I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 738

"There's no way... now you can force the Lord Earl back."

Suzuki Jun looked up at them and said.

You Hiraze asked, "How come back, please?"

"Master Earl, thank you very much for your answer. Now you can go back. Now please go back to the torii gate."

Suzuki's pure forehead was in cold sweat, and he began to recite the spell of sending away, and let the coin walk directly back to the position where the torii began.

When Li Yan was silent and helpless, he had to follow the words of this girl who looked a little like the previous generation, and moved the coin back to the Torii, and ended it with the fastest way to make them feel terrified. game.

However, under the pressure of many fingers, it seemed not easy to move it back, but because of the strength of the other three girls, it seemed to go back and forth around the torii gate of the drawing.

"Oops, it seems that the other party just doesn't want to go back." Suzuki said in astonishment.

"Obviously you are right to move around..." Li Yan thought distressedly. His body was almost leaning forward. After maintaining this posture for a long time, the old wounds on his waist began to faintly aches, and he couldn't help but complain. .

However, just as Li Yan was gradually taking control of the direction of the coin and heading back to the torii gate, a strong wind blowing in from the window blew out the candle on the table.


At this moment, it was like the last straw that crushed the camel. Almost at the same time, the three girls screamed and retracted their fingers on the coin.

Suddenly, the room was quiet, the candle wick emitted a faint fire light, emitting a pungent smell, but whether it was Azusa Nakano, Jun Suzuki and peace of mind, they all felt a chilly breath, saying nothing. come out.

"...I left my finger." Azusa Nakano was silent for a moment and said to them.

"So are we..." Suzuki Jun Heizawa replied, feeling dumb for a while.

In the sky after the rain, a bright moon appeared, and a silver moonlight shone into the room through the window, and fell on Li Yan's body.

In the living room with only three people, in that vacant position, I don’t know when one more person will come out...


Azusa Nakano and other three girls turned their heads in amazement. At this moment, the one wearing a Gothic cocked hat, a dark coat, and short black hair, sat quietly in the moonlight, especially Suzuki Junshi was too much. Approaching the other party, he clearly saw that he lifted his head slightly from the direction of looking at the coins, and looked at the three of them with the eye that exuded an unnatural scarlet light.

Suzuki Jun swallowed, his eyes almost too scared to blink, looking at this profile face, to a certain extent, it seemed that this demon did not lie...


At night, in the quiet and weird street, three young girls screamed in unison in the Nakano House. It seemed that a simple thing would always become more and more complicated because of the girls' thinking...

Chapter 355 Mysterious Comic Girl

In the living room, almost fell into chaos.


Suddenly, the three young girls reacted differently when facing extreme danger.

The girl with short brown hair and a single ponytail ran in the direction of the door for the first time. The girl with black and double ponytails went directly under the dining table holding her head and trembling, almost as if she was avoiding an earthquake.

If you instinctively make what you think is the safest circumvention because you have never encountered a peculiar phenomenon, these are still reasonable.

Li Yan also knew why they were so frightened. His body was assimilated by the old rulers. It is not an exaggeration to be treated as ghosts, demons, and monsters, but he really did not expect Haoyue after the rainstorm. The astronomical phenomenon in the sky caused such an irreparable situation.


Li Yan turned his face to look at this one, who was still staring at the female high school student with the tail-to-tail hairstyle. The culprit who made the atmosphere so terrifying did not intend to escape at all.

The expression of the girl with a temperament leaning towards vitality and ordinary class in front of him was full of a strong curiosity, and the curiosity and shock in his eyes seemed to be super-expanded.

"What are you doing, you are running away, Xiaochun!"

As a result, Hiraze You, who had already run out, ran back again, grabbed Suzuki Jun’s shoulder, dragged her to the door, and shouted.

The girl named Jun Suzuki suddenly leaned back off guard and made a startled sound of "Ah". As a result, an item fell from her pocket, but the body was dragged to the side of the dining table by Hirazawa.

Li Yan was silent for a moment. He lowered his head and looked at the moonlit place. The girl's pocket turned out to be a comic book, but the cover made Li Yan's eyes change.

"Devil Detective Agency" by: Aoyama Mio.

"..." Li Yan was silent for a moment, stretched out his hand to pick up this cartoon.

"Zusa, don't hide under the table, being trapped in the house is the most dangerous thing, come out quickly!"

Hiraze You was still pulling Nakano Azusa under the table, and said hurriedly with tears.

However, just as Hirazawa was holding Suzuki Jun’s collar with one hand, and on the one hand, when he brought the frightened body of Azusa Nakano out of the table, unknowingly, the three of them noticed the scary [Master Earl] Ignoring them, instead I opened the cartoon and looked at it.

The three young girls who were hesitant and fearful were immediately stunned, what they were doing.

Moonlight, like being attached to this murderous demon who doesn’t even mean to leave at all, with his eyes that can see everything in the world clearly day and night, holding a comic book under the moonlight, his eyes are serious and slightly caring. Leaf through.

The black breath permeated his body, as ethereal as the ink of clear water.

Nakano Azusa and others were almost bewildered by the actions of this terrifying demon. How could a demon who kills without blinking like comic books.

"Sorry, when was this comic released?"

Li Yan turned his face to look at the three girls who had hidden in the hallway, and asked.


In the pitch-black living room, the three young girls suddenly turned blue when they were glanced at by the bloody red light from the right eye.

They didn’t know why, they didn’t choose to continue to escape for a while. They seemed to be able to communicate when they heard the other party. It’s not like a Japanese horror movie. They can’t communicate at all. They are distorted and crazy and generally kill people without distinction. Minute.


Jun Suzuki next to Azusa Nakano gradually spoke.

Under the concern of the two girls around, Jun Suzuki was the most calm, she said: "This was... released in September. Aoyama-sensei's manga has been updated very slowly, after the first volume was published in April. ...... After two months to serialize......"

Suzuki Jun didn't understand that he had a strong curiosity about this monster that threatened Azusa Nakano. How to explain it... When I first saw it, it wasn't the hideous face of a demon, there was no evil. The enchanting aura, no cold murderous aura, and even no uncomfortable feeling. If you look at it up close, it would be better to say that he is a traveler with unknown origins and a traveler with many stories.

It is also unclear whether she is the only one of the three girls who is fascinated by comics and anime stories...

For the existence of hope in the middle of the dream, no doubt, no matter how scared, I will look at it more curiously, and then take a closer look, but it seems that I am confused by something deep in my heart.


Li Yan fell silent.

He clearly understands Shiina's current situation.

——Li Yan!I will definitely find you!!!

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