I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 778

Li Yan's bangs were blown by the wind, explaining his knowledge of Kato Kei.


Xuexia Xuenai's expression was a little dazed, not to say right or wrong, she did not expect Li Yan to analyze this step.

At first, she thought that Li Yan, who was worried about emotional intelligence, had not realized the seriousness of the problem until now.

Xue Nai may not understand Li Yan, but he can understand other girls. Just by looking at it, you can roughly feel what is about to happen.On that night, Yukino witnessed Megumi Kato's words and deeds.

Yukino Yukino let out a breath, and said, "Since you are all talking about this, I won't be nosy..."

"The relationship between people is a knowledge that physics, chemistry, biology, and even all sciences cannot explain clearly... Me, Higiya, and Yuhihama... After three years of high school studies, it seems to have gained something, but it seems to be something. Nothing has been gained. So, I don't want you to be in a mess." Yukoshita Yukino smiled and said with emotion.

"...Thank you, Xue Nai." Li Yan said to Xue Xia Xue Nao.

Yukino stood up, her temperament had an indescribable handsomeness, and her clear and beautiful breath was a little sad, and said: "I didn't help the senior, so I don't need to thank you... The lunch break is almost the same. Now, senior, I’m going to start working."

Xuexiaxue walked with Li Yan on his back under the flickering sky, thinking in confusion: "Senior, your mind is as elusive as you are, you are a very gentle person, but in the world Not everyone can understand your tenderness correctly. As long as you expect, the more painful... But even so, I can't hate you."

Xue Nai understood that that girl could not understand this truth.

That's why... she smiled like that.

The whole day of kindergarten volunteer activities was completed smoothly and orderly.

The children all have a sincere affection for these two volunteer teachers from Dongda University. In the evening, the students sang songs to Li Yan and Xuexia Xuena. Xuexia Xuena has never felt the same. It's been so wonderful, and energy can be used here, it is also quite valuable.

A year ago, there were two figures standing in front of Yukino under Xuexia, two insurmountable figures.One is to learn how to protect herself, and the other is to learn how to protect others. Both methods are for her to live a meaningful life. There is no right or wrong...

In the end, she made a choice.

During the rainy season last year, because of that car accident, Xuexiaxue Nai fully understood which road he should go on.

"That... can I draw the story?"

Xiao Tong, who had stayed by Li Yan all day listening to the story, stretched out his little hand and pulled on Li Yan's clothes, indifferent and deliberately shy, and asked.

Li Yan looked at her, suddenly laughed, reached out his hand and touched Xiaotong’s head, and said, "Of course, my story should be more interesting than that comic book. I will read more of such stories in the future. This is us A new world created by the author with his heart."

However, after a chat with the principal and teachers, and when he was about to leave, Yukino under Xuexia saw Li Yan surrounded by a group of students.

"Brother teacher, when will we hear the next story?"

"Teacher, how is Frank's injury? Is he really going to hand Alice to the human side? The human side is also very selfish. But I really don't know which side is right..."

"Xiao Ni wants to know if they will get married in the end!"

"Daisy wants to know how Frank looks like!"

"So, what time do you come over tomorrow, elder brother teacher?"

A group of children still hadn't listened to the whole long conversation story, and they were excited to ask Li Yan various questions.


Li Yan was in an embarrassing situation. He always felt unable to answer an exact answer. He couldn't get out of the gate of the kindergarten at all. So he stretched out a finger and smiled kindly at them, saying: "Don't worry. I’ll be able to tell you the story, and the story behind it will definitely be very exciting."

"Wow~~~ Long live!!"

This group of children cheered suddenly, and it seemed that their eyes were full of expectant light, almost like an animation that has begun to chase into the pit, and even have new expectations for the disgusting kindergarten life day after day.

It's just that adults know that the volunteer activities of East University students only last for one day. This group of children can't hear the story of the second half of the story, and it has always existed as an unfinished story.

Xuexia Xuena saw it in his eyes, and couldn't help covering his forehead and getting a headache, his conscience was hurting, and he thought: "So you really deserve to be an old thief. This may be the shadow of this group of children for a lifetime. Sorry, Your teacher is a famous unscrupulous old thief..."

A sloping pedestrian street, the blue sky is endless, the golden sunset is scattered on the street, passers-by rarely notice this beautiful scene, Tokyo is immersed in the golden gauze, and the whole world is covered with a layer of mystery.


Xuexia Xuena, who had been silent for a while, took out a letter from his schoolbag and handed it to Li Yan.

Li Yan was taken aback and asked, "What is this?"

Xuexiaxue Nai submitted it with one hand, with a delicate face looking at him calmly, and said: "This is an application for joining the company. I just changed my mind. If I want to write a novel, I still join the Literature Club. Better."

"It just changed...Isn't this an official form of Dongda?" Li Yan looked at the envelope and content blankly, thinking.

Xuexia Xuenao had already started to move forward. After walking a few steps, she stopped. Looking back, the girl in Duanli smiled at Li Yan in the sunset.

"Senior, we should go back now. We need to make up for the vacant homework today. Also, in the new year, please give me some advice."

The Xuexia family does not need to be dependent.

However, she may be a snow girl, but she does not hate the sun...

When the students of Dongda University in tandem were walking to the tram station, inadvertently, a girl with dark green clothes and conspicuous blond hair stood in an alley and saw this scene.


I don't know why, her look doesn't seem to be very happy...

Chapter 373: The Weird Yinglili

On Saturday, a dense mountain forest in Aomori.

This is a mountainous and forested scenic area in the Saitama area near Tokyo. The towns living near the forests have been hosting tourists from downtown Tokyo to get in touch with nature and barbecue in the forest.

In spring, the woods are colorful, the green leaves are a bit more red, mostly ancient trees, large and small places of land are located next to the stone steps covered with moss. Tourists climb up and down in groups, taking pictures and admiring them. This is a real ancient forest scenery that is hard to see in Tokyo.

A team also chose to be here as the reunion place for old friends, and marched toward the mountainside mightily.

The mountains and forest birds cried one after another, and Li Yan couldn't help but look back at the situation.

Behind him is a group of Sanwa Bunko teams wearing mountain climbing clothes and boots. This group of guys are all old faces. Let alone the Kagurazaka editor who has never been absent in tourism, Izumi Masamune and Shido Kunimitsu are in the team. , Ryuki Kusana, and Chisukemura, who just entered the first grade, are conspicuous in the team are Sawamura Eriri, Kasumigaoka Shiwa who work with the Hongsaka Zhuyin team... and the girl Kato Megumi who joined this party.

After a year of getting together, after everyone saw each other, naturally there was an indescribable joy. After talking non-stop, Li Yan noticed that Eiri Sawamura was acting a little weird and she seemed to be interested in the party. She was also very happy, but she would deliberately avoid Li Yan. He originally thought Ying Lili would be so happy that she would trot to him and chatter, who knew this was the reaction.

"Something's wrong, Young Lili guy..."

When Li Yan turned her head to look at Ying Lili, Ying Lili noticed his gaze. After a little response, after looking at him, she quickly turned her head away, letting him squint and confirm his thoughts.

The time of the leaves fell on Ying Lili. She lowered her head and looked dull all the time, and followed the team step by step with her head down, seeming to have something to worry about.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka, who was next to Yinglili, also noticed the weirdness of Yinglili. She looked at Yinglili's profile and asked curiously, "What the hell is wrong with you? You have always been like this since before. You heard that when Li Yan came back and was about to prepare for the party, you were as happy as the lucky cat. Why are you so indifferent now?"

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