I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 785

I know too much to ask, and sometimes I get nothing.

Kato Megumi was left standing alone at the door, Kato Megumi lowered his head, tears could not help streaming down.

"Senior, I don't know... what I want..."

Drops of tears fell on the back of this young girl's hand.

"...I just hope you don't get hurt again like this... just to be the heroine in your world."

That whispered softly, almost trembling, so sad.

The traces of the broken heart, the unprecedented emotional fluctuations, completely swallowed Kato Megumi in darkness. Perhaps, at this moment, she might be the real herself, knowing that she would fail, and showing herself without fear. Injured ordinary girl.

At the entrance of the hotel, Li Yan was about to set off. At this time, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who had been waiting by the side, walked out with a bag.

"Ms. Uesugi, take this."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smiled, handed him the bag, and said.

Li Yan was taken aback and asked curiously: "Teacher Xia Shizi, what is this?"

"Chocolate milk tea, it's in my thermos bottle, so I can give Yinglili a sip, otherwise that guy might catch a cold."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at him and said.

Li Yan thought for a while, hung the umbrella on his shoulder, and then took the bag with his hand.

"Thank you for allowing the hotel to relax. Many people hiding outside from the rain probably need to come back to the bubble hot spring."

After Li Yan thanked him, he exhorted Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

"That guy Ying Lili rarely insists on partnering with someone like this and gives up painting by himself."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu watched the heavy rain and suddenly sighed, making Li Yan stunned.

She looked at Li Yan and asked meaningfully, "So, don't you have anything you want me to convey to you?"

"...Apologize to Kato for me."

Li Yan was silent for a while and replied.

"I don’t know if I’m doing it right or not. I don’t have the right to deny one’s efforts, but Kato’s teacher, Professor Kudo, warned me before... Kato is not the heroine of anyone, she is the protagonist of her own world, an otaku. The girl created by his mind is not a real protagonist. It is too pitiful for Kato to cater to a certain person's requirements."

Li Yan lowered his head and said his intentions.

A long time ago, when Yukoshita Yukino saw that Kato Kee was looking at Li Yan's eyes, she knew that there would be such a result. She reminded Li Yan very early to respond to this young girl’s heart in the best way. .

Holding Megumi Kato, who was expected by others, she was still unable to complete the first script that the teacher gave her.

Scripts designed to cater to the interests of others will never be able to conquer readers with their own mood. The scripts are even more exciting. When this heroine emerges into a true protagonist, probably...he and Professor Kudo will see one This wonderful script in the true sense was created from the hands of this girl with a white heart.


Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu quietly looked at this figure walking forward in the heavy rain, and after a long time, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"If you can, I really hope that your personality can be slightly changed for a possibility..."

She thought about it, but she didn't know why, even she denied this thought.

The sky is roaring with thunder, the canals of the plank road are "grumbling", the night of the mountains and forests is dark, even if there are street lights on the road, it is difficult to see the environment within a five-meter range in heavy rain.

Li Yan searched for places Yinglili might go along this road, shone the flashlight, and looked at various corners where she might hide from the rain.

According to reason, the [editing system] should be able to play a huge role at this time, but after he returned to life, the editing system that had been with him finally disappeared, and it seems that he returned to the original owner together with all the external forces. Up...

"Almost invisible..."

Li Yan never thought that he had such a relationship with the forest. On TV Tokyo’s gall test show, the tracing of people in the tropical rainforest of Okinawa, and the incident of looking for pears in the mountain of fear all deal with dense forests. He is clearly in an economically prosperous eastern country. But it turned out to be a fierce competition with the forest several times.

Li Yan's raincoat has soaked into a lot of cold and biting rain. It is difficult to see the front clearly when his eyes are wet. He tried to call out the name "Yinglili", but the empty plank road in front of it was empty. I don't know if Ying Lili could hear this cry echoing in the mountains.

Suddenly, when he passed a mountain road built along the ramp, when the flashlight was searching, he found an existence resembling blond hair in the depths of the grass down the ramp. Li Yan was shocked, and then serious just to confirm.

At a distance of fifty or sixty meters, the gloss of the flashlight was so fuzzy there that Li Yan repeatedly confirmed that he couldn't convince himself, he finally couldn't help but jumped over the guardrail, looking for the suspicious clue.


Any situation is possible. For example, Ying Lili might accidentally slip into this ramp and fainted when she hurried back.

However, the heavy rain at this moment made it more difficult to see the front when entering the woods. Li Yan walked a little too fast. For a moment, he didn't know what slippery blade of grass he had stepped on, and he lost his balance.

"Crap!" Li Yan was startled, it was too late to help, and he rolled down.

For a moment, muddy water, branches, gravel, thorns and thorns...continuously struck Li Yan who was rolling down.



In an instant, a flash of lightning landslides in the night sky, and the thunder roars like tearing the earth, shocking Ying Lili who was distracted.


Hidenari Sawamura, who was hiding in a Japanese-style pavilion on the mountainside with a few young men and women, always felt that something had happened just now. She opened her mouth slightly, her heart was chilly, and she looked around but saw nothing.

"Huh...I was taken aback." Ying Lili was relieved and thought.

Ying Lili, who quietly waited for the rain to stop, was still at a loss. She hid under the eaves and looked up at the sky helplessly. She felt that she had known that she would not want to take a walk on a whim.

"Why, I always can't do one thing well?"

Sawamura Ying Riri lowered her head, thinking sadly.

Since getting to know Li Yan, Sawamura Eriri, who considers herself a leader in school and fanzine industry, has felt an indescribable sense of exhaustion.

In order to keep up with Li Yan, she has increased the level of effort many times more than before.

The story ghost Uesugiyan is his partner. Sometimes it's not just a good question. Ying Lili's failure to keep up with his partner is more of a mentality, as well as a mood towards creation.

If the people who are willing to work hard are the best... Creators of the same level as Chijumura, Shiina Mashiro, and Uesugiyan are the real gods, and this is not the level where efforts can be made to narrow the gap.

The sales volume of Chishou’s first work was tens of millions, Shiina Shirai’s first contact with and published comics, and Jump’s support rate increased every week. Uesugiyan’s first light novel won [That light novel is really good-looking The chief honor...Compared with a self who has accumulated more than ten years of creative experience and painting skills, she is really not in the mood to say that she is a genius or something.

"Otaku Lee is still waiting for me to come back to create his works, but although my design level has really improved, can I really keep up with Otaku Lee? It seems that Shiina is faster than me. many……"

The golden bangs slightly covered these azure blue eyes, Ying Lili lowered her head and thought silently for a long time.

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