I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 777

When Li Yan heard it, the rice swallowed in his throat choked there, almost almost spewing rice.

Chapter 372 The kindergarten teacher is an old thief (2)

Xuenai's expression on the side changed suddenly, revealing an unexpected look, watching this group ask unspeakable questions.

Naturally, she is not the kind of little girl who is prone to fluctuating moods. Her steady heart and mature mind have long been unaware of many things. Only this question is obviously not a question to her, but her expression seems to be vaguer than anyone else. It's all complicated.

Li Yan was in a mixed mood. It was only the first day he came into contact with Japanese kindergartens today, and he began to feel worried about this group of precocious children.He remembers that when he was a child, he was sitting at the cute lesbian table and his face was flushed. Now, one of the little ghosts who have not replaced their teeth in front of him read the Eighteen Forbidden comics, but even said "boyfriend and girlfriend". A vocabulary with a complicated meaning made him modify his three views time and time again.

When he couldn't figure it out, Li Yan lowered his head to look at them in confusion, and asked, "Why do you suddenly ask?"

The little devil who took the lead showed a wary expression and pointed to Li Yan and said, "You are very close to Teacher Xuexia, everyone is saying that you are actually a couple!"

"There is no relationship, even if you are a couple, your observation skills are still too poor." Li Yan sighed slightly, smiling, and said.

Naturally, children’s words cannot be truthful. Excessive curiosity and vanity will encourage children to create various small theaters. This is commonplace for kindergarten principals and teachers who have experienced many battles. In fact, they also have some I am curious about the relationship between these two people. After all, when I first saw that it was originally said that two Dongda girls came, they turned into a beautiful freshman girl and a junior boy who were beautiful to foul. Sense of sight.

However, the kindergarten children did not give in. The little boy taking the lead became more serious and shouted: "It's not just that. In the morning, Mr. Yukoshita always goes to his brother and teacher when he has time. Look, Xiaoni said that girls only do this when they care about a boy!"

"Stupid Jiantai, what do you do to tell me, you big idiot, kill you bedwetting idiot!" The well-behaved little Ni suddenly exploded, revealing her original character, and kicked the boy's ass. Yelled.


This sentence pierced Yukoshita's chest like a sharp blade, and the whole person shook. Xuena looked at the confrontation scene between Li Yan and the group of children with a look of consternation and panic, as if thinking anxiously. I wanted to say something, but my mouth opened slightly, but I couldn't say anything.


A female teacher sitting next to Xuenao looked in her eyes and was taken aback.Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this reaction is definitely on the mind, but what made this gentle teacher who squinted his eyes was astonished. This kind of development is somewhat unreasonable. According to the general situation, facing such a beautiful and beautiful talented woman, it is The negative is clearly divided into males as the positive...

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment. He wanted to see Yukino's reaction, but he always felt that such a child's emotional remarks made him a little hard to imagine what kind of feelings Yukoshita would have, and he looked at this with a headache. A group of children who have more emotional dramas than adults, just feel that the more they go on, the more the atmosphere becomes clearer. He thinks that the children's curiosity must be ended as soon as possible.

Strictly speaking, conversations in East Asian countries, especially on topics involving face, need to be very sure. The speaker is unintentional and the listener is interested. After thinking about it a few times, Li Yan replied: "Me and Mr. Xuexia It’s a very important, very important, very important partnership. Not only the predecessors and the younger generations, but also familiar with and understand each other. That’s why Yukoshita will see how I take care of you. Only when we care about each other can we have our current relationship. do you know?"

Very important very important very important relationship...

Xuexiaxue was silent for a long time, and her state of mind instantly fell into a blank scene. The interaction between Li Yan and the group of kindergarten students in front of her seemed hard to hear and empty.

The corner of Xuexia Xuena's mouth showed a smile after a while, and the clear eyes showed a little gentleness, quietly looking at Li Yan.

This sentence seemed quite appropriate, and she couldn't find any shortcomings.In her heart, why didn't she see this person in the same way.

Very important.

However, she lowered her head and looked at the delicious meal in front of her quietly. What happened to the erratic expectation in that short period of time? She was really drunk, intriguing, and bitter in the sweetness. She never I have had such a complicated mood.

The kindergarten lunch brought the children's noise. Li Yan and Xuexiaxuena slowly tasted the kindergarten standard steak rice and fresh milk set meal, and then spent this different lunch time slowly.

"..." When Xuexia Xuena was caring for one child after another while taking a nap, she always felt chilly behind her back. She turned her head and looked at it, but saw the little girl sleeping on the bed lying motionless on her side. Watching comics on the bed.

Xuexiaxuena remembers that this girl is the child Li Yan has taken care of. Such a look really makes her a little nervous. To some extent, she will feel jealous after receiving Li Yan's care once... This degree of risk factor is getting higher and higher.

