I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 763

Azusa Nakano stared at them blankly.

It turns out... the seniors are also so strong, and those hands after another are so warm.

In the end, the world on the other side of the door has completely collapsed, and the button man who dragged the two girls kept screaming and fell into a blank world. Only then did Azusa Nakano and Jun Suzuki break free from the constraints of the button man and were dragged in. , The wooden door was also closed at the last moment of the collapse of the world.

In the quiet music room, seven girls sat on the ground, really pulling back the game in a desperate manner, breathing continuously.

"Saved..." Suzuki Jun whispered.

"So... so what happened?" Tanakai asked, looking at them.

Azusa Nakano was silent for a while, and asked them suspiciously: "I will talk about things later, but seniors, why are you here? It's very late now..."

"You didn't go home tonight. Your parents called us, so we called the police. The only instinct is that you are still in school, so I came here to look for it with a try. Yes, we all heard auditory hallucinations from the warehouse door of the activity room. At first, we thought we really heard it wrong..."

Qiu Shan Mio explained with lingering fear.

It turned out to be like this...

Azusa Nakano always felt that the voice might not have passed, but because the hearts were so close to each other, the seniors still heard it.

As a result, Yui Hirasawa burst into tears. She hugged Azusa Nakano, rubbed her face against Azusa Nakano's cheek, crying and said, "Great, Azimeow, I thought you were abducted by a weirdo! !"

Seeing this scene in comforting Ping Ze You and others, they were all in a panic, feeling a little relieved...

"Thank you, senior Yui... two senior Yui." Azusa Nakano was uncomfortable being rubbed, but he felt so warm in his heart, quietly speaking to Yui Hirasawa.

The hotbed where the demon god Heshania nurtured another evil god completely collapsed.

In the end, the girl who was revered as a demon god was put on the wall by the devil's sickle, dripping with blood, and the blood continued to flow on the wall that still existed, which looked quite dazzling.

Niederhogg gasped slightly, although he was sure to kill the other big demons except the two strongest demon gods, it was dangerous to win.

But the baby's cry can still be heard, as if the hotbed has been changed.

"Damn...not enough time to prepare." Niederhogg thought anxiously.

If any foreign god descends, her previous efforts to hunt and devour demons and become demons will be burned. At that time, Li Yan had to grow into the former ruler to maintain this world.

The sacrifices of the agents of the rulers in the past seems to be no exception for Li Yan...

However, after hunting, Niederhogg discovered that Li Yan, who was panting in another place, seemed to be holding something to look the same.

Nidhogg looked at it and saw Li Yan looking at the painting on the cover of the first page of the comic book.

Almost all Li Yan's characters in the world are drawn on the first page. The paintings are so lifelike, with different looks. Shiina Mashiro knows that Li Yan once participated in TV Tokyo program in Sanwa Bunko and was drawn by Eriri. The group photo of has disappeared. In order to make up for it, I drew a more complete character based on Ying Lili's paintings and gave it to Li Yan as a memento...

Li Yan in front of Niederhogg's eyes, bowed his head, kept silent, so lonely, as if in the pale world, he was left here alone in his life, the real poor dominator.

This scene pierced Ned Hogg deeply, and she had never seen such a powerful person show such a look.


This person is the one she can't talk about...

Niederhogg's expression became more and more complicated, she gradually lost her mind, and time was running out. She had to finish all the work at the last minute...

Chapter 366 Meeting, Mr. Holmes (Ending)

In the drizzle and the dark night, the overworked man leaned on the only quiet place, closing his eyes and resting.

The ticking drizzle outside the window resounded inside the house. For some reason, he seemed to dream that he was sleeping on the flower-filled hillside and the island where everything was changed.In the quiet rainy night, flowers swayed, and a figure of a girl who did not know why stood beside him, staring silently.

Li Yan seemed to have seen this scene. Long, long ago, he dreamed of this scene in the Yiyuan apartment. He opened his eyes and raised his head to look at this young girl hidden in the dark.

The girl's eyes were so quiet and full of warmth, completely different from the arrogant and cruel tyrant.

This time, he saw clearly the identity of this young girl.

"Ned Hogg..." Li Yan looked at the silent Ned Hogg and asked.

Niederhogg didn't seem to hear anything, just like a dream before, turned and left.

Li Yan always felt the uneasy feeling from the bottom of his heart, he suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute, Niederhogg!"

In an instant, a thunder and lightning sounded Li Yan suddenly awakened.


Li Yan opened his eyes and woke up from this ruined shrine.


The strong wind outside was slapped against the windows, and the roaring sound of wind heralded a late and strong typhoon in October.It should be said that this kind of astronomical phenomenon is so understood in the human knowledge system...

Tomorrow, he will fulfill his promises and responsibilities, and fight to the death with those who are out of imprisonment.


Li Yan sighed, it turned out to be a dream.

Although I think so, but repeating a dream, I always feel particularly disturbing. There is no exactly the same dream twice in the world.

In the silence, his hand was burning with the faint soul flame, illuminating the dark room, illuminating his vicissitudes and sad face.

Tonight, he hid in the shrine to rest and prepare for the battle tomorrow.It seems that it is inevitable to accept all the power of the dominator and say goodbye to this world...

He had thought more than once, why he was born...Even if he changed his destiny so actively, it seemed that the ups and downs burned and destroyed him like this flame again and again.A positive person always has times of confusion and pessimism. He decides to be selfish, but in the end, he still chooses not to yield in the face of fate.

"...I'm sorry, really white. It seems...I really can't go back and be myself." Li Yan looked at the flame in his hand and said quietly.

Suddenly, while Li Yan was pondering, the gate of the shrine was pushed open.

A moist cold wind blew in. Li Yan looked over, but saw Lilith flying over. Her expression was so flustered and her eyes were tearful. Before Li Yan asked, Lily Si caught Li Yan and screamed in a trembling voice, "Master Li Yan, Master Li Yan, come with me soon, Master Nidhogg is going to die!!"

Li Yan's body shook. The pale thunder light illuminated his face. He stood up and asked: "Lilith, what are you talking about!?"

"Master Niederhogg... Master Niederhogg went to hunt [Kissy] and [Gluttony] demons. He knew that the two great demons had joined forces, but Master Niederhogg took the shot... now... "

Lilith cried with blushing cheeks, shaking her body, and said excitedly.

Li Yan understands that Nidhogg has acted without authorization. Obviously, against a demon god, Nidhogg's chances of winning are not too high. He even unthinkingly attacked the two demons remaining in hell at the same time. The consequences can be imagined. And got it.

Li Yan looked at Lilith and said, "Hurry up and take me over. My power may still be able to save her."

In the cold torrential rain, Li Yan wandered like a ghost on this stormy night. Finally, among the mountains and forests by the sea, a messy beach and trees, gun smoke and even the rain could not quench.

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