I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 782

"Similar to your body as strong as a gorilla, it should be used as a steering stick."

"You don't have a few catties of meat like this, and a woman with a large pelvic bone and a balanced hull is not suitable for falling on the bow part?"


When the two women glared at each other like street ruffians, they converged under the kind reminder of the staff.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said: "There is no way, guess the boxing decision."

Ying Lili has no opinion either.

She clenched her fists and looked serious. At the thought of the slogan, Ying Lili made a pair of scissors with the same momentum as a Pegasus meteor fist.

As a result, Ying Lili sat in front with a melancholy expression. Her double pony-tailed "scissors" really hit the "rock" that restrained her.

On the surging stream, the water was so cold that the two people who set off in the front were unbearably frozen, but the shuttle through this scenic mountain forest was like a dream.


Rushing to the front of Group A, Lion Boy Guoguang was still controlling his direction. As a result, when he turned his head and looked at the situation behind him curiously, he saw that the situation of Kagurazaka Acorus and Izumi Masamune who started in the last group was a little bit wrong.

Izumi Masamune seemed to be sitting in front because of a head problem, but when he encountered a rapid decline, Kagurazaka Acorus fell on Izumi Masamune's body, hugging tightly in the screams.

"Izumi, what are you doing!?"

Lion Tong Guoguang looked in his eyes, and suddenly exploded with anger. He desperately turned over and paddled upstream, wanting to go up against the current and chase Izumi Masamune.

"Hey, what are you guys doing, it's dangerous!" Kusanaru Longhui lost his sense of direction and suddenly scolded in panic.

The operation of Li Yan's group was pretty good. They were able to find the most suitable route to flow down, but Qianshou Village Zheng still paled with fright, and did not paddle the oars at all.

However, Group B quickly reached a mountain stream that was falling quickly. After flying into the air, Qianshoucunzheng immediately fell over, hugged Li Yan's back, and screamed.

Ying Lili and Kasumigaoka Shiwa worked very hard to catch up to Group B, but when Ying Lili was paddling to avoid Li Yan’s rubber boat, she inadvertently saw the slenderness of Qianshou Village Zheng wearing a thick life jacket. In the sleeves, the chest area still looked particularly eye-catching, and immediately made her deflated like a balloon, and the boat of Group C suddenly lost its direction.

As a result, Kato Kee, who was on standby on the hillside, saw the four rubber boats collided at the same time. Eight people on the boat fell into the water one after another. A gust of wind blew Kato Kee. She thought: "I still don’t want to play this. A game is ready..."

After finally drying his hair and putting on warm clothes, the group of people coming out of the dressing room looked exhausted.

After the ship capsized, everyone knew how to swim, so they all reached the end of the game anyway, but everyone suffered from backaches.

"Everyone, now at 3:40 in the afternoon, there is another project here that is to pick mushrooms and bamboo shoots in the mountain forest as soup for dinner. Would you like to participate?"

At this time, Kagurazaka Ayame read the leaflet and suggested.

When Li Yan heard this, he felt that this kind of activity was quite good. He was originally a child who grew up in the forest. He had a special preference for bamboo shoots and wild mushrooms. Bamboo shoots can cool and moisturize the body, which is great for people who eat barbecue. In this drizzle spring rain season, the quality of this mountain forest should be very high.

"I'm not going……"

"Me too, I have to go back and get a good night's sleep."

A group of people who strayed to each other raised their hands and abstained, including Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, Lion Tong Guoguang, Kusanaru Longhui and Qianshou Village Zheng.

The group of four who decided to have a good experience of playing, that is, Kagurazaka Acorus, Li Yan, Yinglili and Kato Megumi, began to follow some people who signed up for this event to the deep forest.

"Eriri, does your body matter?" Kato Megumi asked Eriri when she saw Eriri fell directly into the water, only to find that Eriri was all right.

Ying Lili said: "It hurts a bit, but it doesn't matter. After all, I have exercised. Don't think I always catch a cold. In fact, the anti-shock ability is quite good."

Li Yan turned around and looked at Ying Lili with a complicated expression. She always felt that she had such a strong aptitude. With her fast and electric double ponytail attack and such anti-strike ability, perhaps Ying Lili was actually a master.

When they arrived in the forest area where the mountain treasures had not been mined, everyone took their bags and began to gather mushrooms happily.This kind of activity is most popular in spring and autumn in Japan. Japanese shiitake mushrooms are quite expensive in the market. The shiitake mushrooms and bamboo shoots purchased here are sold at very low prices. There are also professionals who are responsible for checking the types of shiitake mushrooms collected by tourists to prevent collection. To the poisonous mushrooms.

Li Yan squatted on the edge of the tree and collected a lot of shiitake mushrooms. This young figure with short black hair and a beautiful face attracted Ying Lili's attention.

Once, she was still a freshman in high school. This guy was her neighbor downstairs, because the underwear always fell to his balcony because of the wind direction. After ruining the setting of her elegant lady, she found that this person was talking weird. , The guy who likes figurines but has a gentle temperament but doesn't know it is strangely funny, so he called him [Otaku Lee]. At first he didn't know he had such a talent.

So if you think about it carefully, Ying Lili always feels that it is excusable for the otaku Lee to be liked by girls younger than twenty.

She thought of the beautiful girl from Chiba, the scene where the girl named Yukino Yukino was walking with him yesterday, and she was at a loss.

"Mr. Baimu, you pick it quickly, otherwise the better bamboo shoots or shiitake mushrooms will be picked off by others."

Kagurazaka Ayame on the side reminded Ying Lili who was in a daze, and said.

"Huh?" Ying Lili was shocked and looked at Kagurazaka Iris.


Kagurazaka Acorus took out a bamboo shoot that was as round as a water bottle, and said with a bright smile: "Kato, she has collected it. She has already collected a lot of bamboo shoots."


Ying Lili was stunned, always wondering how Kato Megumi became so great.

Holding a hoe, she was nervous, always feeling that it would be even more difficult for her to show her strengths if she was suppressed by Kato Kee here.

It seemed to her that there were people everywhere, where could you grab some treasures. Surprisingly, there were not many tourists looking for and collecting bamboo shoots in the bamboo forest not far away. She suddenly found out that after she arrived in the New World, she hurriedly Rushed over.

As a result, there are quite a few bamboo shoots here, and many of them are of good quality. Yinglili was happy, and started to dig the soil around the bamboo shoots with a small hoe, and the harvest was full.

"Okay, so you can definitely win the championship, just leave the shelling and identification to the staff."

Ying Lili brought a bag of shiitake mushrooms and bamboo shoots to the staff, and thought lightly.

However, Yinglili did not know that this bamboo forest also has the name of this kind of bamboo hanging, and tourists will automatically avoid it when they see the name of this bamboo.


6:20 pm.

On the mountainside, the shadows of the trees are jagged, the mountain breeze is light, and flames are blazing in the cooking area. Among them, several large pots are placed on the fire rack to stew the mountain delicacy broth.


Shiyu Kasumigaoka who took a sip of the soup turned her head away and sprayed.

"So bitter, what's the matter!?"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at the pot of soup in astonishment and asked.

Everyone gathered to see the situation.

As a result, Li Yan, Kagurazaka Acorus, and Kusanagi Ryuki all took a sip, but they all choked with uncomfortable expressions.

It's really bitter, and it's hard to get it.

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