I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 770

"Sorry...it was caused by various reasons," Li Yan said with shame.

"He has indeed been out of touch with everyone for nearly a year. I can assure him of this."

At this time, Hagiura Bell on the side realized that Li Yan had met this cute short-haired girl, and after listening for a while, she spoke for Li Yan.


When Kato Megumi looked over, her eyes blinked, causing Suzu Hagi's face to change suddenly.

"What...what's wrong?" Hagiura Ling asked with a frown.

As a result, Kato Kee leaned down and looked curiously at Hagi Suzu, who was holding a nutritious milk box in his hand and was barely able to eat normally, and asked, "Why are there elementary school students in Dongda who eat here? "


As soon as this sentence came out, Li Yan's expression on the side suddenly changed.


The bell of Hagi village exploded in an instant, and the fresh milk was squeezed out and splashed on Li Yan's face with force. She immediately grabbed Li Yan's arm, climbed up like a climb, and sat on Li Yan's shoulder. Looking down at Megumi Kato angrily, he said, "What are you talking about? You are a freshman who just enrolled yesterday. Don’t pretend to be an adult in front of me if you don’t know anything! I’m a junior student of the Faculty of Science, Hagi Mura Ling. Chinese children, IQ180, proficient in five languages, ten-digit mental arithmetic is a piece of cake, how about it, do you think I am a child like this?"

However, Hagi-Mura Bell, who became the focus of the ramp, among the quiet crowd, did not know which girl could not help but shouted, "Hagi-mura-senpai is very cute."

As a result, the audience laughed, and there was a constant stream of lovely compliments. It seems that after Hagi-Mura Suzu rises to the junior year, she has already accumulated a lot of popularity in her sophomore and junior year.

"Don't make a fool of yourself!!"

Hagiura Bell shouted angrily to the crowd supporting her, so that her declaration had no effect at all.

Kato Megumi was a little dumbfounded, always feeling that Li Yan always has such a conspicuous presence around him.

"Wait a minute, Kato, you... have you passed the University of Tokyo?"

Li Yan was taken aback, realizing why Kato Megumi was here, and asked in astonishment.

He did not look down upon Kato Kei, but that this university is indeed not guaranteed by everyone. Kasumigaoka Shiba has been so hard in the exam. He knows Kato Kei’s results, and it is difficult to do it in just one year. at this point.

"No..." Kato Kee shook his head slightly, revealing that faint smile, and said: "My grades are far from the enrollment level of this school."

"I am currently studying in an ordinary university, but it was only through very hard work that I got the test."

Kato Kei turned slightly to his side. After she collected all the manuscripts, she turned her head, her eyes looked at Li Yan confidently and calmly, and said, "I told my seniors before. In front of my seniors, I I always want to catch something, and I have to live in front of my seniors... Therefore, I have done some things very hard this year."

For a year, she witnessed Kasumigaoka Shiwa failing the exam and finally enrolled in Waseda. She also saw Ying Riri being forced to go to nowhere, and finally chose to betray the club and go to Hongsaka Zhuyin's team to progress.

For a year, she understood that she was like a passerby, and even hard work could not be compared with them, let alone telling the truth in front of the person who once had incomprehensible origins.

Standing in the spring breeze and cherry blossoms, Kato Megumi's black hair was swaying. She turned back slightly to look at Li Yan and said, "Now, I am working hard to become a scripter."

Chapter 369

The moonlight in the early spring is clear and cold, as silver as falling ice.

Kato Kei, wearing a red jumpsuit and jacket, carried half of the manuscripts to the Wenbu campus of Dongda University. Her expression was relaxed and relaxed. She walked in the quiet campus streets. When she walked, her short hair swayed. It looks pretty cute from behind.

Li Yan, who had left Hagi-Mura Suzuki, now helped Kato Ke send script works to a master of script literature at the University of Tokyo. Surprisingly, it was not the school’s Kato Kee who turned out to be an introductory student of the professor of literature at the University of Tokyo.

——I spent a long time, a long, long time, staying at the teacher's door, using scripts over and over again to study.

When Megumi Kato was asked by Li Yan why he would study here, he simply told him this piece of information, and then laughed without talking.

Li Yan looked at Kato Megumi with some silence. It is not easy to get a master of literature from the University of Tokyo as a private apprentice. How did Megumi Kato do this? What has happened this year? He was suddenly very curious and very curious. Shocked.

This point is no less inferior to the growth that Ying Riri, Kasumigaoka Shiba, and even Shiina Mashiro have made this year.

So, is this the Kato Megumi he knew...

Kato Megumi, who didn’t speak much along the way, led Li Yan on the road to the University of Tokyo. Haoyue gradually rose from the edge of the woods, emitting a soft and cold radiance, and sparse pedestrians came and went under the dim street lights. , Kato Megumi’s back figure blends into the tranquil moonlight, such a clear and beautiful background is almost transparent. It is very peaceful here, but the tranquility is so in line with Kato Megumi’s beautiful temperament.

"Senior, I haven't seen you for a while, how are you doing?"

Suddenly, Kato Ke, who was carrying the manuscript, turned around and asked with a faint smile.

Li Yan was asked this, and then said: "It's... it should be pretty good."

"Good... not bad?"

Kato Megumi showed a puzzled look and turned his face slightly to look at Li Yan, always feeling that such words had other meanings.

"Yes, not bad. During the year I left, although I have always been lonely, I am not alone. During this period of time, I have precious people to help me spend it together, although there are many sad The experience, but I... only should experience life more happily, so I feel very good now."

Li Yan smiled and said to Kato Megumi.

"……Is that right?"

Kato Megumi was silent for a moment, and said in a delicate voice: "Hey, Senpai laughs more than before."

"Didn't I know how to laugh before?" Li Yan asked in a daze.

"Not a year ago..."

Kato Megumi didn't look at Li Yan again, and continued to walk ahead, saying calmly.

Li Yan understood what Kato Kei meant. He didn’t know why. In a night breeze, his expression changed slightly. Looking at Kato Ke’s back, the words "not a year ago" would be in Li Yan's heart. It stirred up a ripple.

Kato Megumi, she still remembers...

As a result, he quickly arrived at the teaching building of the Ministry of Education. At the door, Megumi Kato turned his head and smiled and said, "Senior, you can hand over all the manuscripts to me. I'll just go and see the teacher."

"...No, I also want to see who your teacher is, I will go in with you and see, I won't be regarded as a suspicious person."

Li Yan hesitated and said.

Kato Megumi was taken aback for a moment, then closed his eyes and nodded.

Soon, I went to the Academic Affairs Office of the Education Building of the Ministry of Education. Kato Megumi was taught by the well-known Japanese script master Fujiwara Norimi, a 60-year-old literary writer, and a senior student who graduated from Imperial Women’s University. Still a Chinese family.

"I have completed the revised works and the topics arranged by the teacher."

Kato Megumi showed a faintly pleasant smile. Standing in front of this Japanese female literary master with wrinkles on his face and squinted eyes, his unremarkable expression and spoken language seemed a little airy, it looked like this The attitude is a bit unreliable.

Only then did Li Yan understand that such a thick pile of manuscripts turned out to be old works to be revised and new works to be written. Such requirements are really harsh and strict.

This old lady master with squinted eyes looked at it with presbyopic glasses, pondered for a moment, and then, without saying a word, tapped Kato Megumi's head with a ruler that he didn't know where he had prepared.



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