I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 792

Li Yan took out the school's offer file and looked at it again tangledly.

Higashi Ward Yumen Elementary School is a very common public elementary school in Tokyo. He was offered a 4.6 million first-year internship salary for his foreign trainee teacher. This is a little higher than the standard salary of Japanese master's graduates from the first year of teaching. Level.

"Salary is not a problem. The professions that young Japanese dream of are civil servants and teachers, but..."

Li Yan looked up sadly and thought: "I, the record holder of Sakuracai High School who failed 19th consecutive Mandarin, is really suitable for teaching Japanese Mandarin? Why not math or English? My background is obviously better. Suitable for teaching these two courses..."

It is not the salary and the nature of his profession that have headaches, but that he really doesn't know whether he can teach and educate people.

Maybe, in front of a group of 3rd grade kids, while writing knowledge points on the blackboard, a kid pointed out that he had written typos or ill sentences...

——Teacher, you are wrong, that sentence is wrong.

Immediately under his stage, a group of pupils burst into laughter...


The more Li Yan thought about it, the more headaches he got, and he became annoyed when he held his head in the street.

This is an act of ruining the two world-renowned universities of East University and Oxford.

Just when he thought of this, he passed by the bookstore that he used to pass by and saw the posters of light novels, and Li Yan's mind changed again.

light novel……

The writer named Uesugiyan has not released any new works for two consecutive years.

After building a reputation with the two works of "Super Academy War" and "The Journey of the Dead", there were more than one discussion on the forum about Uesugiyan's disappearance for two years. Some said that Jiang Lang was exhausted, and some said that the income was too high and indulged. Games...All kinds of arguments flood the Internet.

But what is certain is that many, many readers are waiting for him, a light novel writer who has written a different style, to rewrite his third work.


Li Yan saw that after more than a year, the poster of his work was still posted by the door. He also noticed that he had a poor Japanese record, but he happened to be a best-selling novelist with a sales volume of over a million... So, what is he? Is it talented or not talented in language?

"Welcome back, Holmes."

At this moment, a delicate, calm and soft young girl's voice sounded from him.


When Li Yan heard this, he turned his head in amazement.

Under the clear sky, on the red sidewalk, a beautiful girl with long blonde hair stood beside him. Her peaceful, bright and clear eyes were so clear that her appearance remained the same for more than a year.It seems that where she is, the painting environment is just where she is, blending with this fresh background.

This scene seems to be a thousand years old.

Li Yan was stunned for a while, as if he didn't expect to meet her here, and asked: "True Bai... why are you here?"

Shiina stared at him blankly and replied: "Combining the time when you came here from the UK and the time when you reported to the company, it is estimated that you will be back now, and I will come out to pick you up."

"……Is that so?"

Li Yan always felt that at this point, Shiina Shiro had increasingly used logic in daily life.

"Give me the backpack."

Shiina Masashi stretched out his hand and said to Li Yan.

"Thank you..." Li Yan said warmly in his heart. He handed the backpack full of clothes to Shiina Zhenbai, and said, "Also, it's been a while, so white."

After Shiina Mashiro heard this, her calm face changed slightly, and finally, a faint smile appeared, like a cherry blossom, nodded, and said: "Yes, it's been a while, Holmes... finally came Up."

However, just when Shiina Mashiro was holding a backpack for Li Yan and was about to go to the apartment building together, he noticed something and turned around to look, but there was no one in front of him.


Shiina Mashiro seemed to have seen something, but he was a little bit incomprehensible about this situation, showing a confused look.

One yuan apartment, room 505.

This room has not been rented out for a year and a half.

——Wow~~~Honey!You see, this room has not been rented out to others for a year and a half. It has been kept for you. How about it? You have to thank me. Bring sake to thank me, right?

On the phone, the landlord lady who could smell strong alcohol through her mobile phone explained to him with a smile.

Other tenants might have believed her nonsense, and Li Yan, who took the phone to accept the room arrangement, would not believe it.

This apartment building named [One Yuan Apartment] can only be rented to some very specific residents for a long time. Not to mention that dragons and angels really live here, and it is even rumored that there are also superpowers, Dr. octopus, ghosts, astronauts and other messy residents, too ordinary residents can't live for a few days at all and hurried away.

Although he didn't want to listen to the landlord's nonsense, Li Yan was very pleased to open the door of 505 and looked at the empty and dusty room inside. Sure enough, if you live in Tokyo, it's best to live here.

"finally come back."

Li Yan put the suitcase at the door and watched this scene quietly, his heart was full of warmth, and he thought with joy.

He put away his sleeves, ready to devote himself to cleaning the room.

"I'll help."

Shiina Mashiro suddenly suggested to Li Yan.

"Eh... is it really okay?" Li Yan was taken aback, seeing Shiina really white, and asked.

Shiina nodded really white, and reported to Li Yan with a serious expression: "Mopping the floor, I was evaluated as qualified by Nanami."


Li Yan was a little surprised. Finally, the really white mopping work was finally considered qualified. According to such statistics, if she can buy food, ride a car, use a washing machine, cook instant noodles, wipe the table, and mop the floor, she would really Can live independently.

"You have become more and more reliable. It's really white, so I'll ask you to mop the floor."

"Okay, Holmes."

When the two were cleaning the room, there was a knock on the door at this moment.

Li Yan was wearing an apron for cleaning. He was a little curious about who would come over at this time. He went to the entrance and opened the door.

"Yo, Lee, it's been a long time."

As soon as the door opened, there was a woman with a neutral face, a blond maid with foreign features, and white hair. She still didn't have a long round face loli.

"Senior Kobayashi, Miss Thor, and Conna!"

Li Yan was taken aback, looked at them somewhat unexpectedly, and said.

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