I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 790

Hagiimura Ling looked at Li Yan sternly, and said, "It's totally impossible. No matter how it is, how can it take two months to make more valuable scientific discoveries? Even if you have a direction, With a solid theoretical foundation, this will not change your current situation."


Li Yan fell silent, thought for a moment, turned his head and stretched out a finger to Hagi Village Bell, and explained: "I can prove my innocence now, only this one is left. So, don't start with this. , I have no place to stay here in Oxford."

At the end of the previous year, as a disciple of Master John, an authoritative British physics scholar, Li Yan wrote a paper on space physics and published it in the "British Science" magazine after his own research, which received good evaluation and attention.

However, it is this article that Li Yan is currently able to research the highest level of scientific research projects, but because the content is quite similar to the content of a paper recently published by a well-known American university studio, all kinds of doubts come and go, although there are many differences in content. The university has also confirmed that the suspicion of plagiarism is not established, but the international community seems to treat students from a certain country specially, leading to various attacks on him on campus.

Li Yan showed a bitter smile and continued: "Mr. John told me that this situation is actually quite common. I have the right to shut up my classmates and social workers who slander me at any time, but it is terrible. The listening ostrich can't do it. Facts have proved that only more efforts can be able to reverse this distorted world."

"People tend to like what they believe more, and they don't follow the objective, even in Oxford, this truth is equally appropriate."

Li Yan looked at Hagiura Ling who was a little surprised, and said.

This sentence is simply what the old antiques in the philosophy department like to say.

"Criticize and ponder the theory of human nature in this way...Do you think you are Sherlock Holmes?" Hagiura Ling asked.

Li Yan stopped speaking and walked out of the laboratory.

In this old and dilapidated laboratory, it seems that we hinted at Li Yan’s hardship, and his growth as a scientist can be seen, so that the interview question at the University of Tokyo became a reality...

Suzu Hagi was sitting in her seat, quietly looking at the data and graphics on the table of the experiment platform. She remembered Li Yan who used to be at the University of Tokyo, and she would secretly write novels many times. Now for more than a year, He doesn't seem to write novels at all.

"Then, don't worry about Oxford University and the British gangsters for the time being. The rumors will not stop because of your efforts... Lee, you go back to Japan."

When Li Yan finished washing and returned to this laboratory, Hagiura Ling took out his mobile phone, dialed a number and handed it to Li Yan, looking up at him and said.

Li Yan, who was sitting by the side eating breakfast, was stunned.

The pendulum clock [ticking, ticking] hanging in the laboratory rang, as if hearing incredible words, Li Yan stood under this pendulum clock, looking surprised at the phone number on the phone screen that Hagi Murata handed over. .



"Wait, wait a minute, what's going on?" Li Yan hurriedly swallowed the food and asked Hagi Ling in amazement.

"That's what he meant," Hagiura Bell replied.

At this moment, with a [click], the phone dialed.

Li Yan was silent for a while, answered the phone and put it next to his cheek.

——Li, are you listening?

"Yes, teacher... how are you doing?"

Li Yan looked pale and said to his mentor, Professor Kenichi Ogura.

Li Yan knew that there should be a seven or eight-hour time difference between Japan and Britain. It was late at night in Japan. He knew that sooner or later he would let the teacher know about it, but he did not expect that the teacher would specially cooperate with Hagi Suzuichi. When I got up to discuss this matter with him, he seemed very cautious.

——I have heard about you. This is the initial homework I gave you. Now it is time to test the results of your practice.

——[Your thesis proves that you have lived up to my expectations for more than a year. You, a student, reminded me of myself when I first saw it...but I decided not to persecute you anymore. Do more...]

On the phone, the old man's voice seemed a bit older than it was more than a year ago.

Facing a huge window, Li Yan looked at this soaring piece of the exotic city of Oxford. The green and ink sky seemed to make people feel a bit chilly, and the hazy mist lingering in the building, there was something indescribable. A sense of mistiness.

—— [I have also noticed that you are indeed missing a precious thing compared to when you were more than a year ago... You may not feel it.

——Come back to Japan, Li, let go of your scientific research work for now.Like me, look for the life value and power that belong to you.

Li Yan's eyes changed when he heard this sentence.

He stood on this high place, surrounded by one of the legendary two university residences in the UK. It was a dreamlike academic city like a magic academy. After hard work for more than a year, his teacher arranged for him to be accused of being framed He returned to his place.

"The life value and power I originally possessed..."

Li Yan asked in shock.

He really doesn't understand the essence of what he has lost, which will make teachers feel that it is necessary to temporarily give up his doctorate and return to Japan.

——……After you come back, I will tell you what it is.

After talking about this, Professor Kenichi Ogura turned off the phone.

Li Yan stood in front of the window, blowing the biting morning wind, and finally, he turned around and exchanged the phone to Hagi Ling.

"What are you going to do next?"

Asked Hagiura Bell.

"Does that still need to be said?"

Li Yan calmly turned his back to Oxford City, his slender bangs swayed slightly in the wind, those fierce eyes looked at Hagi Village Bell, and said with ease.

The two immediately collected the research documents, and then stuffed the approval form for the laborious application for the laboratory directly back to the Academic Affairs Office of Oxford University, and there was also a leave form without a specified deadline.

Outside the streets of Oxfordshire International Airport with ancient buildings, Li Yan seemed to be all relaxed, wearing a large white windbreaker, sitting under a sculpture, putting a huge suitcase at his feet, and living toward this one for more than a year. Say goodbye to a country full of prejudice and racial discrimination, with many cases and many demons.

After more than a year, Li Yan finally embarked on a journey to Japan again.

Time 8:15, Tokyo Haneda International Airport.

A bright light shone on Li Yan's eyes, causing Li Yan, who had slept for less than three or four hours, to dimly open his eyes. Under the illusion of jet lag, he always felt that the time was a bit wrong.

However, when the curtains on the plane were opened, the scenery in front of the eyes hit Li Yan's heart.

It is really different from any city in Europe. Tokyo is like a scene in a comic. The exquisite and low floors look like exquisite building blocks in the golden morning light, and the red Tokyo Tower. Also clearly visible.

For some reason, he didn't get a green card in Japan, but when looking down on this huge Tokyo metropolis on the plane, he felt familiar.

"Tokyo... After more than a year, I actually came back to Tokyo again..."

Li Yan was shocked and thought silently.

Finally, after getting off the plane, Li Yan dragged his suitcase and walked out of this airport.

The scenery here is still quite familiar, but there is an indescribable sense of strangeness and novelty lingering in Li Yan's heart.

For more than a year, there was a farewell scene of his friends and younger generations. He thought he would be back here in three years. Who knows how long he will be back in a year.

There are many foreigners with blond hair and blue eyes walking out of the airport, and there are a large number of receptionists outside the airport holding signs to pick up people.

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