I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 747

This is the ability that the great devil can't be more proficient, but Niederhogg has mastered the ability of [greedy], Li Yan has always occupied the power of the demon that cannot inherit [lazy], it seems that his dominator power Incompatibility sake.

"Sure enough, you still have to avoid contact with humans for a long time, so I hope you won't regret it again, and help you decide what to do first... By the way, did you really meet her for the first time?" Nieder Hogg said Looking over at Li Yan, asked.

"... Actually it was twice, what's the matter?" Li Yan paused and asked after answering truthfully.

"Really, you, a demon, god, and human being so skilled in the current generation are really not suitable for many things, such as... how to deal with the lost believers who are obsessed with you."

Niederhogg said with a faint smile.

She said to Lilith, "You send her back, remember, you must wait for her to return home safely."


Lilith didn't know why Nidhogg wanted to do this, but she still flew.

Under the woods, in the sunny moonlight after rain, and in the white mist, this swaying girl just went home unconsciously.

The swaying leaves add a bit of weirdness and tranquility.

"Then, let's talk about work, the old master who guards this world order."

Niederhogg stood in the moonlight, said with a mysterious smile on his elegant temperament and beautiful face.

"...How about your investigation?" Li Yan asked, realizing that Niederhogg had information.

Niederhogg's eyes were like moonlight and still water in the night, and he said: "It seems that a demon with the same ability as you has sneaked in. The situation is very bad...The intelligence is: don't open it."

In the night, quietly creeping bodies, who knows what they are...

Chapter 359 Na, don't open that door

The sound of rain ticking passed on the window near the girl’s pillow.

In the early morning, Azusa Nakano dimly opened her eyes, she got up, she seemed to remember in her consciousness that she had come back alone, but she always felt strangely wondering if she came back here by her own will...

Azusa Nakano was wearing pajamas, she walked to the window and watched the rain outside.This is not an ordinary rainstorm, but the rapid and windy weather like a waterfall. It is splashed with blurred vision. The smell of mud in the courtyard outside the window is quietly blowing in. For urban girls, the smell of mud is not disgusting.

"There was no notice from the school... I don't have to go to school today."

Azusa Nakano sighed and looked out the window blankly, thinking with lingering fear.

She changed into a clean and tidy school uniform in front of the mirror, tied her double ponytails, and then looked at herself in the mirror carefully, smiling, and thinking, "Okay."

But, for some reason, she looked at herself in the mirror and suddenly remembered the vague and haughty voice of a young girl last night.

——No matter how delicious the gods or demons they look like, they are not something you can approach now. The more curious you are, the harder it is to come back sometimes. This is the favorite way for the demons in this dark area to play with... Be careful Oh, don’t be blinded by curiosity. What they like the most is to think of you as a delicate and beautiful child who lives in a fairly happy world...]

"..." Nakano-Zusa was taken aback for a moment, and didn't quite understand the meaning of these words.

"Although I always feel like a dreamland, but sure enough... it's not a dreamland, demons, gods, and fairies... Oh, I always feel that I'm farther and farther away from the ordinary world."

Azusa Nakano frowned slightly, feeling a little worried about her condition, and thought in silence.

While having breakfast with family.

"Zusa, it's raining too much today, so mom and dad will send you to school."

As the band's guitarist father, he has always been slower when eating breakfast, and said to Azusa Nakano with a smile.

Azusa Nakano was taken aback for a moment, and then listening to the hustle and bustle of the rainstorm, he nodded and said, "Yes, Dad."

"By the way, I heard your mother say that you are now active in the school's light music club. How are you doing? Are you happy?"

His father asked with interest.

"This...I am happy. The seniors are very good and very good. If you play, you can perform a great performance." Azusa Nakano's expression was a little troubled at first. She really didn't know how she was feeling. Gradually, she still thinks she is very happy.

Father looked at the guitar bag placed at the door and said with a faint smile: "It's been a long time since I listened to you. There is still some time after dinner. Please play a piece for me and your mother."

"……no problem."

When Azusa Nakano heard this, he was slightly stunned, and then nodded, although she felt that her parents were still worried about whether she had joined a club that did not help her.

In the early morning, on a gray rainy day, some empty streets.

A guitar tune that matched the rain scene came slowly from the girl's slender fingers, tactfully and pleasantly, so that the dining room was immersed in a melodious tune.

After the song, Azusa Nakano put away the guitar and looked at her parents. As a result, she could see that her parents seemed to be in a good mood, and it seemed that she had come up with an unexpected level.

Indeed, she played a tune that she herself felt was too perfect...


Azusa Nakano looked at her fingers and guitar blankly, always feeling that she was endowed with incredible enlightenment and power.

Sure enough... Lord Earl is still the god of learning who leads creation and learning.

6:55 minutes.

Azusa Nakano sat on the back seat of the car at home and leaned on the left window. When the car was driving, his hands were on the side of the window, searching for something in the rainy and misty streets.

As a result, when passing the bridge, the speed of the car was not fast, in a bleak and cold rain scene between the sky and the earth, Azusa Nakano saw the transparent figure still sitting there.


Nakano Azusa stared at the figure that was so dimly illegible.


Why, he will always guard one side of this bridge, as if waiting for someone to arrive.

Azusa Nakano looked there ignorantly, and was soon sent over by his parents' vehicle, and drifted away from this banished god...

Yingqiu Girls' High School.

The torrential rain went on and off for a whole day, and until school was over, the rain began to get heavier again.

Obviously, it is autumn with mild weather, but Japan has encountered a strong typhoon not long ago, which caused such inconvenience.


Sitting in his seat, Azusa Nakano sighed slightly, looking at the gray sky.

"Azusa, what's the matter?" Suddenly, in front of her, Shirasawa and Suzuki asked with curiosity, who were preparing to take action after school.

"Uh, this..."

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