I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 791

"Li Yan, is Mr. Li Yan here?"

As soon as he got off the plane, Li Yan saw a group of people shaking with a sign with his name outside the airport. It seemed that he was mentioned by his teacher, who would be responsible for his settlement on this day.

Li Yan could not tell which type of company they belonged to. He just heard that after returning to Japan, Professor Ogura commissioned a relationship to arrange him in a work place that could calm his mind. It was just a country in Japan The work clothes are the same, and there is no way to see which unit they belong to.

"Hello, are you here to pick me up? I am Li Yan from the UK."

Li Yan pulled the suitcase over there and asked tentatively.

"Yes, Mr. Li, you came back on time, so please come with us, we have everything ready here."

Many of this group of well-dressed young people seem to be about the same age as Li Yan, and there are also a few middle-aged men and women who are quite enthusiastic.

After a while at the airport, the middle-aged man deliberately helped him with his luggage and opened the automatic door to let him sit in a good position, which made him somewhat flattered.

Sure enough, Professor Ogura introduced him to a certain Japanese technology company. He thought of temporarily replacing the burnt-out academic world with work. This is actually quite good. Learning some practical things is also a kind of relaxation.

If it is companies like Sonny and Nintenda, he always feels that he will adapt and look forward to it more.


As a result, for some reason, the car stopped in front of a parking lot near a residential area.

Li Yan was stunned. When he was in a car, he never asked the other party directly what type of company it was. However, this group of people talked a lot along the way and kept asking him about various questions about Oxford University and China, but he did not ask him. Opportunity to ask.

"I remember... this is a street in Taito district, it seems to be called Ueno."

After getting out of the car, Li Yan looked at the surrounding landmark buildings, and probably remembered that he had been to Ueno several times.I used to come here for dinner with the bald teacher.

While waiting for the driver to get in and park, Li Yan always felt that the temperature had started to rise a little. He took off his windbreaker, put on a shirt and jacket, and leaned against the wall shaded by the green trees. He did not rest much and looked a little drowsy. He closed his eyes a little.



At this moment, Li Yan heard the surprised cry of several little girls, and immediately asked Li Yan to open his eyes and look around.

However, he can only have the heel of the child running away in the corner, which looks like the heel of a little girl.

"what happened?"

Li Yan thought.

"Long waiting, then, let's go over."

The driver who drove came back in a hurry and said to them.

"Okay..." Li Yan walked with everyone in confusion, but when he passed the corner, he still saw three trembling children with their heads sticking out of the wire poles. I don't know why, there is always something to see. The sense of sight of the past.

However, when he arrived at the place of work introduced by Professor Kenichi Ogura, Li Yan's pace slowed down, and his whole person was confused.

This is not a certain technology company, not Sonny and Nintenda, but...

"Welcome, Mr. Li...no, Mr. Li, join us at the Taito Ward Tommen Elementary School. The professor from the University of Tokyo entrusted the Department of Education to help us introduce a foreign teacher like you. It’s great. To be honest, a public school The salary is not as good as private, and it has always been difficult to recruit new foreign teachers similar to yours with high academic qualifications and potential."

This somewhat obese middle-aged man smiled and introduced to Li Yan.

"Eh... eh eh, wait a minute, am I going to work here!?"

Li Yan's face was pale, and he pointed to this school and asked.

"Hey, does Teacher Li think this school is not good?" the fat middle-aged man asked in surprise.

"No, no, no..."

Li Yan couldn't react, but he couldn't say in front of this group of people that he didn't think he came to be a foreign teacher.

Before that, Li Yan had indeed thought about whether he would become a teacher in the future, but this idea was still consumed in the UK. He did not expect Professor Kenichi Ogura would arrange him as a foreign teacher in a public elementary school.

"That... teacher, I want to ask, if I teach in this elementary school, which one would I teach?"

Li Yan finally sorted out his thoughts, convinced himself, raised his head and asked with a bright smile.

"That's it. Our third-grade teacher just has a new teacher to fill the vacant position, and other subjects are basically enough..."

"Well, Mr. Li, since you, as a foreigner, can enter Dongda with such excellent results, you must be quite good at all subjects, so you have a very unique insight into Japanese culture. I discussed with the principal and asked Li The teacher’s enthusiasm for Japanese national language can not be more suitable for teaching. Teacher Li, you can be the national language teacher of our school for the third grade."

Bang bang bang...

Facing the enthusiastic applause of three or four teachers, Li Yan stood in the middle, unable to say a word.

At this moment, he felt that he was more comfortable carrying the humiliation of plagiarism...

Chapter 378 Becoming a World's No. 1 Teacher

After the tram rumbling through with the flashing alarm bell, the red railing was slowly raised.

The street is very quiet, and the apartment buildings, the gray roofs of one-family houses and the electric wire network beside the green street, merge into the unique street scenery of Japan.

A young man in a white windbreaker was sent here by the school and got off the tram, pulling his suitcase and walking towards the streets of Shinjuku that he was familiar with.

Here, nothing has changed.


Li Yan quietly looked at the familiar and unfamiliar street in front of him and walked forward with his suitcase. He didn't know why his mood was so ethereal, that is, he was happy and confused. The happy thing is that he has been living here again for a while, confused... …The environment has not changed, so has the person changed?

When he accidentally lost his mind, Li Yan's body was suddenly hit by something. After looking back, he saw that it was a little girl chasing and playing in this street accidentally hitting him.

"Ah, ah..."

The children all looked up and saw the young man, his face pale.

"You have to be careful..." Li Yan looked at them and exhorted.

But before the words were finished, the group of children immediately screamed "I'm really sorry" as if they had seen the monster, then turned around and ran away with oil on the soles of their feet.


Li Yan saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart.

"Mandarin teacher..."

Li Yan thought melancholy.

Until now, his mind was a little confused, and he really didn't know why his mentor, Professor Kenichi Ogura, introduced him to be a primary school teacher.Indeed, when he was in his senior year, he had the feeling that he might be suitable to be a teacher and took the teacher qualification certificate, but then his dreams gradually faded, and he has forgotten that feeling.

Because the child is scared like this when he sees his eyes.

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