I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 762


Azusa Nakano fell to the ground, but she heard the familiar sound of consternation. She opened her eyes and saw Suzuki Jun lying on the ground with wide eyes.


Nakano Azusa looked in surprise, and immediately hugged him, grabbed Suzuki Jun’s shoulder, smiled and said, "Great, you are safe, it is great that you are not injured."

"Yes... Azusa, but you take a look first..." Jun Suzuki saw the black-haired double ponytail, so cute Azusa Nakano, she also showed a happy look, but the fear in her eyes still faded, she pointed Ahead, trembling said: "What is that..."

Azusa Nakano looked down curiously and assuredly, but her pupils also dilated.

The two young girls who fell on the ground were about a thousand meters away. Almost something was squirming in the dark, occupying the entire field of vision of their eyes. It was as large as a mountain slope, and the strong wind was blowing the thick fog in this incomprehensible world. The inside also looked so spectacular and weird.

Nidhog saw her eyes. She took a few steps, and the black inflammation exuded from her body became more and more intense. In the end, she soared up like smoke, and her body instantly returned to the body of a black dragon. Her body was huge, but it was difficult to follow He The body of a spider like Shania is on par.Two outstanding mythical figures collided and killed with forces that almost destroyed the world. The earth rumbling and shaking, the town was destroyed by a dragon's breath, destroyed once, and it seemed that it was difficult to distinguish the victory or defeat for a moment.


In the shaking of the earthquake mountain, Li Yan was still able to listen to the cry of the baby. It was becoming more and more dangerous for ordinary people. He turned around and said to Azusa Nakano and Jun Suzuki: "This place has become very dangerous. You two continue to run towards the door."

Suzuki Jun looked at Li Yan, her cheeks flushed slightly, she seemed to think of something, and she searched for the schoolbag she had been carrying, stood up, ran to Li Yan, and handed this comic to Ned Hogg.

"This, Senior Aoyama Mio wants to give it to you!" Suzuki Jun looked at Li Yan and said.

"!" Li Yan was taken aback. He looked at the cover of this comic, hesitated for a while, and finally reached out and touched the comic.

I don’t know why, the old dominator who was so sensitive in spirit power just touched the cover of this book. For an instant, his mental sensations were like traveling through the barriers of time and space, and Shiina was bestowed in this The will and emotions of this comic book are transferred to his soul.

The past time that has been passing fast, bit by bit, is like yesterday. Once I opened the door and saw the blonde girl begin, Ying Lili’s smile, Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s eyes, Lion Boy Guoguang and Izumi’s authentic looks, Kagura The smile of Sakachangbu, the three juniors of the Ministry of Service, four young girls including Gabriel and Satania, Natsume and Teacher Cat’s turn back...

These, what he once had, may have lost, scene after scene, brought back to him through the emotion of this girl whose eyes have lost their luster.

Li Yan took the book and put away the cartoon with a kind of pain and souvenir in his eyes.

"Thank you." Li Yan looked at Suzuki Jun and said.

"In the future, you will definitely be able to see you again... Master Earl?" Jun Suzuki hesitated again and again. She and Azusa Nakano looked at Li Yan and asked.

This question hurt Li Yan's heart.

The bells echoed, indicating something general. In the end, Li Yan clenched his fists, looked at Jun Suzuki and Azusa Nakano, and said: "...maybe, you guys have a fate with me, but now it’s just a fate. Humans, students like you, if I can return to the world in the future...we will meet again."

Nakano Azusa and Suzuki Jun's face changed a bit, the gods were once humans.

Immediately, this space was dazzled by two incomparable forces, and finally began to fall apart, the sky continued to shatter with fragments, and the world quickly turned into nothingness.

Li Yan shook slightly. He looked around and warned them: "This world is about to collapse. Run quickly, don't be swallowed by this void!"

Nakano Azusa and Suzuki Jun were stunned. They looked at the collapsed sky in a panic. In the end, they turned around and started running towards the exit. Lilith led the way and shouted: "Here, hurry up!"

