I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 739

The young girl's heart-piercing, but roaring voice like a lion made him hear clearly even if he was submerged in the endless darkness of the universe. That night, that girl seemed to have an invisible flame, so Tiny but with such a powerful figure, quietly looking up at him, looking up at the dominator.

The girl who was put on his shoulders in the rain in the courtyard, convinced that he could come back...

As a result, Shiina became blind...

This is the long-term price of looking straight at the old ruler, and it is already the lightest price... There used to be many cults worshiping the old ruler. Even the telepathy can destroy the souls and brains of ordinary people. The point of recovery.

Therefore, this is why he cannot reappear in front of Shiina Masaki. The influence of the dominator is irreversible. If Masashi is allowed to accumulate mental pollution, he does not know whether his abilities can restore her.

However, if he is blind, he still has a way...doing the right thing at the right time, this is the final decision he left everything half a year ago.

However, he really couldn't imagine how he would continue to draw comics after losing the bright real white...

There is no problem with the sub-mirror and quality of the painting, and it still maintains the previous level, but it is very scary to think about how to achieve this.

"Thank you, your name... is it Chun?"

Li Yan put the manga back on the table. He stood in the moonlight, with a vigorous and mysterious body, like a dream. Li Yan looked at the girl with a double ponytail and said, "I'm sorry last night, Miss Nakano... It’s not like the legend on the Internet, killing people... all murderers are the most wicked people, whore, murderers, or molesters and scammers, as long as it is standard enough, I need their souls... you don’t need to worry at all. , Don’t believe too much in false rumors."

He put the guitar and schoolbag beside him on the table, raised his head and looked at her, his sharp eyes seemed to ease slightly, and said: "I will give you the things you dropped last night. Sorry, I don’t know. When will I be able to meet the conditions for showing up, so that I scared you...I look scary now..."

"Uh, this..." Nakano Azusa was stunned, but hid his face on the edge of the wall, only showing a pair of eyes, and said timidly.

"Don't play games like this anymore. This is not an ordinary game. Maybe it will really summon incredible monsters."

Li Yan finally said this reminder. He originally wanted to interfere with the brains of the three female high school students to make them fall asleep, but after all he felt that he missed the best opportunity at the beginning and could no longer hide it. Let them remember him for a while, and wait for time to gradually wash away this unrealistic memory.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

At this moment, the girl named Jun Suzuki stopped Li Yan suddenly.

"What are you doing, Xiaochun, it's not easy..." Hiraze You suddenly paled and asked Jun Suzuki in a low voice.

Li Yan stopped and looked at this girl with some curiosity. To be honest, this girl with a pair of tail hairstyles was too courageous...

Jun Suzuki hesitated. She looked at the figure standing in the moonlight again and asked, "That... Lord Earl, do you like "Detective Devil's Office"? Actually... I belong to Mr. Aoyama. Fans, I really like this story. If Bo and Earl likes to watch it, I think it must not be a bad person..."


Li Yan was taken aback. For half a year, he had been regarded by people as a monster and a demon, but it was the first time that this group of girls had spoken well.

In the end, Li Yan seemed to smile. This smile, like an oil painting, was vicissitudes, weird, mysterious, and dark, but with the softness of moonlight, and the fusion of this emotion. For the three girls, it was for Suzuki Jun. , It shook her soul.

"...Thank you for loving her comics so much."

Li Yan looked at Suzuki Jun and said.

Five minutes of time gradually passed. Li Yan's body became more and more transparent. He walked toward the door and passed by the still scared girls. The darkness outside was thick, and in the fresh water mist, this figure was gradually covered by water mist. Submerge until it disappears.


Nakano Azusa and Heping Zeyou, who slumped directly on the floor, breathed a sigh of relief. It was a realistic version of Midnight Terror, but fortunately, this demon did not attack them.

Suzuki Jun stood at the door, her body trembling, she rushed out and rushed into the mist, making Nakano Azusa and Heping Ze worry startled.

However, there is nothing in the calm street, only the worms making all kinds of wonderful noises in the haystack, and... the vast full moon in the sky after the rain.

"Idiot, don't chase it!"

Azusa Nakano and Heizawa are out, and shouted behind Suzuki Jun.

"Azusa...this feeling is amazing, isn't it?"

Standing on the street blankly, Jun Suzuki felt that he had discovered a secret that few people in the world had discovered, and asked with a little hesitation in his voice.

Nakano Azusa and others were taken aback, looking at the back of this friend whose secondary attributes were flooding again, they didn't know what to say.

"The absolute master of creation is not an evil spirit who kills innocent people indiscriminately on the Internet. It is an apostle from hell who harvests sinners. He even returns you things from Azusa. He didn’t deal with us. Today’s experience, I’ve always felt I won't forget..."

Suzuki Jun looked back at them with an excited expression, and said, "It's almost the same as seeing the protagonist of "Devil Detective Agency", isn't it? The character settings are too similar. They solve the case in the dark and punish [the world] Devil], handsome!"

"...No, it's just that you can imagine yourself too much." Azusa Nakano breathed a sigh of relief, and said with lingering fear.

However, Suzuki Jun’s feelings are not surprising, even if the events of this night are said, no one believes.

Rumor has it that killing people in the rain, the enlightened Lord Earl... is real...

next week.

It is located in the music room of the school building, which is the location of the Qingyin Club of Yingqiu Girls High School.


In the club activities after school, the senior high school girls who were drinking tea and eating cakes looked at the new song and lyrics handed over by Azusa Nakano, and their faces suddenly became shocked.

"The degree of completion is very high, and the lyrics are very meaningful..."

A girl with long black hair and a black-haired beauty exclaimed in astonishment.As a member of the main composer and lyrics, she knew at once that her work was destined to fail in this new song selection.

"It's not bad! Azimeow." The girl standing aside, with a bright forehead, said with a hearty smile, looking at Azusa Nakano.

"Yes, yes, it's really a very good piece, I want to play it and listen to it right away."

Another third-year girl with brownish-yellow, slightly fluffy long hair, who looks well-trained, also praised it.

Azusa Nakano was lifted by this series of recognition and praise. It was almost the most successful moment in her life. Her cheeks were flushed, she smiled shyly, and then stepped up to explain the source of the song, saying: "When I go back It happened to be raining. I don’t know why, but I feel a sense of melancholy and loneliness. It happened that the moonlight hit that one..."

After talking about the middle, Azusa Nakano suddenly stopped the topic.

"Well, why don't you continue?" the black long straight girl asked suspiciously.

"Nothing, that's almost it..."

Azusa Nakano recovered and said with a smile.

But she couldn't help thinking in her heart: "I can't tell, I can't tell about the [Earl Moon under the Moon] after the rain..."

In the club room, there are senior sisters Akiyama Mio, Tianjing Nakaru, and Qinqijing, who are all seniors of Azusa Nakano in the light sound department, and they are all third-year prospective graduates.

At the moment when Azusa Nakano relaxed his vigilance, from behind, there was a natural girl with a limp body and limp cheeks, hugging tightly, rubbing her cheeks against Azusa Nakano’s cheeks, and said with happiness: Azimeow, isn't the song very cute?"

"Please stop, only senior, don't always be like this... I told you to stop..."

After being caught by Yui Hirasawa, who was also in the third grade, as a senior, Azusa Nakano, who was unable to break free like a cat, was rubbed against his face and bitterly refused.

Akiyama Mio smiled and said, "Anyway, this piece is quite good at completion. Okay, let's use this one for the school festival event!"

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