I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 756

Niederhogg smiled sullenly and looked at Li Yan and explained, "I have always told you that I have a way to get you free. That's right, the devil [jealous] seems to have been looking for restraining you and me. By the way, I seem to notice the smell of you on this young girl, and I stared at Miss Nakano a long time ago."

"On the other hand, I have been looking for the remaining three demon gods and seizing their abilities, so that there will be enough power to fight with you the monster sleeping in the Pacific. As the ruler, your duty is not Does it also involve fighting against the seven deadly sins that are constantly resurrected? This is equivalent to processing the two most important missions of your mission at the same time. You don’t need to be all dominators, my strength is enough to replace you, so this fellow Yagovus You will compromise, and you will be free."

Li Yan's expression became heavier and heavier. Although he had always known that Niederhogg was studying how to help him, the result turned out to be such a self-interested funeral method. He sharpened his eyes and said: "Let's not talk about this method. If it doesn't work, doesn't it mean to ruin you in my place?"

Nidhogg shook his head and said: "I am different from you. I am the black dragon Nidhogg of Northern Europe. I am the god who has survived the twilight of the gods, so after I devour the devil, my life will not be Being changed, you don’t need to worry about me."

"So let me explain once again that your hands must not get dirty. I will leave the real devil's affairs to me to do it. I will take care of Miss Nakano's safety."

In the black mist, Niederhogger looked at Li Yan with infinite warmth and care in her eyes. She lowered her hat and covered her cruel eyes that symbolized the dragon. She smiled and said with emotion: " Li, you are really not suitable to be a demon, a devil who burns the flames of hope... There is no such type at all. Perhaps... The identity of a god who can drive light away from darkness anytime and anywhere is more in line with you. style of."

Chapter 363 The Disappearance of Yingqiu Middle School

Yingqiu Middle School.

For a long time, Azusa Nakano looked at Suzuki sitting in the front row with care. I don't know why, but I always feel that today's Suzuki has been very low and has no spirit.

All day today, Suzuki Jun didn't look back at her, and Hiraze You also looked listless when he went to talk to her.

Waiting until school was over, Azusa Nakano was packing his books and carrying the guitar bag, and seeing that Suzuki Jun had already headed for the jazz club by himself, he looked surprised and hurriedly chased him up.

"Pure, wait a minute!"

When Azusa Nakano caught up to the old school building, he caught up with Jun Suzuki, who was walking with his head down.

After school, in the quiet high school corridor, two young girls went one after the other. The branches of the windows swayed slightly. The girls stopped, but in the hustle and bustle around, it seemed a little too quiet.

Suzuki Jun asked, "...what's the matter, Azusa?"

The back of this girl with a pair of tail hairstyles looked a little lonely in the dim light. She didn't look back. The magnetic girl's voice seemed a little flustered and didn't seem to be ready.

Nakano Azusa immediately bowed to Jun Suzuki again, apologized and said, "Jun, are you still angry? I'm really sorry! After I went back, I thought about it seriously. I did say a lot of things that were wrong. If it hurts I'm sorry if you say..."

Suzuki Jun's body shook slightly, and she did not make a sound for a moment.

Outside the window, the slogan of the track and field department came.

I don’t know how long it took, Suzuki Jungan laughed a few times, scratched his cheek, and said: "Don’t apologize to me, you are not wrong, I am too bad, and I have encountered a lot of things recently, so... , Give me some time to calm down, you don’t need to care about this."

Nakano Azusa raised her head, she saw Jun Suzuki walking away again, and hurriedly said: "Um... Jun, if you have something unhappy about you, you can discuss it with me and You..."

"Haha, thank you. Now the club is about to be late, let's have a good chat after another day."

Suzuki Jun smiled. After saying this, she carried the bass, gestured to Azusa Nakano to be met, and went into the jazz club's activity room.

After watching the leaving figure of Suzuki Jun, Azusa Nakano sighed slightly, and thought: "...It seems that there is no end to the conflict in one breath."

