I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 757

After a group of senior sisters left, Azusa Nakano finally bowed to the music room and passed by with the senior sisters.

The dark place.

A figure resembling Hirasawa Yui, hiding in a corner, was peeping out, and the pair of dark button eyes stared at Azusa Nakano, gradually being swallowed by darkness...

In the afternoon, under a grayish luster, Azusa Nakano bowed to the four senior sisters and said: "Then, I will go back first, senior, please do your best, especially senior only."

"Huh!?" Hirazawa Yui's body shook, as if he understood Azusa Nakano's meaning, deeply sad.

"Goodbye, then."

"See you tomorrow, Azusa."

In the street, after the two sides were separated, Azusa Nakano crossed the road and headed towards the subway entrance, but in the corner not far away, four senior sisters who pretended to leave one after another poked their heads out and stared at Azusa Nakano sneakily. .

"Zusa looks so anxious to go back, no matter how you look at it, there are ghosts." Tian Jing Zhongrui said quietly.

"Azimeow...you are telling me that there are other people outside..." Hiraze Yui bit his collar and looked at Azusa Nakano with tears, and whispered.

"Don't treat what you guys are talking about like a special relationship..." Qiu Shan Mio lowered his head and looked at Yui Hirasawa, vomiting.

"Isn't it good to be in love? I really want to know what kind of boy the other person is... Maybe it's a girl."

Qin Chujing cupped her cheeks with both hands, and said longingly.

Akiyama Mio and Tanjing Nakaru looked at the piano playing with horror, always feeling that the situation of piano playing was pretty bad.

The four girls have been suspicious for a long time, and they always feel that the recent Azusa Nakano is sentimental and always distracted. Sometimes, the way she is nagging, no matter how she looks, it is more like the situation that Sawako guessed.

It’s not a weird thing for female high school students to fall in love. Even at Yingqiu Middle School, there are actually many girls who have made boyfriends outside. The most important time for Japanese is the high school years, and almost all the time outside high school is regarded as the passing of youth general.

Along the way, Yui Hirasawa and the other four followed carefully behind Azusa Nakano, streets, subways, and then saw Azusa Nakano teasing a wild cat on the side of the road, almost to follow her home.

"I'm going home, why haven't I seen the person Zi Zi she wants to meet?" Qiu Shan Mio asked curiously.

"Sure enough...Did we think more about it?" Qin Blowing asked suspiciously.

Hirasawa Yui's nervous expression was too much for a play, and Akiyama Mio felt like the reaction of Azusa Nakano's father.

She watched this group of people quietly, and the passers-by around were all watching their sneaky JKs with curiosity. For some reason, she realized a sad conclusion, that is, if she stayed in this group In the circle of weirdos, you can never make a boyfriend...

However, when he followed Nakano Azusa secretly to the street by the river, the sky began to drizzle, and the river was hazy.

A group of high school girls who were following Azusa Nakano huddled together in the phone booth where it could keep out the rain, and watched in agony as Azusa Nakano opened the umbrella.

However, after walking to the walkway by the river, the situation turned around.

This girl with black hair and two ponytails holding an umbrella stopped at a dilapidated shrine on the side of the road.



The four girls waiting for Yui Hirasawa were stunned and looked curiously at the girl in the rain and mist.

Azusa Nakano seemed to hesitate for a while, and finally, she took a step forward and walked into this shrine that had been in disrepair for a long time.

Rustle... rustle...

In the rain and fog, the four girls just saw Azusa Nakano walk into the shrine. They did not understand at this moment, and walked out from behind the phone booth.

They walked to the entrance of the shrine together and looked around. As a result, Azusa Nakano was nowhere to be found at the moment. The green leaves covered the last bit of sunlight, the ground was a piece of weeds, and the color of the torii gate was indescribable A chilly breath blows out from the shrine.

Something is wrong.

All the girls are aware of it.

No Japanese JK would choose to date in such a place!

"It seems to be a shrine that hasn't had incense for a long time...Wow, it seems so gloomy, and I feel that there is something extraordinary in it..."

Tian Jing Zhonglu looked pale and whispered.


Almost Akiyama Mio's legs were almost weak, and she grabbed Tianjing Zhongru with one hand, her fingernails were almost sinking in.

Tian Jing Zhongrui grinned with pain and hurriedly said, "It hurts, it hurts! What are you doing, it hurts!"

"Mio seems to be very bad at this place." Yui Hirasawa said with a smile.

"Leave me alone... It's weird, how could Azusa suddenly come to such a place..." Qiu Shan Mio looked inside with a scared expression and asked timidly.


Tian Jing Zhongru seemed to think of something, and his expression hesitated.

Qin Blowing noticed something from Tian Jing Zhongru's expression and asked, "Did you think of anything?"

"Speaking of which, I don’t know why in the school recently. There are all kinds of sensational urban legends circulating among students. Our school did not have such an atmosphere before, but recently many incredible things have happened in the city, such as the communications of the girls from hell, in the rain. The murdering Lord Earl, invisible rooms and the like... This kind of atmosphere is a bit weird, and Azusa seems to have become a little weird in this way recently, I always feel that something is too coincidental... Maybe it was something unclean. Confused..."

Tian Jing Zhonglu explained to them, but as she spoke, she didn't see Qiu Shan Mio's figure. After looking around curiously, she saw that she was hiding in the distance, squatting down in a ball, covering herself. The black long straight girl whose ears were trembling.

"Although you know you are timid, but you are so timid when the younger generation is in danger, you are really a bit embarrassed..."

Tian Jing Zhongrui looked at Akiyama Mio with a disappointed expression, and said.

With an expression of fear, Akiyama Mio whispered, "But, but..."

"...Although Li said it was a bit scary, but I have actually heard that there have been a lot of panic in Tokyo recently, which caused many people to run to the shrine and ask for amulets. Actually... Recently, Mr. Butler also gave an amulet. give me."

Qin Blowing looked at them, and said with anxiety.

The long drizzle in the sky, the weird atmosphere around, especially in this dilapidated shrine, there seems to be no other place to hide, the roaring wind is blowing the four girls, here is indeed a bit weird, ordinary people are paying attention After the recent rumors, it was excusable not to step in for a while.

"I...I'm going to find Azimiao inside."

Yui Hirasawa turned his head suddenly and said to them.


Akiyama Mio and others looked at Yui Hirasawa in amazement, and were shocked by Yui Hirasawa's answer.

"Although I heard everyone say that it seems to be very scary, isn't it dangerous for Azimiao to be alone? No matter what, I don't want Azimiao to stay in such a dark place, even with my boyfriend. It's not okay to date here."

Yui Hirasawa explained calmly.

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