"Huh~~~~" Yukino Yukoshita left the student rest area, talked with a few teachers, and walked to the spacious courtyard for a lunch break.

In the afternoon, the sky was full of clouds and clouds, and the spring breeze was pleasant, and the leaves made a crisp sound. Under the shade of the tree, under the snow, Xuenai saw Li Yan sitting under the tree and writing notes to a notebook.

The noon without the playfulness of children is quite peaceful, but not alone.

"what are you doing?"

Xuexia Xuena asked.

Li Yan looked up at Xue Nai, and said, "Thank you."

He continued to record something. Such a young man who looked like a protection fee looked like a literary youth when he was busy recording. He explained: "I am recording the ideas I think of. If I write a novel, I must pay attention to what I have experienced. The bits and pieces of the story may be useful in later plots."

"Eh... I didn't expect you to be serious, like a writer." Yukino Yukino said with shock.

"...I was originally a writer." Li Yan said with a distressed expression.

After a brief speech, the yard became quiet again. At this time, warm winds were blowing on the green grass. Yukino under the snow looked calm, and her beautiful face looked at this one with some curiosity. Li Yan quietly merges with the novel and story.

Black hair was dancing slightly with the wind, white shirts and gray skirts were constantly shaking gently, and the thin but somewhat youthful and graceful body of the black and long straight girl like iceberg beauty, after a while, She walked over and sat directly beside Li Yan, under this tree.

"?" Li Yan looked at her.This is the first time, it should be the first time, she will take the initiative to sit next to her.It's not clear why she chose to take a lunch break here, but it doesn't matter.

"There is something presumptuous to say, can I talk about it here?" Xuexia Xuenai did not look at Li Yan, but quietly looked ahead and said.

"what's up?"

Xuexia Xuenai turned to the side, looked at him so close, and said blankly: "Recently, I saw a short-haired girl who seems to be walking very close to you."

"!" Li Yan always felt that Xue Nai looked like he had been frozen.

"Please don't get me wrong. I didn't try my best to interfere with your communication with anyone. What's more, you have so many juniors, you are also my seniors in terms of communication, and I won't have any curiosity. Just..."

Xuexiaxuena looked directly into Li Yan's eyes without any cover, and said, "Senior, do you know what you are doing recently?"

"..." Li Yan was dumb for a moment, his appearance seemed to be curious about what Xuexia Xuena still knew, and why Xuexia Xuena would mention things that didn't care about her.But over time, his expression eased.

"That junior was named Megumi Kato. It was a girl I met two years ago because of a very coincidental incident." Li Yan introduced.

Yukino Yukino doesn't care what the other party's name is. Under her slightly swinging bangs are a pair of clear eyes, and she asks: "That's why I said it was presumptuous. How much do you know about this Kato classmate, you can talk to me. Tell me about her?"

Li Yan always felt a little bit cold in the shade of the trees. He didn't want to mention it. He was still thinking about it. But since Yukoshita asked, after he was silent for a while, he went on to introduce frankly, "Kato is a A very smart girl. On the surface, she looks ordinary and has no sense of existence, but if you look at it seriously, she is definitely a beauty. It should be said that she has the reason, calm and affinity that will not lose to anyone. Whoever deals with her will definitely be very An Xin, always caring and worrying about the people around her diligently, as long as the requests made by others are not excessive, she will also seriously worry about..."

Almost all words of praise, Li Yan's expression did not change. He looked at the cloud shadow on the grass on the ground, and said: "What you describe is like a warm cloud."

"The evaluation is very high..." Xuexia Xuenai listened quietly and replied.

Li Yan raised his head and looked at Xuexia Xuena, then suddenly asked, "So don't you think something is wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Xuexia Xuenai was taken aback, not quite what Li Yan meant.

But after serious consideration, Yukino Yukoshita also seemed to perceive something unnatural.

"For me, Kato is really incredible...so that I don't really understand what Kato is thinking about in her heart."

Li Yan analyzed Kato Megumi meaningfully.

"I once asked Kato what kind of script she needed to write, but Kato didn't know what kind of story she was going to write. This was not very similar to her amazing persistence. Match."

"Kato should also have a considerable persistence in becoming extraordinary and she may not have a strong sense of physical presence. This is not what she hopes. However, I still don't want Kato to follow the wishes of others to fulfill herself. People can be guided, but I still think that the new Kato designed by others without authorization is wrong."

"Last year, my partner broke up the firm partnership that had lasted for a year because of his dream. A junior came to Japan to engage in comics simply pursuing his dream. No one has the right to exploit and blame someone around him. People have the right to choose. Although they are arrogant and unwilling, or simple and lacking common sense... But when she has her own dreams, I think she is a complete person, with desires, dreams, and self. , This is the most basic existence of a person."

"The current Kato may be confused by himself, maybe the most confused of the three girls."

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