In the quiet corridor, Azusa Nakano stood quietly in the corridor, looking down at the floor under her feet, but in the midst of her loss, she still remembered the words of the transparent god, compromised too quickly, and finally cheered up again. , Quietly clenched his fists.

At this moment, in the dim corridor, a piece of light and shadow falling on Azusa Nakano flickered. This made Azusa Nakano realize that it was like a human shadow, and her eyes were blurred for a moment. She noticed outside the window beside her, as if There was a black figure hanging on the upper wall like a spider. Suddenly, Azusa Nakano stepped back and looked up. As a result, there was nothing on the window.


Azusa Nakano was stunned for a while, always feeling that at that moment, something really seemed to be peeping here.

Although it was restored to what it was before, Azusa Nakano also feels that Suzuki Jun also hopes to be the same, not without any progress, and time will restore their friendship to the original.

In the evening wind, Azusa Nakano walked up the stairs, stroked the tortoise sculpture, then pushed open the door of the light sound department, smiling and saying, "Good afternoon."

However, after pushing the door open this time, Azusa Nakano saw a different scene.

"good afternoon!"

The four senior sisters, Yui Hirasawa, Mio Akiyama, Nakaru Tai, and Kotobuki, did not sit around the table drinking tea or eating cake this afternoon. Instead, they each held their instruments and made preparations to practice.After the four of them saw Azusa Nakano, they immediately showed a Showa-like expression, and responded seriously to Azusa Nakano's greeting.

Azusa Nakano stood at the door with an awkward expression, always feeling uncomfortable. Just now, she thought she had accidentally broken into the light tone of another world.

"Senior...what's wrong today, don't you drink tea and eat pastries?"

Nakano Azusa asked.

Nakaru Tajing and Heizawa showed a distressed expression, covering his heart, and whispered: "Today is special... Although I really want to do this..."

"Don't be long-winded, didn't everyone discuss it well, train well!"

Mio Akiyama scolded his face at Yui Hirazawa and Nakaru Tani who were almost softening.


The other girls responded with different expressions.

But Sawako, who didn't know where it came out, instantly hugged Akiyama Mio's thigh, shook his head vigorously and said, "Don't be like this, at least you have to finish eating first before training!"

"Teacher Sawako, don't mess up, you are our consultant!"

"It's a pity to eat the dim sum later, although it is a pity, but today we have to make a special case." (Qin Blowing)


In the noisy light tone, the sluggish Azusa Nakano watched this scene quietly, and then smiled.

Sure enough, even imperfect elder sisters will occasionally make some unexpected things. Perhaps, this is the real unexpected...


After school.

In the school corridor that was gradually calming down, Yui Hirasawa talked and laughed and went down the stairs. After Azusa Nakano locked the door, he followed.

"Senior sisters are going to the library today?"

Nakano Azusa chased it down and asked.

"Yes, two or three months are left after all." Tian Jing said with a bright smile.

Azusa Nakano looked at the group of senior sisters. She didn't know why. She noticed some gaze. She couldn't help but glanced at the dim part of the corridor. After seeing nothing, Azusa Nakano was silent and gradually raised her head. Looking at the light tone that has calmed down.

"Then I will go back with the elder sisters. It's been a long time since I went back with the seniors." Azusa Nakano smiled and said to them.

"Ah! Azimeow!"

He was the only one who heard it, and was immediately moved, tears almost flowed out, and immediately flew, hugged Azusa Nakano tightly, rubbed his cheek against Azusa Nakano's elastic cheek, and said with a trembling voice: "Sure enough, Azusa is still Those who like us will not leave us, boyfriends or something..."

But before he finished speaking, Yui Hirasawa was dragged away by Nakaru Tanai and Kotobuki. Akiyama Mio explained with a pale face, "Yi is talking nonsense again, don't care!"

"Huh?" Azusa Nakano blinked, completely unaware of what they were talking about.

The girls with different expressions in the light tone group have you look at me, and I look at you, seemingly worried.

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