I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 771

Kato Megumi bent down slightly, swayed a few steps, and looked at the teacher blankly with her head in her arms.

"I've already told you before. It's best to change the subject to write it, but it's the beginning of this kind of routine. What are you stupid writing about, really..."

Fujiwara Kimi murmured.

"...Because... it would be more popular if you write like this." Kato Megumi blinked and said to the teacher blankly.

"Really, it's totally my own way. A guy like you is totally unqualified as a scripter."

Fujiwara Kimi seemed to be half to death, holding one hand on the desk and the other covering her forehead and said.

"...Don't talk about it, Kato, you can go downstairs and buy me a bottle of heated coffee. The teacher will work overtime tonight."

"But, this is far from the vending machine downstairs..."

"This is punishment, you don't have the right to refuse!!"

Kato Megumi intended to bargain with the teacher, but after being so yelled, she couldn't help but stared with fright, took out her wallet, and hurried downstairs.When I walked out of the Office of Academic Affairs, I glanced at Li Yan who was standing in the corridor.

I don't know how to evaluate Megumi Kato anymore. Even in the face of a teacher of this level, her unbeatable personality is a bit too much.

At this moment, Fujiwara's voice came from the Academic Affairs Office: "The boy who came with Kato outside, can you come in?"


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, and he stunned. After hesitating for a while, he moved to take a peek at the lecturer in the dean's office, but the other party put down his old pen and turned to look at him quietly.

It seems to be calling him.

"...Teacher, you call me?" Li Yan grabbed the door and asked nervously.

"Don't be so restrained, classmate, what is your name?" Fujiwara Tomomi asked with a gentle smile.

Li Yan, who was thoroughly tamed by his mentor, had an indescribable sense of fear for any professors and masters, but he found that this Fujiwara Norimi who roared at Kato Kei was like a kind old grandmother at the moment.


Li Yan was silent for a while, then walked into the dean's office and said to Fujiwara Nori, "My name is Li Yan, teacher, I am a disciple of Professor Kenichi Ogura."

Fujiwara's expression changed, she immediately thought for a while, showing a kind smile, the wrinkles on her face exuded an indescribable smell of books, and said: "Li Yan...oh, I remember, before The only qualified foreign student in the past few years, an old stubborn and proud disciple like Professor Ogura. At the beginning, his disciples would be just as out-of-group as him. Doesn’t it look like a child with a very good personality now?"

"Your mentor is always stubborn and stubborn at the party. You can never learn from him..."

Fujiwara Kimi seemed to have something to do with Ogura Kenichi, and said to Li Yan teasing the unsmiling old American man.

Li Yan's expression was complicated, and he always imagined that his mentor was also a lonely member of the teaching staff of Dongda University.

"So, are you Kato's friend?" Fujiwara Yumi asked cheerfully.

"Yes, I am also her senior... I knew her when she was in high school." Li Yan nodded and said.

The faculty room was empty and there were no other professors in, and the lights looked a little dim for energy saving.

After the old woman professor heard Li Yan's explanation, she was silent for a while, her squinted eyes seemed to have a deep light. Looking at Li Yan, she did not speak for a while.

"It turned out to be like this, I knew it in high school..."

The old woman professor showed a faint smile, nodded, and said thoughtfully.

"Yes, Kato would like to take care of you." Li Yan said.

"...Then, did Kato tell you anything, such as the matter of me accepting her as a disciple?" Fujiwara asked.

Li Yan shook his head and said, "...No, I have just returned from the UK and haven't seen everyone for a year."

In a quiet time, Mr. Fujiwara nodded quietly and said: "Kato, she probably didn't mention to you about my apprenticeship with me. Although that kid is always ignorant, she always keeps secrets. It's very good. The boy she is willing to bring over must be someone she can trust. I also ask you, a senior, to take good care of my disciples."

Li Yan looked at this kind teacher quietly. He was already concerned about why Kato Megumi took the path of a "scripter", and couldn't help but ask: "So, why did Kato suddenly learn to write scripts, teacher, Can you tell me what happened?"

