I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 789

"That...I called it here. Sorry, I thought you had told everyone before, so I talked to Xiao Kui and others, but after Xiao Kui got in touch with Kagurazaka-san, this gradually got The news fell apart..."

Behind Li Yan, Ema Anhara looked at Li Yan timidly and explained.

"..." Li Yan always felt that the atmosphere was a little bit ugly when they came over at such a critical moment.

"Senior, you ran over to the UK without saying a word. We didn't know it before." Satania protested with tears.

"What's the matter? Isn't it nice to have Yubi Company in the country? Let this guy run over and take the opportunity to punish him for buying some game discs. I will forgive him."

Gabriel, who was playing with the handheld, said calmly.

"Senior Iori also went to the UK last year, so I have two seniors in the UK that I must visit. Senior, I will definitely go to Oxford to see you with you some time."

Liang Feng Qingye smiled, her expression seemed very happy for Li Yan, but she could also see the sadness of reluctance, she raised her head and said to Li Yan.

Takashi Natsume is holding the fat cat teacher and has been attracting the eyes of Yukino Yukoshita beside him. With a faint smile, he said, "We too, in time, not only me and the cat teacher, including Multitrack, Tanuma ...And your loyal fans will wait for the day you come back to meet, we will miss you, senior."


The strange cry of Teacher Cat made Li Yan feel uncomfortable.

Xiaolin took the bag in Thor’s hand and handed it to Li Yan, and said, “Take this with you. The food in the UK is not that delicious. There are a lot of condiments here. Let's do it."

Li Yan took the gift bag. At this time, Xuexia Xuena was by Li Yan's side, and calmly said to Li Yan and Hagiura Ling: "Senior, senior sister, I will take care of the club afterwards, please Don't worry."

"In the UK, I have notified Victoria and Alice. Go there. If you need to use your contacts in an incident, please ask them, Holmes."

Shiina raised his head and said to Li Yan.


In the world of sakura, Li Yan almost listened to the words of several people at once. He came to this country alone, and is now surrounded by this large group of people. This is not a happy time, so what is it?

"thank you all……"

Li Yan was holding a lot of gifts, the color of surprise still did not fade, he looked at the crowd with a warm smile, and said to them.

"In short, we are waiting for you to come back, otaku Li."

In the end, everyone calmed down and looked at Li Yan with smiles. Standing in the middle, Eiri Sawamura showed a bright smile and spoke words of faith to Li Yan.

On the day of parting, there is always warmth and an unspeakable sadness.

Li Yan looked at them, and finally didn't know what to say.

"Li, Hagi Village, don't you plan to board the plane, there are only three minutes left before boarding time!"

Suddenly, Professor Ogura's face changed abruptly after hearing the reminder again, and he spoke harshly to both of them.


Li Yan and Hagi Ling's faces instantly paled, and Li Yan immediately after saying goodbye to everyone, he saluted with both hands, and picked up Hagi's bell with one hand and ran towards the ticket gate.

During the run, the students' time passed quickly like a dream.

Goodness, sadness, hope and frustration, this is all life.

Just as the two rushed to the ticket gate at the last moment, Li Yan inadvertently saw a certain part of the airport, a woman with a beautiful and gentle face dressed in a kimono and her assistant looked over here. When the two of them looked at each other, Sayuri was taken aback for a moment, and then she showed a beautiful smile like cherry blossoms.

Goodbye, Mr. Light Novel Master...

Volume 16, Final Volume, The Inextinguishable Fire of Li Yan Chapter 377 The new teacher is a bit like the underworld (1)

Headquarters of Oxford University, Oxfordshire, England.

At 6:35, the sky was blue and ink, and the street lights flickered and dimmed, not fully lit.

The warm current from the North Atlantic Ocean and the cold current over Britain created a thin haze, and inside the fog is an ancient dark British-style building.In the old university building covered with moss, there is a row of physics laboratories belonging to Oxford University.

An old wooden door was gently pushed open by a small hand, making an uncoordinated opening sound.

The light of the flashlight shone back and forth, and the door pusher confirmed that there was no one, then he sighed and closed the door.

"Not in this room..."

The petite body whispered an authentic Japanese.

Dressed in Western-style student costumes, with blond hair that matches the European style, but a figure that looks like a pea in the eyes of Europeans, walks in this dimly lit corridor.

Seems to be looking for something in an old building.

Arriving in the last laboratory in this corridor, the girl with a troubled expression pushed open the door and spotted it again with a flashlight.

I searched all corners back and forth. When I felt that I had found nothing, suddenly, in the dark corner, a blanket that was not easily found in the dark moved inadvertently, and suddenly the staggered light source returned to that blanket again.


The girl exhaled, and then she raised the flashlight and shone it on the blanket-wrapped figure, her expression calmed down, and she said, "I finally found you..."

The flashlight was shining on the sleepy face of a young man who was sleeping in the corner with a pile of experimental data beside him.

"Um..." The young man saw the girl at the door clearly and said, "Hagi Village, it's you."

The black bangs seemed to slightly cover the eyes for some days without a haircut. Those black eye bags made the young student look a little tired, but his appearance remained unchanged.

"What do you guys have been doing here, do you escape, or do you plan to wash away your humiliation with higher essay achievements?"

"Look at you now. The way you are now is really not like Li Yan, who left more than a year ago. He didn't even shave his beard. He was obviously not a drunkard. Why did you look so sloppy? May I?"

Turning on the headlights of the laboratory, this serious-looking new PhD student named Hagi Village Suzu from Oxford University asked with a reprimand with his hips akimbo.

This black-haired young man got up and went to bed in warm clothes. After putting away the light blanket, he picked up the tea cup on the table, only to find that the tea in the cup was already cold, which made his expression even worse. Tim a bit helpless.

Li Yan, this Chinese student, is now an Oxford University graduate prospective who has been approved to graduate early. It seems that he has not had a good time recently.

"Yes, this is oden from a Japanese restaurant. It's still hot. Let's have breakfast after brushing your teeth and washing your face."

At this moment, Hagi Village Bell put a bag of takeaway on the table and said.


Li Yan was startled, his appetite swelled suddenly, showing a look of surprise, and while opening the lunch box, he happily said to Hagi Suzu: "It's really Hagi, I'm saved. I'm actually very hungry."

"So?" Hagiura Ling looked at Li Yan and asked suddenly.

"?" Li Yan was slightly taken aback.

Hagiura Ling looked at Li Yan with a stern face, and asked, "What are you going to do, or do you develop a paper that better proves your academic level?"

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