I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 754

At dusk, Azusa Nakano returned to school.

However, I don't know why, when he went downstairs, Azusa Nakano once again met Suzuki Jun who was going home at this time, and the two ran into each other again, and their expressions were a bit awkward.


Suzuki Jun looked at Azusa Nakano, but soon she turned her head away and hurried past Azusa Nakano.

"Sorry, pure!" Azusa Nakano immediately apologized.

"..." Jun Suzuki was stunned and stopped.

Nakano Azusa tried hard to persuade and said, "Will you go to Lord Earl with me now? What you said before is all correct. Lord Earl... is a god who has lost his residence. He is essentially a good god. My impression of you..."

"No need...I've been thinking about it for a long time. Sure enough, Lord Earl has forgotten me, right? I look very inconspicuous, don't I, haha, sorry, Azusa, I was angry with you...you It’s fine to be there alone, and there are still things I have to leave first...that’s it."

Jun Suzuki turned his head slightly and said to Azusa Nakano. After finishing speaking, he hurried away by himself.

"Pure..." Azusa Nakano could see that Jun Suzuki was still worried, but the apology didn't work, making her feel a little melancholy again.

She is carrying a guitar, and this day after school, she is going home alone.

However, as if getting used to it, after entering the world of Button Senpai and walking past the dilapidated shrine, Azusa Nakano turned his head and looked at the shrine again, thinking quietly about something.


This time, after stuffing 500 yen coins in, Azusa Nakano knocked on the door.

The door opened as always.

"By the way, are you used to sitting on my side?"

Li Yan looked at Azusa Nakano helplessly and asked.

"Nothing else... But every time I plug in five hundred yuan, don't you take it, Lord Earl? Let me sit here for a while," said Nakano Azusa.

Li Yan was taken aback, his expression became a little complicated, he did secretly collect the incense money, and now he was embarrassed to turn away others.

These days, he has secretly contacted Miss Wang Hongberry, the last agent who has not rested and slept for hundreds of years, about the fact that Azusa Nakano can see his transparent body, and finally got a definite reply.It seems that as a semi-spirit of the ancient gods, he already possesses a certain godhead, and will automatically establish a certain spiritual connection with believers who believe in evil gods. It is this group of girls who want to see the strong mood of the dominator. Have a chance to see.Natural spiritual connection can cause spiritual effects. On the bright side, it may also cause madness. This depends on Li Yan only inheriting half of the old abilities, and it has not caused the girls to see the slightest madness.

However, in the future, he was warned that in the future, to deal with that monster, completely old-fashioned is necessary. At that time, he did not even exist in such a situation. It is really theoretically that no one can find him. .

For now, it seems that there is not much danger, but he can only get along with this group of girls for about ten days at most, and the true white who has been accumulated by mental pollution can't be for a minute.

This time, Azusa Nakano found that the beautiful European-style girl was not here. I don’t know why, she was a little afraid of this mysterious noble witch... I also don’t know what the relationship between Miss Witch and Lord Earl is, she is here. She always feels a little restrained when she is


After Li Yan just let Azusa Nakano come in, he didn't know why. Out of instinct, he felt the smell of Azusa Nakano just now, and asked: "Miss Nakano, have you encountered anything special recently? ?"

"Eh..." Azusa Nakano was taken aback. She sat on a clean wooden board. She was confused by what she said. In the end, she remembered this god who was here to protect one party, and she hesitated to lower her head. Finally, he said, "Master God, can you hear my prayer?"

"?" Li Yan was taken aback, looking at Azusa Nakano.



The dim setting sun shone in the wooden house. The girl lowered her head, her eyes gradually filled with tears, and whispered: "Recently, my mood is very dazzling... You also know that I am a member of the band. I participated in a group called Qingyin. The predecessors there are very nice and warm people, but in January of next year, they won’t be in school, and there is only one member of mine...I’ve always been scared, terrible In the future, why should I join this club, why should they graduate...I really don’t understand..."

Tears fell on the wooden plank bit by bit. Azusa Nakano wept and said with a trembling voice: "Sometimes I am really scared to continue growing up. Today my best friend also quarreled with me. He is purely a person of very good character. , But this time I found out that I didn't understand what she was thinking... what should I do, Lord God... can you tell me, what should I do next..."

