I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 802

"What's wrong, do you want to ask me something?"

Li Yan showed a slight smile, looked at her and asked.

This smile made Akamatsu Yui suddenly bewildered. It should be said that this was the first time she saw this serious teacher's smile.It's not clear why, the underworld teacher who is always cold, but when he smiles, he is quite delicate and sunny.

"Teacher, I, I, I..."

Akamatsu Yui raised her head and opened her mouth to say something, but couldn't say anything nervously for a long time.

Before Li Yan could react, Akamatsu Yui suddenly lowered his head, handed a copy of the text to Li Yan, and shouted, "Please look over!"

With this attitude, Li Yan couldn't help but feel chills. It seemed too much like the rhythm of sending chocolates or confession letters. Fortunately, there were no other teachers here.

He accepted the composition, looked at Yui with relief, and asked: "Have you finished writing the composition for the competition?"

"Well... I wrote a little bit."

Yui said with a cute and honest smile, embarrassed.

Li Yan turned the first page and began to read it.

Peace is color.

The most basic colors in the legend are red, yellow and blue. Red is passion, yellow is vitality, and cyan is calm.

A beam of warm light contains these three unique colors, scattered on the streets of Ueno...

In the short composition of more than 300 words, three colors maintain the peace of the city, depicting lazy policemen, a group of cowboys playing with children, a high school girl who makes strange bread, and one always sends out task invitations. The owner of the shop, this is the hard-won peace and the peace maintained by the colors.


After Li Yan watched it once, he watched it a second time.

I don’t know why, the writing is not good, and there are a lot of typos, but surprisingly, this article deeply attracted his attention.

Just a few hundred words, without any redundancy, as if to feel the incredible and warmth of the streets and alleys of Ueno, and really used a childhood heart to understand the essence of peace. There is no so-called war and historical heritage. Trust, there is no big reason, only the children laugh and try to maintain peace...

Very warm, very warm.

When Li Yan watched it the third time, Yui on the side was too nervous. She wanted to ask the teacher several times, but when she saw the focused and terrifying expression, she didn't dare to ask anything.

"Akasong, did you write this yourself?"

Li Yan finally finished reading, raised his head and asked in surprise.

"Yes... Teacher, did you write well?"

Akamatsu Yui asked tangledly.

She showed it to her parents, who all said and wrote very well.


When Yui was worried, he heard the teacher with purple glasses smiling and said.

"Yes, is it?"

"Yes, I can see the bit by bit in the text. Your love for Ueno and your love for peace are very interesting. Use color to symbolize peace... The Olympic rings themselves use different colors to represent the five continents. Peaceful, Akamatsu, you have incorporated your emotions into the text very well."

Li Yan commented in a good mood.

Akamatsu Yui heard this, and could hardly believe her ears.

This is the first time I have been so praised.

"Actually, my friends and I formed the color combination, and we have always worked hard to maintain the peace of the city!"

Akamatsu Yui's cheeks were hot, and she excitedly showed off to Li Yan.

"Really, it's no wonder that you can write such a good article, Akamatsu, after you go back, correct the typo that I circled, and then show it to me. The teacher is looking forward to your work for judging and working hard. "

Li Yan looked at Akamatsu Yui who was about to float, and was also happy with his students. After he circled the typo, he handed it to Akamatsu Yui and said.

"Yes, thank you teacher!"

Akamatsu Yui took the workbook and said with a bright smile.

Li Yan sent away the little girl with a square schoolbag and a clarinet. He was finally relieved. He felt that the story of the three stars was really good. It was plain but deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. He wrote that it was forgotten by adults. If his childhood breath is not what he expected, such an article will definitely get the top three results.

Next, two days.

After class and get out of class, there is also a good review of the composition written by each student in Class E, and Li Yan also began to get busy.

The result is confirmed, Akamatsu Yui's composition is indeed the best written.

After selecting the work, Li Yan submitted this article to the Academic Affairs Office, which did not quote any famous quotes from Gao Da, but simply wrote that mood.

"Teacher Li……"

After submitting the works together, Akamatsu Yui once again lost her self-confidence. On the road, she met several outstanding students such as the first year's announcer and student council officer, and her face turned blue.

"what happened?"

Li Yan asked curiously.

Yui asked, "Does my composition really get a ranking? I always feel like everyone else is very good."

"Is that right?"

Asked Li Yan, who was walking in the school corridor.

"Yes! For example, Oda-kun is the first-class student, Ito-kun is a genius who has won the grand prize, and the parents of the students who do not enter the fight are also great writers!"

Yui shook his hands and said excitedly.

"But the teacher thinks you are really good at writing. People with good academic records may not be able to write excellent articles. The reason why many writers are excellent students is because they have more persistence and enthusiasm for writing."

Standing in a somewhat empty corridor, Li Yan smiled and said, "Be confident, Chi Song, the teacher found you are also excellent."

"……is teacher."

Yui's cheeks flushed slightly, and her uneasy mood revealed a happy smile under Li Yan's trust.

"If you get the award, Yui wants to ask the teacher to eat."

"we have a deal."

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