I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 769

It happened to be between the crossroads under the cherry blossom trees. Not far away is the bookstore that Li Yan passed by during the day, and there is the last volume of posters of Uesugi Yan's second work. The covers of many popular novels are put together. The huge poster of's is so conspicuous in the light, three people stand under the poster.

In silence, Li Yan didn't know how to answer for a while, staring blankly at his respected Senior Sister Toko Amano.

"Ah, Uesugi-sensei's novel is over so soon."

Before Li Yan could answer, Toko Amano raised his head and looked at the huge poster, smiling and exclaiming.

"Huh?" Li Yan asked in a daze.

"This series of light novels is very interesting, Li, have you read it?" Amano Tokoko smiled warmly and asked.

"...Yes, senior sister." Li Yan followed the gaze of Toko Amano and looked up.

"..." Hagi Village Bell was speechless for a while. She looked at the poster and seemed to know something, but she said nothing.

"This "The Journey of the Undead" is very interesting. I have read all of it, Sister Sister. It is a very good story. The character of the writer is very warm. The essence of the undead's thoughts and the joys and sorrows of life has been thoroughly excavated. , I don’t think it looks like a light novel when I read it... I'm a little curious why the author should finish the novel so early..."

Toko Amano smiled and said to herself.

Li Yan was silent for a while, and he looked at Toko Amano a little bit. This is a delicate senior with three braids swaying in the spring breeze. She is the warmest senior in the world, replacing his once perplexed one. Crazy Senior Sister's Senior Sister...Finally, Li Yan faced the poster and said: "According to my analysis...The journey of the undead is completely over. Time and time again, the Necromancer who originally wanted to tease the undead is in the undead. In the reunion with the mortal world, he saw the precious things he had lost. After regaining himself, he chose to give up his identity as a necromancer and truly return to the dust. Maybe he will never wake up again, maybe he is still waiting for the next one. A simple girl who is willing to wake him up, maybe... After the heroine finally grows up, she summons him again, and truly lives together. With more than 600,000 words, it would be nice if there is no main story written in this way."

Toko Amano listened to Li Yan's words in a daze, she turned her face to look at Li Yan, a little surprised.

Immediately, in this beautiful moonlight, she showed a slight smile, and such a refined literary girl smiled in the flying cherry blossoms, as if Edo reappeared.

"...Is that so? So, when I ate the last volume, I almost felt that tears fell. I don't know if it was joy or sadness. Hehe, the author is really cunning. He added sour to the delicious meal. s things……"

Toko Amano put her hands away and looked up at the poster under the cherry blossoms in the clear sky. She didn't know why, her expression was a bit sad. Suddenly, she stretched out her hands and walked over to the two of Hagi and Li Yan. Hugging, Hagi Village Bell and Li Yan were shocked.


"Sister Yuanzi, what are you doing all of a sudden!?"

Li Yan, who was caught off guard, and the red-faced Hagi Suzuru, who was swept into her arms, unexpectedly surprised Amano Toko.

"Thank you, Lee, Hagi."

Toko Amano hugged both of them and said with a smile quietly.

"I don't know what to say now... I'm really happy that you two have become my juniors. It's great to have you in the Department of Literature... However, the senior sister really hates the story of separation like this..."

Toko Amano showed a faintly bitter smile, and whispered: "Next spring, Senior Sister, I will leave university...Leaving you two, I am really reluctant, so reluctant... Don't forget Senior Sister. "

She looked at this street with clear-water eyes and said: "Through you, I will no longer be lonely, and I will no longer be lonely in this street. I am such a strange senior sister, you do not hate it... It’s great...in the last year, please give me some advice. If there is anything unhappy, I must find the senior sister. I will hug you like this and guard you... you know?"

Li Yan, who was bending down, and Hagi Suzu, who was kicking his feet, felt the feeling of this soft senior girl in the last year of her four-year university time, and felt the burning face of her cheek. , And finally gradually settled down.

The trio of the university, in front of the bright and gorgeous building posters in the night sky, under the falling cherry blossoms, people come and go, the three of them hug each other's waists. This is the bond urging by the youth, and belongs to Amano. It’s hard to find the warmth of the community...

Warm people, what a beautiful thing in this world...

"...Senior sister seems to care about graduation."

Toko Amano, who had been separated by different roads, walked down the street preoccupiedly, and said in a low voice.

Li Yan was silent. He unknowingly had reached the junior year, and indeed at this time, he had to be ready to graduate, not to mention the senior sister Toko Amano who did not intend to study for a master's degree. .

"Right, Lee."

Ling Hagi, who was walking in the street, raised her head and looked at Li Yan, and asked, "After you graduate, do you directly find employment, or continue to study more and become a scholar like a teacher?"


Li Yan's body shook, he looked at Hagi Ling.

By the way, after he graduated, how would he take the future path?

Although he will definitely continue to insist on writing, he must first get a job, then get a master's degree, and get a doctorate... It's still a matter of preparing for the master's exam right now in the junior year.

In the future, even if he decides to be a scholar, what kind of scholar should he be?

Professionals nestled in graduate students are still...

In Li Yan's mind, group after group of encountering figures smaller than him continued to emerge. He always felt that he was suitable for a certain profession.

At this moment, when people were walking quietly on a ramp in the middle of the night, suddenly, a strong wind blew in, and scattered manuscripts flew on the high slope road of the college, but a round hat flew to Li Yan and Hagi Village Bell The two are here.

"Ah..." In the darkness, the girl standing on the high slope panicked and picked up the manuscript in the dark. I don't know why. If this girl hadn't called out, everyone around wouldn't know that this girl had appeared like this. As a result, some students passing by began to help.

Li Yan couldn't see the figure over there, he leaned down and picked up his hat, always feeling that this beret seemed familiar.

"I was not careful." Hagiura Bell looked at the person picking up the paper, and she bent down to help.

When most people handed over the documents to this daredevil girl, and after being bowed one by one by this short-haired girl, Li Yan also stepped forward and handed the hat to the girl with her back facing him.

"Classmate, your hat."

Li Yan said.

"Yes, thank you very much..."

Under this hazy moonlight, the busy bowing girl turned around, bowed to Li Yan, her tone was a bit erratic, raised her head and said to him.

This one looked at each other, but the two did not expect to see each other in such a place.


In front of Li Yan, this female student, no matter how you look at it, is a student at Toyosaki Academy, a female high school student named Megumi Kato.There was an exchange with him for a while, and as a result, he almost completely forgot one of his ordinary girls.

Kato Kee raised her head and looked at Li Yan with a look of consternation. She opened her mouth slightly, her eyes widened slightly, and her whole body trembled slightly.

"Isn't this Kato!?" Li Yan looked at her unexpectedly and asked.

"...Senior Lee?" Kato Kei muttered.

She stood up straight, and in those eyes that were always ignorant, she finally recovered a little and asked, "Senior Li, are you really Senior Li?"

I don't know why, Kato Hui reached out and rubbed Li Yan's cheeks. She really didn't believe that she would run into Li Yan at this moment.

"Why, what's the matter, isn't it just not seeing him for a while?" Li Yan realised that Kato Kee's reaction was really unclear and asked.

"It's not just a period of time, it's almost since the last time I met, I haven't seen it in a year."

Kato Megumi stretched out a finger and pointedly said.

"..." Li Yan used his fingers to calculate, and it was true that he hadn't seen him for almost a year, after all, more than half a year had passed since he was caught.

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