I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 740


Azusa Nakano immediately became happy, and the deer smashed into chaos.

Finally, she was able to add a work to the club!

The light tone department, it’s strange to say that the quality of the team is not bad. Senior Akiyama who is good at bass has excellent performance and creative skills. Senior Minister Nakaru Tai, who is very carefree, can also cooperate with drums. Senior Kotobuki has always They will provide after-school refreshments. In addition to being good at keyboard playing, they also added several high-quality songs to the club. Yui Hirasawa, who has always looked naturally dull, is also a genius with absolute sound sense. Azusa Nakano has always wanted to talk to her senior We were in the mood to break out of the world together and stay in the light sound department. It was obvious that the quality of the team was very good, but she always had a feeling of restlessness.

"Then, senior, let's start practicing!"

Azusa Nakano said with excitement.

"Just after the weekend, it's still too late."

"The homework for the senior year is very heavy..."

As a result, Tian Jing and Heizawa were lying on the table and making a lazy voice at Azusa Nakano, which sounded embarrassing enough.


Azusa Nakano lowered her head, and her uneasy mood might have come from this.

All in all, the song she worked so hard to compose was finally accepted.

Two days have passed since the shocking incident. Azusa Nakano will also go to the Internet to read news of urban legends. Surprisingly, there are no more rumors about [Earl] on the Internet, but some people suddenly disappeared. , Will be considered likely to be dragged into hell by the hell girl. Someone saw incredible and other strange news in the school.

Since then, the pure skills of Suzuki in the jazz club seem to have improved a lot, and they have been praised by the seniors.And Ping Ze You's test scores unexpectedly improved a bit, which constantly proved the reliability of [Creation God].

However, Azusa Nakano still has losses, for example, the 500 yuan coin was confiscated by the God of Creation.

"It's like putting a 500 yuan coin into a cash box at a roadside shrine to let the gods fulfill their wishes..."

Nakano Azusa was stunned, thinking.

"Zusa, what are you thinking about?"

A girl's voice interrupted Azusa Nakano's thoughts.

"Huh?" Azusa Nakano came back to his senses, only to realize that he was having lunch in the classroom with You Hirazawa and Jun Suzuki.

"Nothing..." Nakano Azusa said with a smile.

"Hmm...could you be thinking about the count?"

Suzuki Jun looked at Azusa Nakano, guessed her thoughts, and asked.

Nakano Azusa and the others suddenly showed shocked expressions. Nakano Azusa whispered, "I've agreed not to say it in school."

Suzuki Jun smiled and said, "What does it matter? No one believes when we say it."

She turned around and searched her schoolbag, and said: "Also, I have collected a lot of information about [Master Earl]. According to the image we saw, some found that many witnesses on the Internet were fake. Yes, it’s just an eye-catching hype. The background of the person who attacked by Lord Earl has also been found out. There are indeed some bad private lives, and some guys with poor evaluations have suffered. Everyone has seen the appearance of the incident, but it is true. I don’t study the endoplasmic situation very much..."


The two girls were dumbfounded when Suzuki Chunjin had collected a thick pile of materials.

Hiraze You looked at her and asked, "I always think Xiaochun, you care about... [Earl Lord] things."

"Yes, after all, I am a big fan of "Devil's Office"."

Suzuki Jun said with a bright smile.


Nakano Azusa and others looked at Jun Suzuki with weird eyes, always feeling that this was the reason. That night they also made the remarks that [the person who reads this comic is definitely not a bad person] was too arbitrary.

"You are not the same. My bass performance is not very good, and my grades are average. My hobbies are comics and games. No matter how you look at it, I’m an ordinary girl. Although I stay in the jazz club, it’s easy not to be expected. And pay attention to it, it's totally different from the treatment of Azusa in the light tone department." Suzuki Jundan said with a smile.

"Eh...why did you say such a thing suddenly?" Azusa Nakano asked suspiciously.

Suzuki Jun shook his head and said, "Nothing, but I really feel that if there is a new world experience in life, it will be really different... I don't know why, I always feel that [Earl Lord] is indeed not a bad person."

Nakano Azusa and Heizawa felt that after that night, Jun Suzuki almost worshiped and became obsessed with [Earl Lord] with a fanatical mentality...

Although after that night, I did feel that this rumored demon was not a threat to anyone, but to some extent it brought them unexpected surprises.

"The god of creation..." Azusa Nakano sighed, his mind was a little confused, this is not something ordinary people like her can think.

"By the way, I participated in the event when I purchased the third volume of comics, and it turned out... hee hee..."

Suzuki Jun took out a lottery ticket, braggingly said: "On Saturday, Aoyama-sensei's on-site autograph session, there are only 30 places!"

Nakano Azusa and Hepingze were taken aback for a moment, and said, "Teacher Aoyama..."

"Yes, but I was too lonely in the past. Are you free? If you can, come with me to participate. After all, Lord Earl also likes comics. Isn't it interesting to see the author himself?"

Suzuki asked with a smile and suggested.


Azusa Nakano fell silent.

Aoyama Mio...

For some reason, she always thinks of the image of Akiyama Mio-senpai, after all, the two names are too similar.

I don’t know what this cartoonist who can attract the god of creation looks like...

Chapter 356

Tokyo Saturday.

Under the wet streets and the gray sky, it is a gloomy and busy city. The flashing sign lights of the shops, the green potted plants, and the hurried passers-by are the scenery of this Saturday.

"It's annoying, it's raining again..."

Suzuki Jun, holding a transparent umbrella, stood on the bus and waited for a long time.

It should be said that Jun Suzuki herself came to the concentration area near the station too early. Her mood has been very excited these days, and everyone in the class and the club has realized this.

Suzuki Jun checked her hair for a while, but fortunately it didn't turn up again. Under such a typhoon, she was quite troubled with her hair quality, but she was more careful and focused on dressing up this week than ever before. .

Suzuki Jun took out a small mirror and took a look at his hair. Then he took a good look at his dress. After he felt relieved, he put away the makeup mirror and thought: "...they are all old fools when they go out. Brother said some strange things, I was so panicked."

"Long waiting, Xiaochun."

"Have you waited a long time?"

At this moment, the voices of two girls came from one side of the subway.When Jun Suzuki looked, he saw Azusa Nakano wearing a denim and You Herasawa in a loose brown coat.

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