I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 781


At this time, Megumi Kato stopped Li Yan.

Li Yan was taken aback, turned around and looked at this gentle girl with short hair.

"Let's set up a tent here at night. At 9:00 in the evening, I have something very important to tell you. Can you come here alone then?"

A gust of breeze rustled the mountains and forests, Kato Kei's dark bangs swayed slightly, put his hands behind his back, his body was slightly tilted, showing a faint smile, and asked Li Yan.

Chapter 374 The Oolong Girl Who Traveled in the Forest

The barbecue time runs from noon to two o'clock in the afternoon.

April is the season of frequent spring rains. The water level of streams in the mountains and forests skyrocketed. In the afternoon, the temperature of the stream slopes in the mountains and forests facing the sun remains between 23-26 degrees Celsius. Naturally it is still somewhat cold, but the tourist area has lifted the ban. Drifting between projects.

The group came to face the turbulent mountain stream, and organized an adventure project that they had never played before.

Kagurazaka Ayame stood in front of everyone, clapped his palms, and said, "Okay, OK, everyone, don't worry, now you are going to be grouped. If you are in a rubber boat, two people are divided into a group."

She took out a white suggestion carton, looked at them with a troublesome smile, and said: "This time there are nine people in our team, and now one person must wait until the next round to form a team. Given the fairness For the sake of things, Guoguang and I made a lottery box specially, corresponding to the four types of ABCD notes. Those who draw the same English letter are combined into a group, and the one extra person has to wait for the next round. This arrangement, Do you have any comments or suggestions?"

This arrangement is quite reasonable. You see me and I see you, but there is no opinion.

Ying Lili, who stayed in the crowd, seemed to be sneaky. She was actually a little alienated from boys other than Li Yan. Although she was very familiar with the three boys: Izumi Masamune, Lion Boy Guoguang, and Kusuna Longhui, but I'm familiar with each other, and when I want to drift down on a boat, I always feel that something will inevitably be touched. She is not saying that an old partner like Li Yan is fine, but even if they collide together, she will not Blushing, not too embarrassed.

"Classmate Zecun, please don't worry. This time it's not a swimsuit. It won't happen that a college student is inferior to a high school student.

While Ying Lili was thinking about it, Shiyu Kasumigaoka on the side calmly "comforted".

"What nonsense are you talking about, who is thinking about that kind of thing!"

Sawamura Ying Riri suddenly raised her head, blushing and staring at Kasugaoka Shiyu.

Ying Lili lined up angrily, looking at the paper balls that he picked up from Kagurazaka Acorus one after another, still chattering in his heart and yelling at Shiyu Kasumigaoka who had been looking for her.

At this time, Li Yan's gaze again noticed Kato Kei, what Kato Ke said to him before made Li Yan think.

"Please, please, at least you must form a team with people who are very familiar!"

"Please, please, at least I must form a team with people who are connected with me!"

After everyone got the ball of paper, Ying Lili, who kept praying, and Guoguang, the lion boy, who kept praying, quickly opened the ball of paper, but several people were dumbfounded.

"Okay, let me review..."

Kagurazaka Ayame looked at everyone's notes and then announced the arrangement.

"The first group, group A, are Teacher Longhui Kusanagi and Teacher Guoguang Shitong!"

Kagurazaka Ayame said with a smile.

"Thank you, Guoguang."

Kusanaru Longhui expressionlessly said to the lion boy Guoguang, who knelt down on the ground bitterly and annoyed that the so-called communion is the friend.

"The second group, group B, are teacher Uesugiyan and teacher Qianshoucun Zheng!"

Kagurazaka Ayame continued to announce.

"Thanks a lot."

Li Yan and Qianshou Village Zheng had experienced distress, and there was no gap between them, and they were kind to each other.

"The third group, group C, are teachers Ying Riri Kashiwagi, and teacher Xia Shizi!"

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu's face was not very good. The one beside her was like a piece of white paper, and Ying Lili, who stood there dumbfounded, did get the combination of her dreams. The embarrassment would definitely not be embarrassing, but the object still made her unbearable .

"The fourth group, the D group, are me and Izumi Masamune."

After Kagurazaka Ayame had read all the combinations, she looked at Megumi Kato, who was weak, and said, "Sorry, Kato, you have to wait for the next round before combining with someone else. At that time, we will draw lots to decide who will follow you. Drifting well."

"Ah... it doesn't matter, you guys have fun."

Kato Megumi, who always feels that she has been abandoned, doesn't look good. She keeps a smile politely and says to them.

Kagurazaka Ayame nodded, and said to the other three groups excitedly: "Then, everyone put on the clothes they brought over, and then put on the life jackets, and set off in turn, Lets go!"

Soon, the group of people put on life jackets and red helmets under the arrangement of the staff, and lined up in some long lines, ready to board the ship.

Soon, the team was able to see the entire sloping stream and waterway. The surging mountain stream splashed a mist and white water surface. There was an indescribable sense of thrill and chill, which made a group of first time The person who tried it was pale.

Ying Lili asked with complicated expression: "Otaku Lee, have you ever played such an activity?"

Li Yan shook his head and said, "Although I have also gone swimming in the mountains, this is the first time for such a dangerous activity."

"As for you, I think your boat will be safer, but the guy on my side who has a strong physique and can't help it, always feels that the boat can easily capsize."

Eiri Sawamura couldn't help but said worriedly.

"It's okay, Mr. Baimu, but before the boat is about to capsize, I will push you down to an area where you can safely go into the water. Isn't that okay?"

Shiyu Kasumigaoka, wearing a thick life jacket, stood with her chest folded, and said to Ying Riri.

Li Yan and the others watched the two of them leaning forward to each other, gritted their teeth and waited for me and I waited for you. They always felt that the rubber boat had not turned over, and the boat of friendship had been turned over...

The first group was ready to set off. Kusanaru Longhui sat on the boat, looked back curiously at the tearful Lion Tong Guoguang, and asked: "You guys put on such an expression along the way, it is really disgusting. What exactly is going on?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Long Hui, did you not hear when the staff just made arrangements? She is still saying that you are very gentle and unfair to your girlfriend on the same boat. You have earned your reputation. Why should I be considered Woman, my sexual orientation is normal, OK? A big loss!"

Lion boy Guoguang sat in the back row unwillingly, angrily to the point that he said.

Kusana Longhui has a headache, and sometimes feels that when this guy loses his temper, he really doesn't look like a man with a head of one meter and seven. The themes of his novels are all "snack", and a series of being treated as girls deserves it.

The second set of Li Yan and Qianshou Cunzheng, who were about to set off, also got on the rubber dinghy. Li Yan was still a little concerned about Qianshou Cunzheng and asked: "Now I can exchange with Zhengzong. You are sure to Give up this opportunity?"

"...Forget it this time, the last time you and everyone were worried for so long, I know how to restrain myself."

Qianshou Cunzheng sat behind, she thought for a moment, shook her head, and said to Li Yan.

Li Yan was silent for a moment. He once again paid attention to Qianshoucunzheng’s fingers. As a result, the five slender fingers had beautiful fingernails. It seems that Qianshoucunzheng’s thoughts have finally grown in this year. The change.

The two combined rubber boats started to set off. The rubber boat accelerated very quickly and suddenly began to dive down suddenly in the bumps.

With the screams of Lion Tong Guoguang and Qianshou Village Zheng, Ying Lili's face was pale, and she began to look at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

"You sit in the front, I sit in the back." Ying Riri suggested.

"Stupid? According to the rules, a lowly man sits in front." Shiyu denied Ying Lili's proposal.

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