I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 772

Li Yan seems to understand some, and temporarily cannot understand more things. In this academic administration room, Li Yan understands a truth...

The girl who was once inspiring and willing to live in a calm and ordinary life was changed body and soul without permission. When the switch came back, someone's soul was burned out of sparks, and a girl was resisting time to erase There is something like "stigmata" in memory...

After a year of silence, Kato Megumi tried to catch up, break away from the "passers-by", and break away from the shackles of the thin sense of existence. After the soul touched another person, her ordinary nature became the shackles that restrained her.

The University of Tokyo, 7:31.

The night is melting, the dark sky is dotted with stars, and the teaching buildings and libraries in the distance are like light sources dotted with darkness, prosperous and peaceful.

Li Yan waited for Megumi Kato at the door downstairs. After she had studied hard with the teacher, she was late in the quiet moonlight.

"I've been waiting for a long time, Senior." Kato Hui said to Li Yan at the door with a faint smile that couldn't be seen through.

"will not……"

Li Yan looked at Kato Megumi and said.

"Ah... Mr. Fujiwara is really nagging sometimes. It's fun to write like this, but he always says that feelings are not enough."

Kato Megumi said with a light smile as she walked.

Li Yan pondered for a moment, and said, "Light novels are very different from rigorous scripts in terms of expression and requirements, so I can’t give you any advice, but Mr. Fujiwara, as a master of Japanese literature, you can learn from her. A happy thing... If you don’t have enough emotional input, try to think carefully about what you want to write."

"What am I going to write... um..." Kato Hui's eyes were a little bit of doubt and incomprehension, and she slightly opened her mouth to think, as if she was indeed not sure what mood she wanted to put into the script.

Two people walking on the moonlit campus, Li Yan asked, "Kato, you suddenly have a dream of becoming a scripter. Why did you enlighten it?"

"This...I didn't think so much. It's just that An Yijun taught me how to write scripts when I was in school. Compared with many things, scripting seems to be my most talented thing... Actually, I am Before the university entrance exam, I didn’t know how to choose a major. Sometimes I felt that I didn’t know why I was so ignorant..."

Ke Kato lowered his head slightly and explained with a smile.

"I suddenly felt that in the extraordinary world before me, there might be many extraordinary things that could attract me. I shouldn't ignore it in a rush like I used to. After changing my feelings with a certain writer, I suddenly like to do this. Written in the notebook...probably, that's how it is."

Li Yan's expression changed slightly.

At this moment, Kato Megumi stood in the woods under the moon, turned around gorgeously, with a smile, with an indescribable freshness, and asked: "Senior, am I now? Is it more conspicuous in front of you?"

"Yes, you at least found your interest, it's quite dazzling." Li Yan replied with a smile.

"Yes, I will continue to work hard."

After hearing this, Kato Megumi smiled happily and said.

However, Kato Megumi looked at Li Yan's expression, was silent for a while, and asked with a smile: "Senior hasn't met Eiriri and Shiba-senpai after returning from England?"

"...Yes, after all, it hasn't been long since they came back. By the way, how are they doing?" Li Yan was taken aback for a while, and then asked with some care.

"Um... this needs to be kept secret, it is better for you to confirm it yourself. By the way, do you want to gather together on this Saturday, so that you can quickly understand everyone’s situation, this is as a senior The punishment for disappearing for a year."

Kato Megumi stretched out her finger and proposed to ask.

"...I have disappeared for a year for many reasons, Ying Lili and Shi Yu shouldn't mind them?" Li Yan asked with lingering fear.

Kato Kee shook his head slightly, and said, "Will you mind... if the object is the disappearance of the senior for a year..."

Under the lush trees, Kato Megumi's expression seemed a little complicated in the moonlight. Gradually, she looked at Li Yan and this man with infinite memories, without saying anything.

Chapter 370

The sky was dim.

There was a thunder, the wind was bleak, and the sky was full of dark clouds.

Located in an old library that existed during the establishment of the University of Tokyo, one after another vacant rooms are dim and empty, and among them, there is an unfamiliar literature department named [Friendship Mutual Literature Society] located here. In a European-style building full of old books and a somewhat ethereal atmosphere.

The air is quite dry compared to the rainy season outside. It may be a transit point for discarded books. There are too many books and a lot of desiccant that dilutes the air.

A corridor lit by sun lights.

At 6:15 in the evening, Li Yan was still on standby. He was the only one in the club today. The other two were busy with other things and missed the club reading activities.


Li Yan locked the door and looked at this corridor full of discarded bookshelves and books, filled with dim lights. Every time he felt whether he had walked into the world of the British Academy of Magic, it was obvious that no one wanted to come here. , But there is an unspeakable sense of knowledge permeating this place. The thought of Toko Amano and the genius Hagi Suzuru talking about books with him here is indeed like a place for real academic research.

No one visits this literature department today.

In this week, Hagi’s bell is almost like an ant on a hot pot, and now she has become discouraged and seems to be defeated.

[Boom boom boom!!

As he walked out of the library warehouse passage, Li Yan's cell phone rang. Li Yan saw that it was a call from Higiya Hachiman who had not been in contact for a long time.

Within a week, Li Yan notified friends he knew in batches, explaining the exact news of his return to Japan. Naturally, some people were quite happy, others were furious, Natsume from Hitoyoshi City, etc. People graduated one after another, and Masamune Izumi still has no change. The Kusanaru Longhui brothers have been paying his account in batches.For the time being, I couldn't get in touch with them, that is, Chiba, and Yinglili and Kasumigaoka Shiwa.

"Biqigu, long time no see."

Li Yan answered the call and said hello to Bichigu Hachiman.

—— [Sure enough, I can make the phone call of senior.I saw the message sent by senior on the line today. I said before that you’d better send a text message to me, senior. I don’t have any friends on the line, and I won’t go to see it for a long time.

Listening to Li Yan's familiar and rotten tone on the phone, he always felt that Higiya Hachiman always inadvertently said sad words.

——Senior hasn’t heard from me for a year. It’s really surprising that I suddenly sent a message. I thought you would no longer speak to a younger generation like me.

Higiya Hachiman said with a ridiculous tone on the phone.

Naturally, Li Yan didn't take it seriously, and said: "I have said that there are many irresistible reasons... By the way, how has your side been? In two days, I did not receive your definite reply."

——We all graduated, and the Ministry of Service was finally handed over successfully when we graduated.I am currently studying at a public university in Chiba, majoring in housekeeping services.

Li Yan didn't have an umbrella. Standing there, Bikitani Hachiman said, "Stop talking about these wonderful dreams. Even if you really want it, isn't your sister Komachi refused?"

At Chiba University, Hachigaya Hachiman keenly smelled a dangerous aura, and his tone became a little more bleak.

——Wait, what does this mean, senpai, do you still keep Komachi’s line? And please don’t call her so close to dangerous people like you, you quickly delete my sister’s line number, now Just do.

Li Yan always felt that Qigu's tone was about to fight, and it was too much trouble for a human being like Meikong.

But on the phone, Biqigu Hachiman occasionally exhales. Listening to this frequency, Li Yan guessed what he was doing and asked: "Wait a minute, are you smoking? When did you start smoking?"

——This, it starts as soon as the legal age is reached.

Than Keiya Hachiman answered slowly.


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