I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 793

"It's been a long time, Mr. Li." Thor said hello with a smile.

"You are as strong as ever, Master Li Yan."

Kang Na bowed well and said to Li Yan in honorifics.After all, in Kang Na's eyes, Li Yan is a level existence with Emperor Yan Di, Thor, Fafner, and Nieder Hogg, and greeted Li Yan with a colloquial language like [Wuyun Prosperity].


Li Yan always felt that something was wrong, but he didn't care too much. He was very happy that Xiaolin and the others had not moved. According to this information, the acquaintances in the apartment were still there.

"I heard from Miss Qihai. It was really sudden. Yesterday I heard that you will be back today. How are you doing in the UK?" Xiaolin asked with a smile.

"It's okay...but there have been some small conflicts. I have basically graduated now, so now I follow my teacher's persuasion and come to work in Japan."

Li Yan paused for a while, and it was indeed impossible to avoid such things as being framed for plagiarism. He still didn't intend to confess, and explained his recent experience well.

Xiaolin and others were taken aback. They looked at Li Yan and asked curiously: "Work? What kind of work do you want to prepare in Japan?"

As a result, Li Yan gave them the offer document.


"What, you are starting to be an elementary school teacher!"

After confirming this school offer, Kobayashi asked with a look of astonishment with Thor and Conna.

In the room, Shiina Masaki, whose clothes were a little soaked, was still mopping the floor seriously. After hearing Li Yan's words inadvertently, his expression moved slightly, as if he understood a detail that he was puzzled before.

"Yeah, I only found out today. My professor didn't disclose any information to me before, huh...how do I say it, work is indeed a good job, but someone like me is really suitable Is it a material for teaching and educating people?"

Li Yan cleaned this room well, wearing an apron, patted the ceilings of all the rooms clean, opened the balcony glass door to ventilate, and turned his head to Xiaolin and the others with a slightly disturbed expression.

Xiaolin felt that Li Yan's thinking was very strange. She took a beer and said, "No, I didn't say that you are inappropriate. On the contrary, you guy may be this piece of material. It was just that you suddenly became a teacher, and we were slightly surprised. a bit."


Li Yan was taken aback and asked.

Thor seemed very excited, and said to Li Yan: "Yes, if it is Mr. Li, it seems that human beings who take care of people are good, there must be no problem. Strong people like you, students who dominate humans and non-humans are not there. Come on!"

"Yeah, Lord Li is quite authoritative for humans and evil dragons."

Conna nodded, raised her sensual little hand, and said in agreement.

"is it……"

After hearing so much encouragement, Li Yan calmed down and said to them.

When they said that, Li Yan had a little bit of anticipation and longing for a profession like a teacher.

"Li, don't you want to be a teacher?" Xiaolin asked curiously.

Kobayashi, and Shiina really white, Thor and Conna looked at Li Yan one after another, making Li Yan a little embarrassed to be seen.

Li Yan's expression became complicated. He seemed to feel the surging in his heart. In the end, he seemed to show his heart and said, "No, I am actually very longing for the profession of teacher, but I really don't have any confidence in the preparation teacher. ..."

"Haha, haven't you started to be a teacher? If you are a teacher, maybe it will be the best teacher in Tokyo, or even in Japan, so give yourself confidence."

Xiao Lin showed a faint smile and said jokingly.

However, as a member of society, she looked at Li Yan’s current European tourist-style dress and reminded: “However, if you become a teacher, you will not be able to dress like this. Japanese society attaches great importance to the appearance of teachers. Yes, so I still suggest you change your image a little bit."

"Huh? So, what do you need to dress to be a teacher?"

Li Yan was still moving the furniture, and was stunned again when he heard it, and asked.

Regarding this question, Xiaolin couldn’t come up with a very accurate judgment basis. She thought for a while and smiled and said: “On such a question, Li, it would be more accurate for you to consult the students. After all, I have been a long time. People in society who don’t deal with schools anymore, the teacher’s appearance is not only formal, it seems that temperament is also very important. How to dress better, ask them the most foolproof."


Wearing an apron and holding a blanket, Li Yan stood blankly in the living room of the apartment room where he once lived. After being advised by Xiaolin, he had deep thoughts and expectations about his teacher's outfit.

How can I be a competent people's teacher...

The door of room 506.

"Teacher, Kang Na's teacher, has always been a stern human, wearing a gray formal suit, and his eyes always look fierce."

Kang Na, who was wagging her tail, told Li Yan's impression of her teacher when asked by Li Yan.

Li Yan took a small notebook and wrote it down, thinking: "So it turns out that you need enough authority to control the children. Japan is exactly the same as China."

The door of room 405.


"What did you guy suddenly mention this evil race name for?"

"What, you want to be a teacher, do you want a reference?"

Gabriel, who was playing the game with dark circles, couldn’t leave the screen at all. While holding the handle to operate frantically, while thinking casually, he introduced Li Yan with a numb expression, “I remember it anyway. The image of the teacher is always wearing sunglasses in class, always sullen, with a murderous breath, as if someone owes him money, and likes to be nosy, confiscated a lot of my game consoles. The guy just ran out of hell..."


Gabriel suddenly realized something was wrong, and looked at Li Yan, who was taking notes. Under the attention of Winnett, Satania, and Rafael, she almost screamed and asked: "You When did he come back!?"

"You idiot is just like a broken computer. The more you grow up, the more useless..."

Vignette covered her forehead and spit out.

The door of room 605.

"Yes, yes, as for the teacher, my true white teacher and I wear very gentle clothes. Teachers in the UK are very personal. Many teachers like to wear a pair of colored scholar glasses. After all, teachers who know fashion will attract students. If seniors wear such glasses, it should be quite suitable!"

Rita, representing the expressionless Shiina Mashiro and the confused Aoyama Qikai, put forward her own opinions to Li Yan who came to visit, showing a sweet smile, and introduced.

After integrating all the elements, Li Yan took this questionnaire back to his room and integrated the common characteristics.

"Wearing formal attire reflects the temperament, wearing glasses appears gentle and soft, and maintains a sense of majesty..." Li Yan thought about these elements and found that there is indeed some truth.

After all, he was always misunderstood as being fierce by others complaining that his eyes were too energetic. If he changed his temperament and put on glasses to cover some of his eyes, he might not make his students afraid.

While conceiving how to dress up, Li Yan's cell phone rang again.

[Boom boom boom!

Li Yan checked his cell phone and found that it was Professor Ogura Kenichi's call. His expression changed and he didn't dare to take it lightly.

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