Li Yan was silent. He looked at the expression of Azusa Nakano wiping his tears. For some reason, he always felt that he saw Ying Lili who had been crying two or three times and liked to wipe tears with his sleeve.

The girl is a creature made of water...

He can understand Azusa Nakano's sorrow and grief, whether it is the noise of friends or parting, he can't be more familiar...

As the heir to the will of the ancient gods who loves this world, he can't reveal any flaws. He slaughters demons and unnamed strange creatures in the dark streets every night and keeps this world stable. He has almost nothing. There is room for compromise with weakness, but it does not mean that he is not melancholy.

It seems to be back to them... He has always prayed like this...

"It's too fast to compromise now." Li Yan said to Azusa Nakano standing in the sunset.

"..." Nakano Azusa was stunned, looking at this transparent figure, this one and one rainy night, and found that there might be a good-looking god.

"We always feel that when we meet people who are the same as ourselves, we can share our worries and sorrows. We think this is a very beautiful thing. But for each of us, it is also a very dangerous thing. Accompanying. That’s how it came."

Li Yan looked at her, if he recalled Ying Riri, Kasumi Shizi, Zhenbai, Natsume, Teacher Cat, and the group of teachers, he said: "The most beautiful part of reality is that you are not completely satisfied, and you Continue to have the hope of discovering and searching for all kinds of precious things that have never been understood. Imperfection is the most perfect, so there is no need to be too entangled with these, this will be a bit of a horn."

Nakano Azusa was stunned, as if he was touched by Li Yan's words.

She always felt that when this god said this sentence, he seemed to have all kinds of inexplicable experience of bondage. The blind blonde girl showed a faint smile, and that smile was filled with longing. And the sense of pursuit seems to be stronger.

The god took the initiative to make tea for Azusa Nakano in the house, in return for 500 yen, but Azusa Nakano didn't know that, outside the wall behind her, the elegant woman with curly hair, Nidhogg heard this passage.


Human emotions... so beautiful, this is a flaw that perfection cannot do.

Niederhogg felt sad, she was a little envious of Azusa Nakano.

I have been raised by humans several times, and I can't help but make Niederhogg like human art, and the emotions contained in art...

Nidhog leaned against the wall with a lonely expression and smiled, thinking: "No matter...I gave Li all the warmth in the world, but Li still wanted to go back. I couldn't understand Li's thoughts for a long time. But now it seems to understand that I am a cold-blooded dragon, and that human girl’s fate with Li is probably because they are the same... all of the same kind of people with sincere feelings..."

The black dragon can never become a human being.

Chapter 362

"Thank you very much, I really disturbed you today."

After opening the door of the dilapidated shrine, Azusa Nakano carried his heavy guitar bag, bowed slightly, and was about to leave in the dusky and hazy sky.

Surrounded by lush leaves swaying endlessly, this dilapidated shrine was surrounded by tranquility. This lovely and fresh temperament, a black-haired girl with a double ponytail turned around and walked lightly towards the street.


The transparent god looked at her, as if standing at the door thoughtfully watching Azusa Nakano, but after all he didn't ask anything.

On the way home, the misty and lonely riverside scenery of the river is like ink painting.

"The Lord God seems to be right. The precious encounters between people are sweet and bitter, so they are no longer lonely... Therefore, the relationship between me and Chun will not be broken, because everyone feels this bitterness. , Is a proof."

Walking in the mist, Azusa Nakano silently felt the enlightenment of the transparent god with a translucent mood, and quietly stabilized her mood. It seemed that this mood seemed clearer compared to the hazy gray scenery around her.

As Nakano Azusa was heading towards the bridge, a hurricane suddenly swept across the pedestrian street on the riverside, causing Nakano Azusa to close her eyes and retreat subconsciously, but when she opened it When I looked into my eyes, I saw that there was nothing left beside the gray river, but there was this young girl in gothic clothes with red edges and black accents.

Niederhogg, wearing a wide coat and dress, couldn't help covering his hat with his hands slightly, and gracefully appeared in front of Azusa Nakano. With a slight smile, her eyes locked on this young girl and said, "What a coincidence, Miss Nakano, We meet again."

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