I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 794

"Yes, teacher, this is Li Yan."

Li Yan said.

——Li, have you already returned to Japan, and have you contacted the school?

Professor Ogura's tone was softer and asked.

"Yes...I have already got the offer. I have to go to the principal's office one day before school starts and report with the new teachers."

Li Yan reported.

--That's good……

There was a moment of silence on the phone, and Professor Kenichi Ogura seemed to be thinking about something.

——[The reason why I didn’t talk to you about work in detail is because everything is up to you. If you are a teacher, you will be less likely to take the detours I have taken...]


Upon hearing this, Li Yan didn't quite understand what Professor Kenichi Ogura meant.

——Although it is necessary for you to get rid of the crime to restore your reputation, but if such a thing is handed over to time, your reputation will gradually be restored. What the teacher is worried about is whether I will treat you Take it into another astray... You seem to be too fancy about the honor of a scientific worker, eager to prove yourself... You should not have such a mentality.

After Li Yan heard this sentence, his heart suddenly shaken.

He didn't know why, and realized that he seemed to be less concerned about these rumors, but after being alone in the UK for a long time, after devoting himself to academic competition, he inadvertently brought a lot of hostility to chasing honor.

——I am in the tide, but I don't know it. Not only you, but me, many people will lose their original intentions over time, Li, this is what I want you to understand.As a teacher, you must always check yourself and understand what kind of person you are. Such a person can be called a teacher, find himself among ignorant students, and let his students learn valuable things from themselves ...In this way, you will quickly find back the precious power you lost.

Sitting in the living room, facing the golden sunset, Li Yan was silent for a moment, lowered his head, and said, "I know, thank you very much, teacher."

After turning off the phone, Li Yan fell into deep thought.

Bit by bit, what happened as a child once again appeared in his memory.

——You wild boy without parents!

——Don't even know who your parents are, are you too weird?

——[The wild species picked up!!


At that time, I was like a child sleeping on the street without eaves to protect me from the wind and rain. I had no shelter for most of my school days...

Therefore, he really should be a teacher.

"This is the arrangement of fate..."

Li Yan quietly sat in the living room with the spring breeze, his mood gradually settled and his eyes blurred.

In this world, there may be many, many childhoods that are as dark as him. The parents are irresponsible, the society is indifferent and hopeless... Then, the only one in this world that can replace parents, protect them, and bring them light, There is only one profession as a teacher...

He also hopes that when the teacher mentioned that he will give up on himself, he will try his best to let the children like him feel the warmth and flame of the world...

Chapter 379 The new teacher is a bit like the underworld (2)

In the early morning, the hazy morning light spilled into the room through the window.

A gust of breeze blew this bedroom from the cracks in the window, flipping through the elementary school textbooks and notebooks on the desk, and blowing the hair of the quietly sleeping youth on the bed.


At 7:01, before the alarm went off, Li Yan woke up in the morning breeze after another.

Today is a very important day. After Li Yan opened his eyes, he became extremely energetic and cautious, because eight o'clock this morning was the day when all the new teachers gathered to meet with the principal and dean of school.

The suit, shirt and tie are all ready.

"Ok, perfect."

Li Yan checked carefully in the mirror in the bath room, the only side of the room, and silently recited a slogan in his heart.

This black custom-made suit cost about 37,000 yen. This is the standard suit for Japanese office workers. It is also the style that three girls, Zhenbai, Rita and Nanami, spent half a day choosing for him. .Speaking of it, it is not as high-end and comfortable as the one that Xuexiayangna once gave, but the appearance already looks very good, not the insider will basically not see the difference in price.

However, apart from these "equipments", Li Yan glanced at the pair of glasses that was placed aside.

This kind of non-precision purple glasses, similar to sunglasses, was specially selected by Rita. Apart from the presence of Qikai Aoyama who hesitated for a long time and could not say anything, Shiina Mashiro and Rita both thought this pair of glasses was quite suitable. he.


Li Yan had never worn such glasses before, and he always felt a little uncomfortable, but in the end he remembered the group of scared children and put them on for himself.

"go out."

Li Yan took the briefcase and walked out of the room, facing the spring breeze and warm sunshine, and started walking towards the school.

April in Tokyo is the memory of the beginning of school.In the streets filled with cherry blossoms, all kinds of students in school uniforms returned to the school one after another. The young trainee foreign teacher who dared not drive his Supra to school stood crowded with office workers and students. Waiting for the traffic lights before crossing the street.

Although Li Yan has always claimed to be a social man, now he is integrated into the colorful world among students and social people, which always gives him a sense of identity confusion.

This is the real first experience of going to work in his life.

Among the office workers wearing black suits at the busy Tokyo Crossroads, Li Yan is such an ordinary and similar member. I don't know how many of this group of people are novices and new employees who are going to report today.

"Oops, I feel a little nervous."

Li Yan couldn't help thinking like this while waiting for the traffic light.

"Look, that person..."

"Yes, Miyuki, take a look..."

I don't know why, just when Li Yan was upset, in the crowd not far away, Li Yan heard the whispers of several female high school students.


Li Yan always felt that the group of girls' routine topics seemed to be discussing him in a few words, and couldn't help turning his face to look at them with some care.


This group of girls suddenly looked a little panicked.

There was a faint cold sweat on Li Yan's forehead. He was sure that this group of girls was indeed discussing him. It was strange how a bunch of office workers in suits waiting for the traffic light had noticed him getting up.

"I said don't discuss it behind others..."

"But from the front, it's also very individual, it's...like."

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