I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 807

"It's ok……"

Li Yan looked at her and said, "It's just that you should pay attention to traffic safety next time."

"Sorry, sorry."

On the side, this young girl, Xiaoxing, with a carefree personality and blonde hair, bared white teeth and said, "I thought the teacher could stop it."

"Haha, it's okay. It will be repaired the day after tomorrow. The owner of a bicycle shop I know will repair your bicycle. The repair price is absolutely fair, teacher."

After checking Li Yan's bicycle, a middle-aged uncle with pale hair, a tall head, and a majestic voice said boldly to him.

"Thanks a lot."

Li Yan said.

This street is the Ameyoko Commercial Street. In the evening, the street is extremely lively, and it is also the only way for Li Yan to go home.

"These three children seem to have caused you a lot of trouble for the teacher, but the teacher looks very nice, if ordinary people complained to her home."

The uncle who placed the bicycle at the door of the grocery store talked to Li Yan about the three children.

Li Yan glanced at the three children for a while, and said, "After all, they are still very young. I don't know why, they always make people feel shining, so I don't have the mind to blame them."

"Yes, yes. The teacher also knows children very well. Although they are a little too curious, they really hope to maintain peace in the city. Many adults can't do this."

The uncle smiled and said to Li Yan.


Li Yan fell silent, but he did not deny this.

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, when Li Yan was about to take the tram to Shinjuku, three children who had been frolicking around stopped him.

"Teacher, where are you going?"

Xiaoxing asked.

"Of course I am going home. Are you not going to go back?" Li Yan asked curiously.

"That, that!!"

Suddenly, Yui, who had always seemed worried, looked at Li Yan's figure with some care, and when she heard that he was going back, she stretched out her hand and gently pulled Li Yan's sleeve.

"What's the matter?" Li Yan lowered his head and looked at Yui, and asked.

For some reason, the little girl who hurriedly wanted to say something, after seeing this face looking down on her, the courage she finally gathered disappeared suddenly, and she couldn't say anything.

"Captain fool." Qin Ye said, playing the game.

"Don't laugh at me!"

Yui suddenly shook her body, then raised her fist in protest.

"Teacher, didn't you have an agreement with the leader before, she will invite you to dinner after she receives the award."

Xiao Xing leaned her hands on the back of her neck and said with a smile.

Li Yan remembered that there was such a thing, but he didn't take it seriously. How can elementary students have so much pocket money to invite teachers to eat, and the school does not allow this.

"I understand your heart. These efforts are made by Akamatsu, and studying hard is the best return to the teacher."

Li Yan smiled and said to Yui.

"No way, I have told the teacher so clearly, how can I go back, the teacher can't break the contract!"

When Yui heard it, she suddenly showed a sad expression, as if tears were about to flow down, and said excitedly.

When Li Yan heard this, it made him a little bit dilemma. Using honesty to restrict his actions would indeed make him wonder how to argue.

"Teacher, the leader is a crying ghost, so this won't work." Xiaoxing reminded.

"Teacher, it's just a snack, there will be no problem."

At this time, Qin Ye seemed to understand this a lot, and said to Li Yan.

"...Well, then I will go with you to eat delicious food for now."

Li Yan felt relieved and said to the three of them.

At five o'clock, Ueno streets are full of customers. It is said that Taitung’s Ueno district is one of the few administrative areas in Tokyo that can rival the traditional commercial centers of Shinjuku, Chiyoda, and Ikebukuro. With three children running through the crowd, Li Yan barely managed Can keep up, almost squeezed out of the street by customers.


Li Yan looked at the back of the three children in the vast crowd. For some reason, he always felt that he had seen them a long time ago.

However, on the way, the three children passed by the [Sasaki Bakery] and happened to meet the female high school student returning home.


The three little girls shouted in unison.


The Sasakino Wildflower, who often entertains Li Yan to buy bread in the past week, lazily opened his palm and said hello.

However, she quickly noticed Li Yan who was following her, her face changed drastically.

"Ah, teacher, what a coincidence, good afternoon!"

Sasaki Wildflower said with a smile.

"Sasagi-san, good afternoon." Li Yan nodded and replied.

"Did you see it?" Xiao Xing whispered while looking at the cute wild flowers with a complicated expression.

"Well, it's like a nympho." Qin Ye said.

"You talked too much."

Sasakino Wildflower leaned down and whispered to them.

"Wildflower, that person is my teacher, do you know Teacher Li?" Yui asked curiously.

"Mr. Li often comes to me to buy bread recently. I always recommend a special version for him with a unique taste. Hehe... I always feel that there is an experience like giving it to a special person... Wait, he is Yui. Teacher!?"

Sasaki Wildflower suddenly recovered and asked.

"Well, we are going to invite the teacher to eat a special snack." Yui nodded and said with a smile.

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