I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 801

Li Yan was silent for a while, sighed slightly in his heart, and left the classroom.

In the corridor, the new teacher and a group of children still laughed and laughed, especially the female teacher, it was quite easy for the children to get close.

In a week or so, wherever Li Yan went, the students scattered and fled, completely opposite to this scene.

After chatting with the three teachers in the restaurant, Li Yan's mood has stabilized a lot, and he has gradually accepted the role of a black-faced teacher.

The significance of teachers is far more profound than that of predecessors. This is the most important point Li Yan understands.

However, Shizuka, who was so drunk that night, was finally arranged by Li Yan to be in room 605. Not to mention being molested by Mr. Hiratsuka all the way. That night, Room 605 seemed to be a busy night. The wine is really not very good.

"Ms. Li, and Mrs. Tanaka, the third-grade Mandarin teacher went to the conference room for a meeting at ten o'clock."

Back in the office, the dean of academic affairs informed several Mandarin teachers in the office.


Li Yan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly there was a meeting.

In the meeting room, Li Yan quickly understood the matter. It turned out that Litangmen Primary School was about to start the essay competition for the new semester.

Each grade of each year prepares to hold an essay contest in the first month after school starts. Not only does it have a certificate, but the school will also paste the top three essays of each class in the school bulletin board.

This is also a very important game for the pushy kids.

The meeting focused on arranging time, discussing topics, and formulating word counts and judging standards. Li Yan carefully recorded these matters.

"Then the meeting ends here now."

"After you go back, please inform the students in your class."

The dean of school put away the documents and said to them.


Li Yan and other teachers responded and stood up one after another, preparing to leave.

However, after the meeting room was disbanded, Li Yan still heard some teacher discussions.

"This year has started again."

"Yes, I heard that this kind of performance involves the teacher's performance appraisal, and it has a lot to do with the future selection and promotion to the director."

"Didn't you have Ito in your class? That kid won the essay award in the district, right? This year is your class first, right?"

"Hahaha, Watanabe-sensei is really."



Li Yan listened for a while, was silent for a while, and then walked out of the conference room.

This kind of conversation is normal for teachers. In the eyes of teachers, students are also the standard for performance appraisal.However, it is more or less a selfish act to tie the teacher's future to the students.

Early the next morning.

The first class is the Mandarin class.

On the podium of Class 2-E, Li Yan announced to them the various matters of this grade competition, which quickly aroused discussion among the children.

"It's starting again..."

"I don't think I can get the prize, so why do I want to write an essay."


In fact, the grades of Class 2-E are a bit unsatisfactory. The average score of Mandarin and Class D are evenly divided, and they are both at the bottom.Except for the class leader and study committee members who have good grades, everything else is too ordinary.

"Preparing to raise the white flag before surrendering..."

Li Yan looked at this demoralizing scene with a headache, and thought.

"You write well, the most important thing is to write what you want to write. Remember, everyone has to write. For students who don't want to write, the teacher will accompany him to write."

Li Yan cleared his throat and said to them.


There was a groan in the class.

Sitting in the last row, Yui Akamatsu listened to the news, staring blankly at the theme of "Peace", and there was always an indescribable sense of excitement in his body.


Yui's eyes shone brightly, and she showed an exhilarating and active smile.

After the competition matters were issued, the school was actually a lot of fun.

There are six classes in one grade, with a total of 263 students. For Japan with a declining birthrate, Litangmen Elementary School is prosperous, and the situation is hundreds of times better than that of Asahigaoka School.

After school every afternoon, in Li Yan's office, a group of children came to consult with the class's Mandarin teacher, but for three consecutive days, Li Yan's side was empty.


Li Yan stayed alone in the office, covering his face in the face of the sunset.

However, when Li Yan was depressed, a little girl's voice came from behind him.

"That... Teacher Li..."

This was a very slender and timid little girl's voice, which almost made Li Yan think he was hearing hallucinations.

He turned around and saw a little girl standing behind him, with reddish-brown hair. She looked cute and well-behaved. Her immature cheeks were flushed with tension. She had a ponytail with her hands tightly. Grasping some wrinkled paper.

As a result, when Li Yan glanced at her, the little girl paled with fright and almost ran away.

"Ah, sorry."

Li Yan immediately realized something. He looked at this little girl, thought for a moment, and said, "I remember...you are a student in Class E, called Chisong..."

"Yes, my name is Akamatsu Yui."

Akamatsu Yui plucked up courage and introduced himself to Li Yan.

"Yui Yi..."

Li Yan remembered it. When he was looking at the list, he noticed this name. Not to mention the name of the child sitting by the window and Yuihama Yui's name, his looks and temperament are somewhat similar.

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