I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 735

Azusa Nakano nodded with tears in her eyes.

"Can't you read it wrong?" Ping Ze You asked.

Nakano Azusa shook his head slightly, and said in a low voice, "You can't read it wrong... That man is wearing a hat that doesn’t look like this time’s clothes, his face is covered, and his eyes are terrifying. With the unnatural red light, I felt chilly when I encountered it, quite strange."

"Um..." Jun Suzuki and Heizawa looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

I don't know why, Suzuki Jun heard about twenty, dressed like this, sitting under the moon looking at the world, the image is a bit unspeakable and handsome. How can it be as elegant as the monsters of urban legends.

"No wonder you suddenly wrote such a good song, it turns out..."

Suzuki Jun naturally knew the details of this urban legend, and said in a sad voice.

She thought for a while, and then said, "But, you didn't see Lord Earl in the rain, so don't be afraid."

Azusa Nakano shook his head again, shed tears, and said, "I am scared... My schoolbag and guitar may have been taken away by him... He must have been staring at me. The situation last night was considered bad. It’s hard to tell whether it’s rain or moonlight. Maybe it’s both. It gave me inspiration at first, and then I killed my priority goals before I didn’t do anything about it..."

When the two girls sitting aside heard this, they also felt that this seemed very reasonable.

They are just ordinary people, who knows how to expel evil spirits when encountering such horrible things.


Suzuki Jun said with a serious expression: "Don't worry, let's go to the shrine and ask for a talisman, and then... we girls are not incapable, right? I have another way. I hope I can help you through this. A difficulty."


At noon, Nakano House.

"I am back."

Azusa Nakano walked into the room and shouted from the hallway.

Inside the house came her mother’s worrisome voice while preparing lunch: "Zusa, welcome back... By the way, Zi, I ask you one thing, do you have pets in your room?"

"Huh? No." Azusa Nakano was taken aback, just took off his shoes, shook his head, and said.

"It's weird. A strange sound came from your room not long ago. It seems that something is walking. I opened the door but found nothing. I thought you secretly brought the wild cat back..."


Azusa Nakano was stunned.

She was chilled all over, what was this unfolding, it was almost the same plot as a horror movie.

That [Earl] actually found her home directly!?

Da da da!

The girl hurriedly stepped on the wooden board and arrived in front of her room. In any case, she did not want to involve her parents. She almost used all her courage to open the wooden door of the room. As a result, she saw that everything in her room was as old. The windows were closed tightly, nothing changed.


Azusa Nakano seemed to run out of courage for a moment. She didn't dare to approach her room, remembering the scene on the highway, and finally squatting on the ground, trembling.

In the end, she wiped away her tears secretly, took out her mobile phone, and dialed the phone numbers of two friends...

At about 1:00 in the afternoon, the two girls hurried over and entered the room with Azusa Nakano in the name of visiting.

"This guy is too smug!"

Suzuki Jun said angrily.

"...But what can we do?" Hiraze You asked in a low voice.

"..." Nakano Azusa was surrounded by him, head down, not knowing what to say.

Suzuki Jun took out a thick printed material and said: "I have investigated the legend of [Master Earl], and found the weakness of Lord Earl, but there are also many versions. Some people say he is afraid. Salt, some people say he hates blue clothes, and some people say he hates novels... Anyway, all the methods can be used."

"Hmm..." Nakano Azusa and Heping Zeyou nodded.

Suzuki Jun put forward a bold opinion and said: "I think we have to communicate with [Master Earl] and ask him how he can let go. If the other party is obsessed, we will use these things to cure it."


The two young girls sitting on the wooden plank stared at Jun Suzuki blankly, and they choked up for a while.

It seems that there is only this way.

Suzuki Jun sat in front of the two of them, with a look of fear, and added: "The best time to say on the Internet is at night, because [Earl Lord] can only come out at night, and only meet when the full moon is the best time. of."

"Tonight, my parents will go to the show, so..."

Nakano Azusa lowered his head and said in a low voice.

While preparing these things, Hirazawa You touched Suzuki Jun, and asked in a low voice: "I think...Should it be better for priests or witches to come and assist?"

Hirasawa is still a little hard to imagine that there will be such a thing, but she also knows that Azusa Nakano will not be so careless, always feel that it would be better to have priests help.

"No need... In March, there was an uncle who was stared at by [Earl Lord]. Even if he hid in the shrine, he would not be troubled. The whole room was torn down, so I don’t want to let him She knew this, and deliberately did not propose such a method."

Jun Suzuki took a peek at Azusa Nakano and whispered to Shirasawa You.


You Hirazawa whispered.

Although the two girls were very scared, they had no plans to shrink back, and carefully prepared props of one kind or another.

Li Yan indeed found the location of the residence named Azusa Nakano in the dropped schoolbag in the morning.

Being a dominator in the old days has many inconveniences. Because of the powerful spiritual appeal to people and animals in the outside world, the dominator can only stay in the secondary space, strictly separated from humans, and able to observe the outside world, but it will be because of the full moon. , With special weather phenomena such as heavy rain, the agent is likely to break away from most of the power of the dominator and return to the world for about five minutes.

It’s just that when Li Yan saw that girl, the editing system buzzed, letting him know that this group of girls was like Ying Lili and the others, whose deeds were written by another world as "characters" "...

Not long after the Mid-Autumn Festival, the phenomenon of full moon was very frequent during this period, which gave Li Yan the opportunity to appear many times, so many times that he was bumped into by strangers. This time was a bit special. Putting off his own package and guitar, such things are probably of great significance to the female high school student. Li Yan spent a little time thinking about how to send the items back.

When the moon is at its fullest tonight, when the body comes out of the secondary space again, by the way, send the guitar and schoolbag back to the room of the female high school student to end all the small disturbances.

Tonight is cloudy, it is difficult to tell whether it will rain, and the moonlight is looming.

As a result, when he entered Nakano’s house, Li Yan realized that things didn’t seem right...

If three girls sit at a square table in the living room, there is a candle on the table, and a picture of the money fairy is placed on the table, and the surrounding lights are turned off. They seem to be playing. A very dangerous psychic game.

Li Yan watched the three girls press their fingers on the coins, and the coins were placed at the entrance of the torii gate. It seemed that it hadn't started yet.

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