After Li Yan was silent, his body finally ignited a burst of sparks. He turned to face the demon god Heshania, the light on his body quickly swelled, and the huge transparent body of the dominator wrapped around his body. It is the half-dominant demonstration of this effect that can shake the world...

Nakano Azusa and Suzuki Jun constantly ran in the collapsed world, looking at the rapidly collapsing world before them, even if they found it difficult to breathe, they dared not slow down.

Unable to help, Azusa Nakano and Jun Suzuki kept turning their heads to look at the battle scene that was still clearly seen, and seemed to be worried about the safety of Li Yan and Niederhogg.

"Zusa...I seem to understand the identity of Lord Earl."

Suzuki Jun said to Azusa Nakano on the side.

"Huh?" Azusa Nakano was slightly taken aback, looking at Suzuki Jun.

"But it doesn't matter anymore. There are rumors in the world that such evil gods are terrible. They will tempt people to believe and tempt people to go crazy. I... and Ziyou may have been tempted, so what does this mean... …"

Suzuki Jun gladly smiled brightly while running, and said, "You are right... if he is a god, he must be... the gentle god who is blessing us."


Azusa Nakano listened quietly. She was silent for a while, then smiled and said, "You are right."

I don't know why, in her mind, there is always an inspiration rushing into her heart again, a song, a beautiful song dedicated to a mysterious god.

Suddenly, a squirming sound came from behind them, and they looked back curiously.

I don’t know when, when the button guy created by the demon Hershania ran from behind, the running posture was weird, and the faces became extremely hideous. This scene immediately made the two girls pale with fright. , Screamed.

"Run faster, they are going to chase over!" Lilith shouted.

"I... we know, but... but... ha! ha..."

Azusa Nakano was out of breath and responded.

Soon, the door was visible. This door was the wooden door of the music room warehouse, but the button man behind him had chased less than five meters away, and it seemed that there was no time to run to another world.

Niddhogg, who was fighting in the distance, seemed to have discovered this. A breath of dragon struck very far, and the black flames instantly burned a large number of button people, but she did not dare to attack the one near Azusa Nakano and Jun Suzuki. Button people to prevent accidental injury.

"I'll stop them, you go through the door quickly!" Lilith turned around, bypassing Azusa Nakano and Jun Suzuki, using magic to block a group of button people who were close at hand.

As a result, Azusa Nakano and Jun Suzuki finally ran to the door with the help of Lilith. Azusa Nakano tried to unscrew the doorknob, but found that they couldn't open it.

"What's the matter, I can't open it!" said Nakano Azusa, twisting the doorknob vigorously.

Suzuki Jun was taken aback and tried to open the door, but he couldn't open it either.

This is because Jun Suzuki and Azusa Nakano come from different doors. If they are together, the door cannot be opened to not belong to the same person.

Behind them, there were still a group of button people who were chasing them grabbing their wrists and shoulders, holding them with countless hands, trying to trap them in the void of collapse.

"Senior only, Senior Min, Senior Li, Senior Jie, can you hear it! Senior, open the door soon!"

Nakano Azusa's tears were streaming down, she stretched out her hand to grab the doorknob, and shouted to the four girls in the music room in pain.

This is in vain. Let’s not say whether the seniors can hear it. If time is inferred, the school is also late at night. Where are the seniors in the activity room?

However, they seem to have heard it.

The door was suddenly opened, and soon, four hands stretched out at the same time, holding the outstretched hands of Azusa Nakano and Jun Suzuki.


"What's going on, what are these!" Tian Jing Zhongru took Suzuki Jun's hand, and desperately pulled back with Qin Buki.

"Never let Azusa and Suzuki be dragged in, everyone!!" Akiyama saw the two younger generations who were dragged by dense arms. She also grabbed the hand of Azusa Nakano and Hirazawa Yui and Hirazawa. A group of buttons froze.

Bit by bit, the strength of the four young girls unexpectedly burst out with great strength, pulling the two young girls towards them bit by bit.


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