I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 779

Ying Lili shuddered, she raised her head and said to Kasugaoka Shiyu: "I'm not as happy as a lucky cat, stupid girl, don't set me up randomly, am I the same as usual."

"...Huh, textbook-like arrogant attributes." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at her with a bit of disgust, and said.

Sawamura Ying Riri's somewhat immature baby-faced face carried an inconsistent melancholy expression. She secretly glanced at Li Yan who was in front of her, and then continued to lower her head sadly again, not knowing what she was thinking.

However, she kept hearing what Kato Megumi was talking with Kagurazaka Ayame and others in her ears. As a girl who joined this team for the first time, Kato Megumi's presence was still weak, but she could not escape her sharp eyesight. When I heard that Kato Megumi was studying script creation recently, he kept bewitching Japanese young girls to consider joining the Sanwa team. Others couldn’t hold back.

Although Kato Megumi’s breath is low, she is friendly and can talk to everyone for a while, and she quickly integrates into this team. Eriri has to admire her advantage and cares about Kato Megumi. I knew Li Yan, and when I saw Kato Megumi up close, I didn’t say that she was pretty. In fact, she was full of advantages. Why didn’t she realize before...

"Yeah... I have a headache, what am I thinking about!"

Ying Riri couldn't help scratching her scalp and muttered to herself in annoyance.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said: "You idiot, don't think about too complicated things. A single-core CPU can't run three-digit addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It's better to relax and compare prices."

Ying Lili immediately stared at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu angrily, and said, "You guys don't stay by my side like a spit, it's really annoying!"

"Am I wrong? You, a half-British half-blood like you, almost couldn't get into college because of English problems... Why is the advantage of the other half of Heisei's bloodline so obvious? It's not so ingrained, and it's just like the Japanese. Can speak English, except for hair color, everything else is made in Japan..."

Shiyu Kasumigaoka looked relaxed, and simply used a few examples to hurt Eri Sawamura so badly that she almost couldn't stand up straight.

When Eiri Sawamura heard this, she blushed and yelled, "Ah! How did you know, who told you so in detail, and don't say it in public!"

At this moment, Li Yan vaguely heard the latest news from Yinglili, and turned around and asked: "By the way, where did you go to university, Yinglili?"


Suddenly, Ying Lili was shocked and looked at Li Yan.

"Study at a British and Japanese joint university in Tokyo, and the distance from your University of Tokyo is only 45 kilometers."

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu introduced slowly.

"...Why do you even know the distance?" Li Yan asked in a daze.

"Because when a certain guy chose a similar school, he deliberately chose the school closest to Dongda, and he deliberately browsed on the computer without deleting the traces..."

"Stop talking, fat woman!"

"Huh? What are you talking about, a 79.9 level girl?"

"You really like talking these days."

"That's because Sawamura classmates behaved too strangely, so I helped you answer the questions well."

On the quiet mountain forest stone steps, the bickering scene between Eri Sawamura and Shiwa Kasumigaoka attracts many passersby. Although it seems to be fighting fiercely, it is obvious that only people with good feelings can come and go. , It just disturbs the tranquility of this piece of nature.

"Do Sawamura-classmates and Kasumigaoka-senpai have been doing this here?" Kato Kei asked curiously.

Kagurazaka Ayame looked at the two of them with a smile, and commented: "What's so bad about this. The Japanese are too stodgy and too deliberately to be quiet, which keeps the mood always in a bad mood. Thanks to them both in the team. Every time I go out, I feel more comfortable."

Li Yan smiled and looked at Ying Lili and said, "Ying Lili, you can tell me about the experience of this year later."

"...Uh, um, if you have time."

Ying Lili was taken aback, looking at Li Yan, her expression was a bit complicated, her eyes were looking elsewhere for a while, and she replied vaguely.


Li Yan felt Ying Lili's avoidance again. He had known her for so long and had never seen her so strange. After a while, Li Yan had to turn his head and chat with Hequan and the others.


Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Yinglili suspiciously. She noticed that Yinglili's attitude towards Li Yan had fluctuated at least yesterday, and it was the first time she saw Yinglili hiding a thought so deeply.

Halfway up the mountain, in a barbecue area shaded by green trees and specially treated for fire prevention, the tourists started to get busy facing a green mountain and water, spraying a spray to repel mosquitoes, and then putting a blanket. Carrying frozen food foam boxes and preparing charcoal, almost everyone has their own job.

This mountainside is actually directly connected by a cable car, but most tourists only use it when descending the mountain and travelers with limited mobility. The price is naturally a bit expensive. It is natural to come here to exercise. There is no need to take a car to reach the activity area.There are also several restaurants and department stores on the mountainside. Shopping here is also very convenient, although the price will be higher than that of the mountain.

I heard that the protection here is quite good, and there has been no mountain disaster so far.

"So dazzling, onions are really dazzling..."

Ying Lili closed her eyes in tears and said in pain.

"Wash it with clean water later and it will be fine."

Qianshou Cunzheng cut the onion seriously and said.

However, when Ying Lili was wondering why Qianshou Village Zheng was so calm, this girl with antique hairstyle raised her head and looked at Ying Lili, where she was calm and calm, not just tears, but her nose was all red.

"Ms. Qianshou, you should have a good rest... Let the woman weighing 120 kilograms come and help."

Ying Lili looked there and persuaded.But after exposing the weight of others, Kato Megumi seemed to wash the vegetables carefully without hearing anything. Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was in the vegetable washing group, turned around and immediately glared at Yinglili.

Chishoumura shook his head and asked curiously, "By the way, Mr. Kashiwagi, how are you doing at Hongsaka? When will you start to help Mr. Uesugi design new illustrations?"

"...The project has not yet been completed. The fellow Hongsaka controls almost all of my time in charge of the project except for my class. This time, if it wasn't for Uesugiyan, she would never let me and Xia Shizi take a vacation. It will take at least half a year for the sky to come here."

After listening to Eiri Sawamura, she hesitated and explained.

Chijumura said with emotion: "Uesugi's second work is very well completed, but if the illustration is not fixed, readers will gradually develop two impressionists. I also think...the illustration work is still the best Knowing him, I also look forward to your group creating new works again."

"...Hmm." Ying Lili's expression was dark, and she nodded slightly without saying anything.

At this moment, Li Yan, who was in charge of transporting frozen ingredients, handed the heavy plastic boxes to Kusanaru Longhui and Shitong Guoguang who were good at cooking.

"A lot of weight, are these expenses reimbursed by the company?" Lion Boy Guoguang opened it and asked in surprise.

Kusanaru Longhui took out a knife and began to cut the meat, and said, "We have a lot of people in our team. If we have two meals at noon and evening, it will be just right. It is easy to deal with this little money to Miss Kagurazaka. Guoguang, You are responsible for the seasoning."

"Then what am I responsible for?" Izumi Masamune asked.

"Izumi, you are responsible for breaking the charcoal and starting a fire. Remember to be just right and give you the hammer."

"By the way, where is our goddess?" Li Yan asked when he thought of a missing person when he was cleaning up broken ice and handling seafood.

Shitong Guoguang and others looked not far away. Kagurazaka Ayame was holding a business card at the moment. It seemed that he had met the presidents and ministers of certain companies. He was able to mix contacts with ease, chatting and laughing. The other presidents and ministers' subordinates The same is true while watching while busy, it seems that both sides are in the same mood.

Izumi Masamune said with some worry: "Kagurazaka-san can't get married like this..."

Lion Boy Kunikaru suddenly retorted: "Nonsense, Kagurazaka-san is so cute, how could she not get married? You don't know how good Kagurazaka-san is..."

Li Yan and others always feel that this person has always been so annoying.

[Ding Dong!

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