The female professor was silent for a while, smiled, and nodded slightly.

"The kid from Kato suddenly waited for me at the door one day last year. Just like many fans who like my work, she told me that she really wanted to write a script, and hoped that I could teach her how to write a truly outstanding script. ...This is how this student and I began to meet."

Fujiwara, an elderly person, recalled the past half a year ago and talked freely.

"There are not many girls in Japan who can like to write scripts and work in such a boring way. I naturally received her warmly and taught her a lot of knowledge about writing. But after teaching for a while, I also saw that this kid Kato was creating Qualifications are not high, which is a pity..."

"One day, in good faith, I told Kato this point, hoping that it would be better for her to work in other industries..."

However, after hearing such a reply, Kato Megumi's expression stiffened and her body trembled slightly, but she still maintained the faint and peaceful smile, almost cheeky visiting and asking, holding her. This diary, which records various writing matters, always appears at the door of Fujiwara's home.

Kato Megumi’s sense of existence is very low, and sometimes she always stays at the door without being known by the people in the house. This light and flamboyant temperament and talent is just like God told her that she was an ordinary passerby in this life. Teenage girl.

However, that faint smile had an indescribable paranoia.

Until one day, Fujiwara, who had just returned home, finally decided to accept this female high school student as a student.

Typhoon weather.I heard that Tokyo Bay was hit by a very strong typhoon.

In the dark weather of the pouring rain, Megumi Kato, wearing a raincoat, stood wet at her doorway, waiting quietly at the doorway like a novice script writer.In the car of the Fujiwara couple illuminating this cold figure, and in the dusk-colored light, Ke Kato raised his head slightly, bowing to her with a vague hope and a little sadness and loneliness, revealing That smile as always.

——I, according to what the teacher said, I have improved.It’s a little rush to go out, so I forgot it was a typhoon...]

This is a reason Kato Megumi gave herself when she was so embarrassed and reckless.

The explanation in just a few words made Li Yan feel like he was on the scene. Kato Hui stretched out his hand to catch the scorching sun. Behind those words to him, she did not know that she had such a strong determination.

This is a smile that is more persistent than crying.

Therefore, Megumi Kato was broken as a student of Fujiwara Nori.

The moon was in the middle of the sky, bright and gentle, and the soft moonlight set off a calm and peaceful night. The light of the moon fell on a vending machine, and the graceful girl who stood up to choose the highest row of coffee.

"The bond between people will change a person."

After buying hot coffee, Pepsi, and her own juice, Kato Hui held her in her arms, with a brisk smile on her mouth, and was about to go back to the teaching office.

"I don't know what she is obsessed with, and what makes her so anxious to prove what... But such a girl, if she writes a script, is not useless..."

In the darkness, the drink can fell to the ground while running, and the panicked girl leaned down and quickly gave it up.

"At the beginning of Kato's heart, I think it should be very complete, she knows how to protect herself, but now she seems to have been torn out a bottomless wound in her heart..."

In the somewhat dim Academic Affairs Office, this professor looked at Li Yan with a bit of sadness and a bit of anticipation, and said, "I just fancy Kato for her great changes that ordinary girls do not have. When there is this crack in the mind, it is a true stigma. With such a stigma, Kato can write works that cannot be written by thousands of writers..."

"The script that Kato writes now has always been a faint joy, a faint sadness, leisurely as natural and fresh as nature, but exciting sorrows and joys. The joys and sorrows are the main story of increasing sadness. Although the heat is not enough, she still At the crossroads, ignorant, trying to catch something... But this little girl who doesn’t know what to pursue will sooner or later be able to use her scripted work to make a series. In a real sense, she has a debut and a reputation. Loved the opportunity."

The elderly professor raised his head and said meaningfully to Li Yan: "You are a very gentle person. Your gentleness can attract many incredible people to you, but not everyone can accurately treat this gentleness. So...whatever it is, please take good care of her, please."

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