I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 753

Nakano Azusa hesitantly asked, "What's wrong... Xiaochun?"

Suzuki Jun looked at Azusa Nakano with dissatisfaction and anger, and said, "Since you know the location of Lord Earl so long, why don't you keep telling us?"

"This...because Lord Earl told me not to tell irrelevant people..." Azusa Nakano was a little surprised by the dissatisfied Suzuki Jun, and explained.

"But I am not an irrelevant person, and I am also with Lord Earl..." Jun Suzuki retorted angrily, but after realizing that she was inadvertently angry with Azusa Nakano, her expression gradually became regretful and she withdrew her emotions.


Hiraze said sadly: "In fact, there is a reason for Azusa. After all, ordinary people like us have to contact unintelligible gods... it is still very inappropriate, she has no other meaning..."

"... Ziyou won't understand my feelings, you must not understand."

Suzuki Jun turned her head away, her expression gloomy, she quickly turned around and prepared to leave with Beth on her back, and said to Azusa Nakano.


Azusa Nakano and Heizawa watched with an uneasy look at Suzuki Jun leaving alone like this. After knowing him for so long, it was the first time he saw Suzuki Jun who was cheerful and energetic.

At dusk, Azusa Nakano held his chin in both hands, staring blankly.

"Azusa doesn't seem to have much energy all day." Yui Hirasawa poked Nakano Azusa's cheek with his finger and whispered.

"I have quarreled with my friends, what's the matter? Sooner or later, friends will have such things. If you don't quarrel once, you can be regarded as normal friends. Like me and Miao, quarreling is almost the same as three meals a day..."

Tian Jing Nakari showed the confident expression of a senior, and said triumphantly.

But before the words finished, Tanjing Ryu was beaten on the top of the head again, and Akiyama Mio said with an annoyed expression: "The quarrel like three meals a day is not normal!"

However, even if the seniors gathered around and cared for her like this, Azusa Nakano didn't respond, and the girls looked at each other.

"Sure enough, the recent Azusa is a bit strange, and he wasn't so sad before." Tian Jing Nakaru stared at Azusa Nakano with analytical eyes and said.

Yui Hirasawa asked in astonishment: "Huh?!"

"Recently, I've always been thinking about things in a daze..." Qin Blowjing said.

Yui Hirasawa turned the other side in astonishment and asked, "Huh?!"

"I always feel like being dazzled by the emotions of love." At this time, Mr. Sawako, who was sitting in the seat, joked.

After hearing this, Yui Hirasawa asked in shock like a bolt from the blue, "Eh eh eh eh eh eh!"

With that said, I always feel that this kind of thing is indeed possible. Recently, Azusa Nakano seems to like to leave school as soon as possible after the dissolution of club activities.

"Azimeow...You can't change your heart to me..." Ping Ze Wei said with tears in his eyes, choked with pity.

"Don't say such words that are easily misunderstood." Akiyama Mio said with a troubled expression.

Nakano Azusa still didn't notice the predecessors who had become a mess. Unknowingly, the club activities quickly passed away in such an anxious time.

After the club ended, after the school sisters went to the library together again, Azusa Nakano was responsible for locking the door as a backup.

However, after Azusa Nakano walked downstairs, for some reason, she raised her head again and looked at the activity room that was gradually flooding in the darkness.

Her worries did not dare to drag down the seniors in the third grade who are now nervous in reviewing. Recently, she has encountered a series of things that made her feel quite down. The club has been unable to recruit new members, and she may face the danger of abandoning the ministry in the future. , The days after the seniors leave school are unimaginable. When I think of this, there is always an unspeakable uneasiness. Obviously, I was so dissatisfied with the laziness of this group of seniors, and now I am very happy to be among them. There was a pure contradiction...

——Azusa, you won't understand my mood, you must not understand it.

When Suzuki Jun talked to her in a lost and lonely tone, she really didn't understand Suzuki Village's emotions.

Soon, she turned her gaze to that activity room again, that one, around 5:40, there was a place where the light music department of another world was active, and a group of seniors seemed to have a lot of time. , Listening to her distress at the moment.

She gently touched the doorknob with her finger, waiting for the time to pass bit by bit. Soon, when the time came, she opened the door, and under the dim sky, this activity room opened again. The lights were festooned, and in the joyous activity room, she once again met the group of girls with button eyes.

"Welcome back, Azimeow!"

"Yi Hirasawa" who was holding Yoshita suddenly showed a happy expression, jumped over to grasp Azusa Nakano's hands tightly, and pulled her into the warm community members.

No matter how many times he came in, Azusa Nakano looked at the four light-tone girls with black button eyes. With the dark sky outside the window, he always felt an indescribable strange atmosphere.


"Azusa looks very unhappy." Yui Hirasawa showed a worried look.

"It's really common for friends to argue with each other, so please forgive each other." Tian Jing Nakari seemed to say exactly the same words.

"But, Azusa doesn't need to worry at all, because in this world, there are friends who have not had any conflicts with you!" Qiu Shan Mio said with a reassuring smile, comfortingly said.

Qin Blowing, who was ready for refreshments, smiled and said to the door: "Yes, come in, Chunjiang, and Youjiang."

As a result, the door to the activity room quickly opened. As a result, Azusa Nakano saw Suzuki Jun and Heizawa standing at the door in astonishment, but their eyes were still buttons, not the two of them themselves.

"Oh, Azusa, you won't be angry about what happened to me anymore, so, let me perform... Little Pig!" Suzuki Jun smiled, then coaxed Azusa Nakano and raised his hands to make pig ears The posture and expression are also similar to piggy.

Suddenly, everyone burst into laughter, and Azusa Nakano couldn't help being amused by such Suzuki Jun.She felt a little relieved in her sad mood. It seemed that the real Suzuki Jun himself had such a personality, which was really reassuring.

As a result, the four predecessors of Qingyin behind suddenly started to play a very relaxing tune, similar to a Scottish tune, and rounded like a waltz. Soon, Suzuki Jun with bass began to play. One person after another picked up the instrument and joined in. Azusa Nakano was confused. Soon, Sakako gave a sheet of music to Azusa Nakano. Azusa Nakano was a little surprised at the performance, and she finally took out the guitar. , Began to follow the sheet music and blended into this relaxed atmosphere.

This unidentified world club activity soon ended, and Azusa Nakano, who was in a better mood, prepared to leave again.

All familiar people stay in the activity room, it seems that the band will never disband, and friends will never leave, full of youthful vitality.

"Azusa, I'll send you out!" Hiraze Wei put Kita on the chair, she took Azusa Nakano's hand and led her out of the door.

"Yes, senior Yui." Azusa Nakano was taken aback, and was taken to the door by Yui Hirasawa.

"Hehehe, I must come next time, Azimiao, no matter when we are happy or sad, we will be with you quietly. This is the afternoon tea time after school that will never be separated from you. "

Yui Hirasawa showed a warm smile, hugged Azusa Nakano and said.

"...Uh." Azusa Nakano was silent, not knowing how to respond.

However, Yui Hirasawa, whose mouth was in Azusa Nakano's ear, said quietly and seriously: "Hurry up and make peace with your friends, Azusa."


Azusa Nakano was taken aback, but soon she was released by Yui Hirasawa.

"Next time, there will be better activities waiting for you, Zi." Teacher Zuowazi said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, then, take a good rest, Azimeow!" Yui Hirasawa said with a sweet smile.

Azusa Nakano smiled, bowed, and left this activity room again.

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