I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 758

Tian Jing Nakari showed a helpless look, and looked at Yui Hirasawa of the natural type, and thought: "Did you guys figure out the situation..."

However, Yui Hirasawa’s words and persistence brought both Tanjing Nakari and Kotobuki back to their state. They looked at each other and nodded, and then they turned around and looked at their faces always being very bad. Mio Akiyama.

Akiyama Mio was silent for a moment. She looked at the dark and dilapidated shrine, always feeling like a place to curse others. Finally, she lowered her head and thought for a while, nodded, gathered courage, and said, "...I know Now, let's go and bring Zi out together."

All the girls from the light sound department walked into the shrine one after another carefully in the drizzle.

The darkness was overwhelming. In fact, there were all residents' windows around, but because of the dense woods, the group of nervous girls did not notice at all.

Obviously there is only a short distance, but it is not clear why, the girls all realize that they are walking on the wrong road. The road under the tree of about ten meters has gone for a long time, and they have not yet approached the shrine.

In fact, their intuition is correct, and Azusa Nakano has always been aware of this. After all, Niederhogg has moved his hands and feet here, and there will be a slight dislocation in how much space.

After arriving at the shrine, the girls tried to push the door, but as expected, the gate of this abandoned shrine was tightly locked and it was impossible to enter at all, so Akiyama Mio and others went to the surrounding woods to look for it.

"It always feels very dark here." Qiu Shanmi said in a low voice.

"Why does it look like a monster house on the phone..." Qin Blowjing said.

"When you say that, you really think it's gloomy, and there is fog all around." Yui Hirasawa said with a smile, and said novelty.

"How do I feel like a traversal entry curse..." Tian Jing Nakaru talked freely, trying to name an extremely scary movie.

But he hadn't finished speaking yet, after being beaten, Tian Jing Zhongru was quiet, as if he had forgotten what he was going to say.


"Zusa, where are you?"

In this small forest like an ancient forest, Yui Hirasawa and others began to shout, looking for Azusa Nakano, who did not know why he disappeared.

However, just when the group of them was in the shade of the tree and really couldn't see the surroundings, Qiu Shan Mio was already trembling to the point where she couldn't walk. She originally planned to take out the phone to illuminate, but after seeing the phone, she suddenly knew How can I be so slow.

"By the way, can we just call Zi!?" Qiu Shanmin said happily.



At this moment, all the talents remembered and were really confused by the tense atmosphere. Yui Hirazawa said to Akiyama Mio, "Mio, you are really a genius!"

"No...to such an extent that it is not a genius..."

Akiyama Mio said with an awkward expression.

As a result, in a dark woods, Qiu Shan Mio, surrounded by people around, dialed Azusa Nakano's cell phone.

Soon, the phone got through and kept calling, which made Qiu Shan Mio refreshed and said, "Ah, Azusa's cell phone still works..."

However, a strange scene happened.

Around the four girls, suddenly came the ringing ringtone that X fruit phone has always used.

[Ling Ling Ling...]

[Ling Ling Ling...]

[Ling Ling Ling...]


Akiyama Mio quietly listened to the ringtones that echoed around, getting closer and closer, and there was always a chill in his heart. It was not just Akiyama Mio that was scared. This kind of weird response made Kotobuki and Tianjing Zhongru Can't help being scared.

As a result, the phone went through and the dark ringing in the woods disappeared...

In silence, no one spoke.

——Hey, Senior Mio...

"Hey, Senior Mio..."

For a moment, Azusa Nakano's voice overlapped on the phone and in reality, and it sounded strangely weird. Suddenly, Qiu Shan Mio screamed with fright. The style of the whole person was not quite right, and the color was lost.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Qiu Shanmi was so scared that he threw down his phone, ran, and quickly hit a tree, and fell silently to the ground.

As a result, when the lights of the mobile phone illuminate the surroundings, everyone saw that Azusa Nakano was really looking for him. Azusa Nakano showed a puzzled look, looked at the dizzy Qiu Shanmin, and asked: "What's wrong..."

Turns down, after Nakano Azusa met with his senior sisters in the woods, there was a lot of noise, and everyone quickly regrouped at the gate of the shrine. It seemed that Nakano Azusa said some reassuring words, but girls, you look at me and I see you. After that, they also stuffed 500 yen coins into the cracks in the door, seeming to be praying.


In the woods, a transparent god witnessed this experience.

"I don't know why, there is an incredible atmosphere in this group of girls."

Li Yan looked at them quietly and said.

Nidhog was silent, her expression did not seem to understand Li Yan's words, and she did not make any comments after understanding.

No matter how terrifying the atmosphere, this group of girls seems to be able to transform such an atmosphere into a relaxed atmosphere unique to girls.

This kind of life seems to be the best way for humans to live through.

"Did you secretly go to Miss Nakano's school to take a peek?" Ned Hogg asked with a blank face and turned his face to look at Li Yan.


"How about your long-lost school life?"

"...How can my school life be so bright? When these five girls are playing, they are so handsome. The women who can make music really have an indescribable charm."

When Li Yan secretly hid in the activity room looking for clues, he witnessed the performance of the light tone all the way. Looking at the girls playing according to the beat, he always felt a little handsome. Why couldn't he be so handsome...

"...Sometimes I think you are also a weird weird person." Niederhoogg seemed to have guessed Li Yan's mind and said with a smile.

It seemed that Li Yan was investigating the traces of the devil, but he was still not good at smell.

However, Nidhogg smelled Azusa Nakano, and it seemed...someone who had been with her, the smell was enough to fall into the gentle village of a certain demon...

Early the next morning.

As soon as Azusa Nakano arrived at the school, he found a police car parked at the school gate.

Nothing seemed to happen at the school, and Azusa Nakano, who entered the school gate, didn't care.

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