I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 748

Azusa Nakano recovered and sat upright. After seeing Hirazawa You and Suzuki Jun, she wanted to tell them about her hiding from the rain yesterday, but she quickly remembered the reminder of [Earl]. Finally he stopped talking, shook his head, said with an awkward smile: "...Nothing."

"Very suspicious, obviously showing a troubled expression." Suzuki Jun frowned and said suspiciously.

"The rain is really heavy today. When my sister came over, most of the clothes were soaked. Really, it hasn't been very peaceful recently."

Ping Ze You raised his head and looked at the sky, and said sadly.


Azusa Nakano was silent, staring blankly at Ping Ze You's back.

Hiraze You turned around and smiled and said to them: "By the way, you and Xiaochun have club activities, can you not go there now?"

"Oh, prepare to go." Suzuki Jun nodded and said.

"I'm ready to pass too." Azusa Nakano said with a smile.

After a brief greeting, the three walked to where they wanted to go.

"Now, Azusa..."

While in the corridor, Jun Suzuki was very thoughtful, and suddenly asked Azusa Nakano: "Seniors from the Ketobu are nice to you, right?"

"Eh...yes, it's good for me, what's the matter?" Azusa Nakano was taken aback, turned his face to look at Jun Suzuki, and asked.

"Actually...No, just ask, see you later, and call me when you go back."

Jun Suzuki wanted to say something, but still smiled brightly. They walked up to the stairs, and then Jun Suzuki ran to the activity room with bass, turning around and beckoning to Azusa Nakano.

"Huh?" Azusa Nakano looked at Suzuki Jun curiously.

I heard that the jazz club is a part with a large number of people, but it is also a part that pursues "strength first". The atmosphere is very good, but it may still be very different from the light tone club.

The activity room of the light tone department.

"I'm here."

Azusa Nakano opened the door and said something to the inside.

As a result, what came into view was the scene where the four senior sisters and a consultant teacher were sitting together drinking tea.


Azusa Nakano was stunned at the door. Although she had guessed that this would be the case, when she saw it with her own eyes, she didn't know why her heart still hurt.

"Azimeow, come over for a snack..."

Yui Hirasawa, who was full of happiness, greeted Azusa Nakano and said.

"Really... I don't know if I can train well today?" Azusa Nakano thought helplessly.

Although she doesn't hate this kind of atmosphere, she always stays in the activity room to eat snacks, wasting time, and she is still too lazy.

"Zusa, this one belongs to you."

Qin Blowing smiled and put black tea and snacks in front of Azusa Nakano and said.

"By the way, we were expecting you just now, Zi."

The beautiful and talented Akiyama Mio looked at Azusa Nakano with a smile, and asked: "Your playing level seems to have improved very quickly recently. It's really amazing. We want to know how you have been training recently?"


Azusa Nakano shook her body and opened her eyes slightly, looking at the five senior sisters and teachers who were looking at her.

In the face of so many expectant gazes, Azusa Nakano hesitated and explained: "This, this...what should I say, after I go back, I will review it a bit... or the seniors are too lazy, that's why I found out about me. The progress is faster..."

She was so nervous that she always felt that "I have seen urban legends twice, and I have been spiritually inherited".


Nakano Azusa's words hit the hearts of the four girls and the teacher, and this kind of probe topic seems to have been ended because of this. It is simply a taboo for [tea time after school HTT].

"Today is a rainy day, so we'd better reduce our activities as much as possible. Waiting for the rain to stop like this, eating snacks is also a way of training..."

As the minister, Nakari Tiani put on a natural expression and said triumphantly.

However, before the words finished, the top of this girl with a bright forehead was swollen and swollen with a fat blow by Qiu Shanmi, and she lay on the table to cover her head.

Aoyama Mio said with a serious look: "Azusa is right. We have been too lazy lately. Now we must practice hard."

"What, don't you have a great time eating? It's raining today. Recently, there is a very interesting story in various schools. Would you like to tell you now, Lord Earl under the moon, Lord Earl under the rain... …"

Tian Jing Zhongrui put out his tongue and said to Aoyama Mio with a ghostly expression.


As a result, Tian Jing Zhonglu had another red and swollen trauma on the top of his head, and said with a trembling, "I haven't said anything yet..."

"Don't say it!" Qiu Shanmin's tears almost came out, and he shouted excitedly.


Azusa Nakano fell silent, and after hearing the rumors of [Lord Earl under the Moon, Lord Earl under the Rain], his expression was a bit complicated.

Yui Hirasawa, who was in a good mood, noticed Azusa Nakano's expression and asked, "Azusa, what's wrong with you, what are you thinking about?"

"It's nothing... Let's not talk about it, after the snack, let's practice!"

Azusa Nakano stunned slightly, and then shook her head. She deliberately opened the topic, and once again excitedly suggested to everyone.

"Eh...it's already late, I can't get any energy on rainy days." Yui Hirasawa put his face on the table and said lazily.

"Yeah, yeah, let's train hard tomorrow." The minister on the side also lay on the table lazily and said with a happy expression.


Nakano Azusa and Aoyama Mio looked at this loose situation with a headache, and the conniving teachers Sawako and Kotobuki, always felt that their department's future was gloomy.

"Never let mom and dad know the true situation of the light tone department..."

Azusa Nakano frowned.

However, I still feel that... the department is too lazy, too far from her ideal and enthusiastic light tone...

Vaguely, when Azusa Nakano bowed his head helplessly, they didn't notice that there was something in the crack of the warehouse door, peeping at this scene...

In the afternoon, 5:45.

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