Nakano Azusa lowered his head and sighed.

"It's really rare. Didn't you get very good grades? It turns out that I am not the only one who is worried." Suzuki Jun realized that he had found a partner and his expression was much more relaxed.


Azusa Nakano fell silent, not knowing what to say.

At this moment, after the three girls passed through an alley, they walked to the side of the road. A lot of flowers were placed on the side of the sidewalk. There were clearly visible brake marks on the road surface. Traffic accident.

Suzuki Jun's face changed suddenly, and she seemed to see the background of the traffic accident.

"Car accident?" Hirazeyou asked curiously.

Suzuki Jun immediately took the hands of the two of them, and said with some fear on his face: "Don't go this way, let's go around..."

Azusa Nakano looked curiously, and said, "The mall is coming soon."

"Neither of you know the major event that happened last night..."

Suzuki Jun looked at them with a complicated expression and asked.

Nakano Azusa and Heizawa were stunned for a moment. Looking at Suzuki Jun, they had not heard anything at all.

Suzuki Jun took them back to the alley, stretched out a finger and said: "I'll tell you all, but actually a terrible thing happened last night."

Azusa Nakano shook slightly and looked at Jun Suzuki blankly, always feeling that something was being said in her heart.

"What's the matter?" Ping Ze You asked.

"Generally, I am not very clear, but the Internet is now falling out. Urban legend, Lord Earl under the Moon."

"I saw the news on the Internet last night. Internet rumors are discussing that the traffic accident that happened last night was caused by the monster. There are more pilgrims at the shrine today than before. The victims have been All the posts were broadcast live on the forums. In the end, I heard that they were hit by a younger generation car directly in the middle of the highway. In short, there are various versions, but each version is quite scary.

Suzuki Jun exhaled, and said, "I forgot for a while. I just remembered that an accident happened nearby..."


Azusa Nakano's face was pale, and he was stunned.

Hiraze was worried, nodded, and said: "This is just a wild guess, but since you have said so, let's go the other way."

When Jun Suzuki and Heizawa were about to leave, they realized that Azusa Nakano did not follow. They looked back and looked curiously, but saw the trembling, terrified Nakano Azusa.

"What's wrong, Zi?"

"That, that... wait a minute, I, I actually..." the girl trembled in response, but when it came to normal, the tears in her eyes rolled up and were about to fall...

"You said, did you bump into [Earl] last night!?"

Suzuki Jun's face turned blue, and asked in surprise.

The three girls sitting on the threshold of a shrine surrounded by woods seemed to feel that the shrine was safer before Azusa Nakano dared to tell them what happened last night.

For the girls who live in the greenhouse and lead a relaxed and happy life every day, the extraordinary things in the city are definitely the existence that they can't touch. Who knows that it was broken last night.

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