I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 741

Suzuki Jun has been waiting for about forty minutes, but she still shook her head, smiled and said, "No, no, then let's go."

The sound of ticking rain came from overhead. After getting off the bus, Azusa Nakano glanced at Jun Suzuki's appearance. Not to mention Jun Suzuki's brother noticed it. Both of them have noticed the incident since last Saturday. After that, Suzuki Innocence has been shining until now.

"It's just [Earl]'s little girl... To a certain extent, Lord Earl is dangerous enough..."

Azusa Nakano thought silently.

In a week, Azusa Nakano once again walked the path of the bridge, because it was relatively late to go back. On Tuesday and Friday, I still saw the [Earl] sitting in the moonlight in the distance. I don’t know why, people. It seems that no one else can see clearly in the streets where people come and go. It seems that the moon is not very round these days.

"Hum hum……"

Suzuki Jun humming a little song, slowly holding an umbrella, walking down the street.

You seem to have seen something, and stopped for a while, and finally asked happily, "Xiaochun, look, it's a meeting on Kimura Road. It seems to be held not far away. Don’t you like Kimura Road very much? , Do you want to go over there?"


Jun Suzuki stared blankly at the handsome celebrity on that huge poster. She was indeed fascinated by this super idol in the show business since her middle school, but she didn't know why. Now after watching this tender look, Some are unmoved.

"...I'm not going anymore. I suddenly felt that it was too abrupt to see a star, and... Recently, I am more addicted to manga and novels." Suzuki explained with a smile.

Said Jun Suzuki and walked away, leaving Azusa and Heizawa with a melancholy expression.

Sure enough, Suzuki Jun did not hesitate to replace all of his idols...Although it was a normal operation, it was really rare that Suzuki would float for a week.

"Well, maybe this is not a bad thing, after all, I thought that the act of chasing stars was not very appropriate..." Hirazeyou said with a smile to Azusa Nakano.


Azusa Nakano was silent and said.

However, Azusa Nakano always feels that he worships an urban legend as an idol, and always feels like a cult activity...

Nakano Azusa thought: "Although I feel scared when I think of it now, I don't know whether that person is a monster, a demon or... a ghost, but he did have the opportunity to attack us but didn't do so, and he spoke very politely. Is it really okay to be so close..."

After walking for about ten minutes, they were soon in a building in the commercial district of Shinjuku and headed to a library company floor that has been booming in recent years.

As a result, as soon as I came to the door, I saw dozens of people have been waiting here for a long time.

"It seems that manga is really popular." Azusa Nakano looked at the scene curiously and said.

"Yes, Sanwa Bunko is a company that manages comics and novels. Recently, it has published a lot of popular works, so it has become more and more famous. Although the market of some library companies seems to be occupied, they do not like being divided. It looks like a cake..."

Hiraze You said with a smile.

Nakano Azusa was taken aback and asked curiously: "Worry how do you know such details?"

"If we go out, the destination will definitely be well investigated." Ping Ze You took out a small notebook and introduced.

Sure enough, Nakano Azusa always felt that Ping Zeyou absolutely absorbed all the strengths of her sister, which led to such a big gap.

Seats were arranged at the door. After paying the lottery to the company staff, the three girls all sat on the seats and waited.


When Azusa Nakano was looking from left to right, she suddenly saw the wall of the company with various illustrations and posters of works, many of which she has seen anime, such as "The Legend of the Demon Sword", "Girl Band Leaf", "Women The good works of "Academy Everyday King"... As a result, "The Traveler of the Necromancer" is listed impressively.

"Eh, is this book popular?" Azusa Nakano was slightly startled and asked in a low voice.

""The Traveler of the Necromancer"...A lot of people in the class are watching. I heard that the feelings are very rich, and they suddenly attract tears, and suddenly they are nonsensical. The protagonist seems to be a necromancer, who specializes in resurrecting some weird people. Then I searched for the story of the bondage with the people who returned to the world. The plot seemed very warm... The classmates who said they didn't watch it scoffed, and the people who watched it would be addicted... This look..."

Ping Ze You on the side continued to explain.

"Worry you are really like a living dictionary..."

Azusa Nakano said in astonishment.

"I don't have the habit of reading novels. When it becomes animated, it's okay to watch comics." Jun Suzuki continued.

She remembered the stack of light novels she had seen in the bookstore before. She was attracted by the fresh cover, but when she saw the name, she thought it would be a horror plot and didn't buy it...

Be addicted?

Azusa Nakano blinked.

At this moment, there were fewer and fewer fans in front, and it didn't take a lot of time, so Suzuki Jun's name was called.

"Miss Suzuki Jun, is it your turn?"

The front desk staff smiled and said.

It seemed that the look of expectation attracted the attention of the staff, so he remembered Jun Suzuki's name. As a result, he quickly called this lovely and energetic high school girl.

"Yes!!" Jun Suzuki stood up excitedly, holding a pen and notebook and preparing to go in. She turned around and said to the two of Azusa Nakano: "Go in now."

"Wait a minute, Miss Suzuki, only you are allowed at the meeting..."

Upon seeing this, the front desk staff immediately stopped Suzuki's actions.

"Forget it, let them all come in."

Suddenly, just after the three girls were startled and looked at each other, a capable and hearty woman's voice came from the door of the company.

"Ah, is it okay, calamus sauce...Then, all three of you will go in, it was really rude just now." The young woman at the front desk was taken aback and smiled and said to them.


Suzuki Jun three nodded one after another.

I don’t know why, when the door opened, the three girls felt a little nervous in their hearts. They seemed to be afraid of the professional sacred place, and also seemed to be suspicious of the author so far. An incredible person is waiting quietly...

This young female staff member dressed in formal clothes and short hair led the three of them to the office. After passing by the busy work department, the three girls looked pale.

"I always feel... very hard." Hiraze You said in a low voice.

"My dad was so tired that he slept on the overpass stairs several times." Suzuki Jun Tucao said.

"Uh...I always think it's better not to go to work in the company..." Azusa Nakano suddenly burst into tears and whispered timidly.

At this time, the female staff member who led the way was taken aback, then turned around and smiled and said, "You have been said before."


The three young girls were taken aback, looking at this brown-haired female employee.

However, Kagurazaka Ayame has been thinking about it for a long time, but she can't always remember where she has heard someone complain like this. That kind of tone is lazy, full of disgust, and there is always a creative voice of laziness, and this A cute girl with double pony tails really fits the picture.

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