I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 808

"Just go to the bakery, isn't the bread in my shop a very distinctive snack?"

Sasakino Wildflower's eyes almost glowed, and she suggested to them.

Qin Ye said indifferently: "Never mind the special bread of wild flowers, it will ruin such a beautiful atmosphere."

Xiaoxing also continued: "Yes, the special bread made by wild flowers is terrible."

"Too much!"

The wild flowers burst into tears without tears.

After leaving the Sasaki Bakery, the children took Li Yan through the vicinity of Ueno Park.

"So what are you going to eat?"

Li Yan suspiciously followed the three little girls talking and laughing, thinking.

Inadvertently, the three little girls passed by the entrance of a police station and began to surround a young policeman on duty.

"Saito is lazy again."

"Saito fool~ fool!"

Qinye and Xiaoxing began to attack the police on duty openly with words.

"Hmph, it's you little ghosts again, you little ghosts who have nothing to do are fools." Saito seemed to be used to it, with a relaxed smile, said.

It can be seen that this young policeman is quite familiar with the kids.

"Who has nothing to do, we have to arrest bad people!" Xiaoxing said triumphantly.

"Bad guy?"

This tired young policeman inadvertently glanced at Li Yan behind them. He didn't know why, when he heard the child mention this, he was a little concerned about this guy who really seemed suspicious.

"!" Li Yan's expression suddenly changed.

"Don't talk to adults so rudely."

Li Yan's expression became complicated and hurriedly said to Xiaoxing and the others.

"Yes, teacher." Xiaoxing was quite obedient and responded with a grin.

"Oh, are you a teacher?" Officer Saito was taken aback and asked.

"Yes, I am Yui's teacher..." Li Yan stood beside them and said to the policeman.

"The teacher is the teacher, is it divided into Yui and ours?" Xiaoxing asked in astonishment.

"..." Li Yan choked up for a while.

Saito impatiently said: "Of course, you are not in the same school as Yui. But the teacher does have the right to take care of you, teacher, please take care of these three wayward and ignorant kids, please. ."

"...Well, they are causing you trouble."

Li Yan looked at them and said.

This strong sense of sight always made Li Yan a little uneasy. He always felt that after being fooled like this, he had become the guardian of several younger generations.

However, Li Yan looked at this policeman named Saito and felt like he had seen him somewhere, and asked, "Sergeant Saito, where have we met?"

"No, I saw the teacher for the first time."

Saito, who was still teasing the three children, said with certainty.

"That's it, I don't know why, I always feel that you are very similar to my police officer with the surname Saito in the Koto district."

Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

"Hey, is that police officer Saito wearing glasses and looks like the kind of underworld?" Saito was taken aback and asked.

"Uh, yes, probably that kind of appearance..."

"Oh, sir, you still know my old brother. He is now a senior superintendent. He is not the same as the police officer I just came out. It’s not easy for you. You actually recognize my dragon without end. Brother."

Saito smiled unexpectedly.

Li Yan's smile suddenly stiffened.

His strong sense of crisis told him that in any case, it is better not to approach this policeman anymore.

"Damn it, miscalculation, that policeman's brother is here!"

Li Yan covered his head, thinking in horror.

Even though he no longer writes novels, the dark years of the vicious police officer Saito and Miss Miyazaki threatening him are long lingering.

At this moment, the sunset near Ueno Park is like golden waves, immersing the streets and passers-by in this quiet moment. The evening wind blows a young man and a little girl playing games in the park.

While waiting for Yui and Xiaoxing to buy snacks, Li Yan couldn't help but take a look at this game played by Miss "Emperor".

I don't understand why, Li Yan always feels that the style of this game is somewhat familiar.


The girl named Qin Ye was taken aback for a moment, and looked up at Li Yan.

Li Yan was a little embarrassed by this look, and then smiled and asked, "What game is this?"

""Hunter World ", a new work in April."

Qin Ye was silent for a while and replied.


When Li Yan heard it, he was very impressed at first, but soon remembered the name of this game. Isn't this the game he was responsible for drafting!

After a few years, the plot began to continue, and the second part was released.

Qin Ye realized something was wrong and asked, "What's wrong, teacher?"

"It's nothing……"

Li Yan was dumb, and then shook his head. He didn't dare to tell the student that he was the scripter responsible for the development of this game script. The game was linked to the teacher, which was a bit too contradictory.However, he still had some questions about evaluation, and asked: "That... how do you like the game?"

At first, Qin Ye thought that the teacher with a serious expression would preach to her, and unexpectedly asked about the game. After a little stunned, he immediately showed the expression of the club and said: "It's quite interesting. Very good, the plot is also great, 6,400 yen including tax."

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