I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 786

She can't think, if Uesugiyan's partner is no longer her, she really still has a way to create illustrations like now.

However, just as Ying Lili was thinking about it, the crowd suddenly became commotion in the rest pavilion in the white rain.

"Is there anyone there?"

"Staff, did you give us umbrellas?"

"Even if we are sending umbrellas, we dare not go out now because the rain is too heavy."

There was a lot of discussion between men and women. Ying Lili looked over. On a dark stone step, there was a figure walking over with a flashlight. Gradually, Ying Lili could see the figure clearly.


Ying Lili's eyes widened, feeling quite surprised.

"The house... the house boy Li!!!"

When this figure walked close enough, Ying Lili was dumb for a long time before she could not help but stammer and shout out the nickname of this person.

In the darkness, Li Yan wearing a raincoat finally found Yinglili in this place. As everyone said, Yinglili was just hiding in a place to hide from the rain.

"Huh... great, Ying Lili, you have to hide here well." Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief and said after seeing Ying Lili safe and sound.

However, Li Yan walked under the street lamp to let everyone see clearly that this young man was covered with mud and grass, and there were blood stains on his cheeks and palms. It seemed that there was an accident on the way and he fell hard.He also held a package and an umbrella in his hand, which seemed to be here to deliver the umbrella.

"What are you still talking about, idiot!? Really, you know you're hurt at a glance..."

Ying Lili was shocked and angry, and yelled at Li Yan, but when she yelled, a strange memory could not help echoing in her mind.

I always feel that this scene is familiar...

For an instant, that eye was dripping with blood, wrapped in a white bandage, and an illusion of a young man holding a shotgun appeared in her mind, so clear and real, but she couldn't remember it.

Suddenly, Ying Lili couldn't scold him anymore, and looked at Li Yan dumbly.

Sha Sha... Sha Sha Sha...

In the rainy and foggy mountain forest, located in the high-altitude pavilion facing the valley scenery, among the bamboo forest, in the bleak cold wind, Ying Lili once again was accompanied by this bruised partner, as if the end of the world.

"What's wrong?" Li Yan asked.

"Ah... it's nothing. Anyway, you are really messed up. Take off your raincoat quickly. I asked the staff if there are any disinfectants and band-aids."

Sawamura Ying Riri came back to her senses. She always felt a little inexplicable. She looked at the wound on Li Yan's face with some concern. While talking, she hurried over to ask the staff.

Soon, Ying Lili came to Li Yan with the medicine box.

When Li Yan took off his raincoat, the injury was more serious than expected, and the shoulders were also colored, making Ying Lili feel a little scared.

"Why you guy is so mobile? Even if you give me an umbrella, you can't go back from such a heavy rain... It's not worth the loss for you to suffer such an injury."

Ying Lili sighed, and after wiping Li Yan's wound, he put on iodine medicine and said.

Li Yan naturally understood that he had done something extra, but he didn't regret it. He sat in a chair and said, "In short, the problem is indeed with me. It's fine if everyone is fine.

"Who can do anything, don't treat others as idiots, don't think about it."

Sawamura Yinglili shouted sternly.

After handling the wound well, Li Yan's cell phone was reimbursed by the rain again, and after borrowing someone else's cell phone to explain clearly to Kagurazaka Iris, he and Ying Lili drenched in the rain here.

After waiting for a few minutes, Ying Lili, who had been very restless, calmed down at this moment.

"Um, Lee Otaku..."

Ying Lili raised her head and looked at this empty and surging thunderstorm scenery, with strands of low white cold rain, the side of this blond-haired girl was so calm.

"Thank you very much for coming to me this time. Sure enough... Every time I am sad, you will be by my side... Otaku Li, are you my guardian spirit?"

Whether it’s the roof of the building when you entered the illustration industry, the announcement of a career change at C89 night, or the return of a good meal, and the powerlessness that Shiina was defeated in the sales of comics...

However, when Ying Lili inadvertently saw Li Yan and Yukoshita Yukino strolling together in the sunset, she suddenly realized something she had never thought of with the long-lost anticipation and the sudden encounter.

"I suddenly became scared yesterday..."

Ying Lili's mouth hesitated for a long time, and suddenly said to Li Yan.

Li Yan listened, always feeling that something was wrong, looking at Ying Lili next to him with a puzzled expression.

Eiri Sawamura was scared and worried, but she had been wondering why she was suddenly scared and worried, and why she didn't notice this phenomenon until now.

However, she has no way to change this mood and current situation.

Ying Lili didn't quite understand what this feeling was.

It was like falling into an ice cave, shaking her soul.

Ying Lili raised her head and looked at the sky, and said with a sad and ambivalent mood: "I have always been accompanied by you like this, my precious partner, sooner or later...I will lose the right to be with you..."

"Unimaginable, by my side... one day when the otaku Li is not by my side..."

Alone, she is the only one left in the world.

Chapter 376 Goodbye, Mr. Light Novel

On the side of the mountain road, straight rain curtains flow from the antique eaves.

The rain lightly swept across the green leaves of the treetops, and the street lights looked so crystal clear.The canal makes a pleasant sound, the moss-covered stone steps and the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva on the roadside are flowing with tumbling water, and the rain scene on the mountain is unique.

Sawamura Yinglili's blue eyes reflected the scenery, she raised her head slightly in the rain and mist, as if she was in a dream.

Today can be said to be a real exception, I said so sensitive and profound emotion.These words, if in normal times, she would have difficulty speaking out anyway.

It was just that, facing this one who was wounded and hadn't seen a change in a year, after Li Yan stayed by her side in silence, she couldn't help but confide it in the face of the wind and rain.

"Ying Lili, what happened?" Li Yan asked when he heard something wrong.

Eiri Sawamura kept raising her head slightly, showing her pretty cheeks, with a hint of self-deprecating self-deprecation. She looked at Li Yan, and said with a bitter smile, "I thought about it carefully. It's inexplicable, sorry, otaku Lee."

"I don't know when... I have become so dependent on you, and I feel embarrassed to say such headstrong and strange words."

The raindrops fell on the feet, tick tick tick and soft, forming a circle of ripples on the water.

Ying Lili no longer looked at the sky, but silently looked at the rain scene at her feet. The golden bangs slightly covered her eyes, and she was a little confused in her calmness. She seemed to be distracted, and she spoke like whispers.

Li Yan turned his face to the side, and quietly observed Ying Lili with those eyes that were always incomprehensible to others. Indeed, he rarely heard Ying Lili say such words so straightforwardly.

The street lights are dim, like a world rendered by ink and wash.

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