I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 795

"I don't know where I work..."

The girl's whispering discussion continued, and the roar of the car made Li Yan not very clear.But the speaker was not interested, the listener was interested, and Li Yan cared more as he listened.

"Sure enough, am I wearing weird clothes?"

Li Yan lowered his head and peeked at his outfit, thinking timidly.

At this moment, before Li Yan had time to check again, the street light had turned green, the bird chirping sounded, and the mighty working team pushed Li Yan directly to the opposite street.

He took the tram to Taitung District with much thought. At about 7:25, Li Yan had already arrived in the block near the school, and he had plenty of time.

In the public restroom, he checked several times. Li Yan could not find any violations. He had to put aside his extra thoughts. He was worried that he would be late. If there is enough time now, he is ready to solve the breakfast problem. .

There is a section of railroad fence from Ueno Station to Okachimachi Station. With the fence as the center, there is an Ameyoko Street known as "Ameyoko".It is said that there are more than 500 shops here, with prices ranging from the most expensive to the cheapest.Li Yan must pass through this commercial street to go to Litangmen Primary School from the station.


In the early morning, the bustling commercial street, Li Yan remembered that he had walked this street before and bought bread here. The owner of the shop was very nice and gave him a lot of valuable advice, and the bread was very cheap and cheap. delicious.

Sasaki Bakery.

[Dingdong] With a sound, the automatic door opened.


As soon as Li Yan entered the door, he heard a fresh and bright welcome speech.

"Welcome, please take a look..."

A short-haired girl in a sailor suit who was still placing fresh bread in the bread rack turned her head and said with a smile, but when she turned her head and looked at the guests, the smile froze.

"Hello there."

Li Yan looked around and said to this female high school student.

As a result, the boss is not there.But this is nothing, after all, he hasn't been here for two years, even if he does, the other party will not recognize it.

Li Yan started to look at the bread, but was quickly attracted by the bean paste bread.

"Yes! This is the newest style of red bean paste toast that was just launched this month. It will not be very sweet and greasy. With yogurt, it is a perfect breakfast."

The high school girl who had been dumb suddenly stood up, and when she reached Li Yan's side, her white cheeks were a little red, and she nervously introduced this bread style.

"is it……"

Li Yan thought a little bit.


The girl stood aside, realizing that this handsome guy with dark purple glasses hesitated, and felt that she couldn’t let it go. She immediately changed her words and introduced another style of red bean paste bread, saying: “If you’re not satisfied, there is this one. This is my sweet and sour bean paste toast that I recently designed. It's very good, sir, you can also consider it."

Li Yan heard the sweet and sour bean paste, which made him really hard to imagine what flavor it was, but he couldn't stand the kindness of this female clerk, so he bought this bread with the mentality of giving it a try. .

"If you buy two, go with yogurt... No, if you buy one, you can get a free bottle of yogurt."

The female high school clerk actively put the yogurt into the bag and said with a smile.

"Thank you, then I'd better buy two."

"Yes, thank you for your patronage. This gentleman, is this the first time I saw you, do you work nearby?"

"Yes, I'm going to be a teacher in a nearby elementary school recently, and I'm going to report today."

"Teacher, the nearby primary school! Are you a teacher at Litangmen Primary School?"

The teenage high school student looked at him in surprise and asked.

Li Yan looked at the female high school clerk and said with a faint smile: "I just graduated, I don't know if I can be called a teacher now, but I will work hard to teach the students well."

"It's great, or just graduated, how old are you this year?"

"twenty three……"

In China, it is more accurate to count as one year older, but the Japanese algorithm starts from zero, so Li Yan introduced it as 23 years old.

"Hey, he's only 23 years old, but didn't he graduate at the age of 22?"

"No, I studied for a master's degree in the UK for more than a year..."

"It turns out to be a master's student. No wonder, sir, you are really good. By the way, my name is Sasakino Yehana and I am a freshman in high school. This bakery is my father's shop."

This girl who started to introduce herself impressed Li Yan very much. He remembered that when she came to this store for the first time, she was still a middle school student, and she had to say that compared to her father’s honor, this girl looked real. She is out of genetics and looks quite sweet and beautiful. His looks and hairstyle are exactly like Kato Kei, but his smile and personality are as warm and soft as Yui Hirasawa. At first glance, his personality is quite good.

However, Li Yan did not know that Sasaki Yeyehua had completely forgotten when he was there.After Sasakino Wildflower saw this young man at a similar age, her height, appearance, and temperament were full marks. The wild wild flowers alone is not a pure appearance, but it is not too delicate, nor is it too strong, but it has an indescribable kind. Her temperament gave her a new understanding of men.

"My name is Li Yan."

"Mr. Li... OK, please take care of here."

"Okay, Sasaki-san."

"What is Mr. Li's constellation? In fact, I will also test the constellation..."

Li Yan was answering this young girl who kept asking sensitive questions with a complicated expression. His eyes were always looking at the bread in the hands of Wildflower, and he couldn't receive breakfast from this girl...

Taitung District Tangmen Primary School.

At 7:45, Li Yan finally came to the meeting room to wait at the designated location.

Li Yan leaned on the side of the corridor, took a bite of the bread apart, and suddenly an unspeakable taste filled his mouth. I didn't know how to say it, it was not unacceptable, but it was indeed sour and sweet.

There were still 15 minutes before the meeting, and a group of new teachers gathered in the corridor. Some were teachers who had just graduated and were assigned, and some were old teachers with qualifications.

Teachers of men, women and children introduced each other, which seemed to have a happy atmosphere.However, Li Yan was excluded, and no teacher came to meet him.In Japanese society, naturally no one would rush to get to know a young teacher who wore bad sunglasses on the first day of school. What's more, seeing him leaning on the wall and eating bread on his own right now, the terrible breath is almost like The underworld turned around.

At this moment, while Li Yan was eating breakfast alone, a new teacher who had been late arrived also came to the venue. He quickly noticed that there was a familiar figure in this corner.

"Um...what's the situation?"

The young man in a suit and a little dazzled hair froze in place, thinking.

It seemed so predestined that he didn't know what kind of expression he had to show to face Li Yan.

This young teacher caught Li Yan's attention only after he walked to Li Yan's side. He turned his head to look, and almost choked with fright.


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