I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 755

Azusa Nakano was shocked. She looked at this mysterious girl in astonishment. Nan Nan said, "...Yes, hello."

In the face of Youyoujiang, the two girls face each other, and in the distance is the shadow of the hazy building.


Azusa Nakano was a little stunned. It was the first time she encountered this witch lady who was different from the transparent god outside, and her thoughts were a bit complicated.

It seems that these days, this witch lady has been paying attention to her and came to look for her specially.

"I guess, did you enter the world of that group of buttons again this afternoon?"

Suddenly, Niederhogg's pale and slightly flushed cheeks showed a faint smile, looked at Azusa Nakano lazily, and asked.

Azusa Nakano was taken aback for a moment, and this expression was equivalent to confirming Niederhogg's judgment.

Niederhoogg quietly asked: "Good things are always accompanied by falsehoods, and buttons are typical representatives. In this vast city, life like yours has encountered setbacks and there are countless people who need to enter a safe haven. , Miss Nakano, you have entered twice, do you still have your mind to pass the third time?"

"...This." Azusa Nakano looked puzzled when asked, it turned out that Niederhogg was still paying attention to the group of button elder sisters on the other side of the door.

Niederhogg said: "You are at a crossroads now, especially after you listen to his words, I really want to know what kind of decision you will make in the future... Of course, I promised that this will not be dangerous. You can continue to enjoy the moment of spiritual relaxation. Obviously, isn’t the life in the other world better? If you enter the room at 5:45 tomorrow, you will still encounter no parting or conflict. World, if you go in twice, it means that you have developed a deep attachment to the world over there, right?"

Azusa Nakano lowered her head slightly, and finally, in her memory, she recalled that when the transparent god said those bitter words, her expression was memorable, and the persistence and calm were deeply imprinted in her memory.

In front of Niederhogg, Azusa Nakano shook his head, smiled, and said, "Sure enough... I probably... won't pass."

"..." Ned Hogg looked at Azusa Nakano, did not speak, his eyes flashed slightly.

"The elder sisters from the other world are indeed the most perfect, but the seniors have strong professional abilities and know how to practice hard..."

"Senior Mio is still the same, but she seems to have less interaction and complaints with Senior Yu, because Senior Yu has become a competent and rigorous minister..."

"Senior Jing is still very gentle, always providing me with the most relaxing black tea and desserts, but she is no longer a child's personality, has become very rational, knows how to arrange the order of activities..."

"But, sure enough..."

Azusa Nakano’s memory is constantly reverberating with the performances of the buttons of Yui Hirasawa’s four-member group, and one after another, they started to play their own instruments, and together they merged and overcome the loneliness and confusion of their hearts. The mood of joy is not fake.

It's not fake to have the warm mood of getting along with the senior sister...

Nakano Azusa looked at Niederhogg and smiled and said: "I still like the predecessors of this world, the light sound part of this world, and the purity and worry of this world. It's great that I met them... …"

Nidhogg fell silent.

Her expression was no longer smiling or unfathomable. Gradually, she exhaled and stretched out her hand, planning to touch Azusa Nakano.


For an instant, Niederhogger noticed something wrong. She immediately turned sideways slightly and subconsciously dodged, but soon, a hand grabbed her wrist and Niederhogger was pulled. Living.

As a result, a transparent god in the dark clothing of the wearer grabbed her wrist, and the two looked at each other for a while.

Nidhogg's thoughts are a bit complicated. She did dodge it just now, but it doesn't seem to have happened... She understands Li Yan's original ability, but once again she understands this unspeakable power of humans, she always feels that the old days dominate The identity of the person is indeed a bit redundant for him, the monster is originally a monster, would he care about adding a layer of skin?

"Good skill, Lee." Niederhogg looked at him blankly and said, "But my wrist hurts a little bit by you. Can you loosen it a little."

"...What are you hiding from me?" Li Yan stared at Nidhogg intently, he gradually let go of his hand and asked.

On the streets of Jiangwu, Azusa Nakano was stunned. He didn't understand what was going on in this scene. He raised his head and looked at them with bewilderment, and asked, "Why...what's wrong?"

Niederhogg smiled and said, "It's okay, I have something to give you."

Her hand was wearing a white glove, but she opened her palm, but it was a piece of black metal. Li Yan was taken aback when she saw it, as if she knew what it was.

"this is……"

Azusa Nakano blinked and asked.

"This is for body protection, what I said just now is good, but I think this amulet will help you, Miss Nakano, thank you for being willing to tell me your decision. It seems that you are indeed the most suitable person. , I didn't look away."

Niederhogg smiled lastly and withdrew his hand.

"It seems that when talking, the burning feeling just now is exactly the same as the temperament of a certain idiot." Niederhoogg immediately glanced at Li Yan, and vomited.

When Li Yan heard this, his expression changed slightly, and he didn't quite understand what it meant.

Niederhogg looked at Azusa Nakano quietly and said, "Then, time is up. Lovely girl, we will see you later... By the way, you will definitely go in for the third time, because your words give This is the answer..."


Nakano Azusa took over this piece of unknown item, but when he was about to look up, suddenly a thick mist was blowing along with the strong wind, which suddenly covered Niederhogg and Li Yan, and the wind screamed. , Azusa Nakano was so scared that he closed his eyes again.


When she opened her eyes again, she didn't know why. Her eyes were clear. The mist that had filled the street disappeared quietly, and the gothic lady and the transparent god also disappeared.

"Are? Miss Witch, Lord God..."

Nakano Azusa stood there blankly, not knowing what happened.

"So...what is she looking for me?" Azusa Nakano looked at this piece of black metal blankly, wondering.

What did the last words of Miss Witch mean?


The smoke swept away, but Li Yan still stayed in the mezzanine space created by Niederhogg's [Devil God], and the gray fog still filled the street.

The spacious river is somewhat similar to the scenery of the Valentine's Mess. There is light in the gray building, and Niederhogg and Li Yan stand in this unmanned world under the street lamp.

Li Yan looked at Niederhogg in a puzzled manner, and asked, "Isn't the thing you gave to Nakano just now your dragon scales?"

Niederhogg was stunned. She didn't expect Li Yan to see it. Then there was a meaningful smile on the corner of her mouth, and she said, "It's really rare, you can see it. Yeah~~ If she has my scales, No matter where I go, I can feel it."

Li Yan asked, "So, what do you plan to use Nakano for?"

At this time, Nidhogg turned to face Li Yan, and suddenly asked: "Li, do you know what the concept of a devil is?"

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, looked at this arrogant girl, and quickly said, "Demons are an evil race, aren't they?"

In the darkness, the girl in the gentleman’s costume was drowned in the darkness, but her sharp eyes caught the eye. Facing Li Yan, she introduced, “The devil, in different countries and different cultures, is Different explanations are given. In the human world, there are too many greed and unreachable dreams. The powerful and powerful hope to gain more status and strength, while the poor and destitute ordinary people hope to use demons. The power of the power to bring back the situation and satisfy the desire. Therefore, there will always be a demon whispering in the ears of those people, asking them to sell their souls and offer everything they have..."

"So, this is dirty work. Even a person with a godhead can be regarded as an act that must be condemned by the gods. After witnessing the dusk of the gods, I know that the gods can't do it... So, You can't interfere in this matter."

Li Yan looked at Niederhogg anxiously and said, "If I guessed correctly, Niederhogg, what you are doing is..."

"I know it's hard to hide this from you. I originally waited until the matter was over before telling you."

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