I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 809

"6400 yen?"

When Li Yan heard this, he was shocked by the price.

I really dare to buy Eagle Jump, let alone why elementary school students bought it. Anyway, he, a foreign teacher, feels unable to afford it.

"Here, teacher!"

At this time, Yui, who had already rushed to buy things, ran back. Yui held the hot oil paper bag in both hands and said happily.

Li Yan was finally able to eat the food they thought. After thanking him, he took it and opened it, and he was immediately confused.

Golden snacks with a strong aroma are indeed delicious, but they are not Japanese specialty snacks.

It's fritters.

"This is a snack called You Tiao, it's delicious."

After the children took a bite, they said to Li Yan with a happy expression.

In the golden sunset, the three little girls looked hazy like shadows, looking at this teacher with a smile.

At this moment, Li Yan felt the warmth in his palms, and it seemed that for the first time, he truly tasted the good taste of being a teacher.

Li Yan closed his eyes, smiled, nodded and said, "Ah, it is indeed a delicious snack."

"Teacher, thank you very much for your willingness to trust me."

Yui lowered her head and said to Li Yan with a shy smile.

"?" Li Yan was taken aback, looking at the students around him.

“I’ve heard that, in fact, the director has said that my composition is completely unqualified for the list, but the classmates think that my writing is quite good, and the teacher also thinks that I can win the prize, so I believe my intentions this time You can win prizes for your composition."

Yui said quietly.

"There is nothing happier than the teacher believes in me..."

Xiaoxing on the side also smiled and said, "Yes, the teacher doesn't listen to us at all."

"So, we colors also decided to trust the teacher."

Qin Ye saved the game and said solemnly to Li Yan.

"Our colors are the backbone of the peace in Ueno, but if we only have the boss and mother, and the useless Saito, our strength is still insufficient."

Xiaoxing opened his hands and said to Li Yan welcomingly: "So, if we encounter a difficult problem, we need the cooperation of the teacher!"

"Trouble, what's the trouble with you?"

Li Yan smiled and asked.

"Teacher, this world is actually very dangerous!"

Qin Ye said to Li Yan earnestly.

Li Yan was taken aback and asked, "What is the danger?"

"This requires Master Leader to explain to Master Teacher!" Xiaoxing pushed such a complicated explanation to Captain Yui.

Li Yan has always been a little surprised. Looking at this bewildered Yui, she turned out to be the leader of the three girls' combination, which was really not obvious before.

"Actually, we found that this city is not as simple as adults imagined...that, that...for example, the [an extra classmate] that students have been circulating recently, and the late night ghost ride, and there are monsters in the park. Destroying the earth, we have mastered many crises and secrets that adults don’t know, teacher!"

Yui hesitated and tried to reveal the information that proved the strength of colors, and said to Li Yan.


Li Yan was silent for a while, not understanding why, there were always some ripples, and said.

"Teacher, do you believe us? Believe in our colors?"

Yui looked at Li Yan expectantly with the other two girls with tears, and asked.

"There are indeed many things that are difficult to explain in this world. At the very least, you are my students, and I will always believe in my students."

Standing in the sunset, Li Yan made a promise to the three of them with the evening breeze blowing his bangs.



"Yes! Teacher, thank you teacher!"

After Yui and others heard it, they seemed to be greatly encouraged, and they all showed joyful and cheerful smiles.

Regardless, Li Yan thinks that the trust of the students should be obtained. No matter what, the students trust the teacher to be able to solve many unexpected situations that may occur.

Although, Li Yan does not believe that elementary school students will be exposed to a dangerous existence in this world...

At night, the train slowly moved towards Shinjuku, and the dim night view of Tokyo that flashed by made this teacher feel in this tranquil mood.

——Ding Dong!

At this moment, Li Yan received an email.

He took out his phone and looked at it when he was curious, and it turned out that Qin Ye, who hadn't talked to him much, sent it over. After decompressing it, he found a poorly sharp photo.

In the photo, it was taken at the police station in the park. As a result, in the photo, Li Yan, Saito, Yui and Xiaoxing were all inside, and it seemed that Qinye had secretly captured it.


Li Yan looked at it for a long time before putting it away.

Being a teacher... seems pretty good.

Seven twenty in the evening.

"Otaku Lee!!"

It's not clear why, when he just returned to the apartment building, Li Yan heard the cry of a familiar woman.

He turned his head and saw Ying Lili, who had come down from the taxi, on the side of the road on the street. When she saw Li Yan, she suddenly shouted with anger.

"Ying... Ying Lili?"

Li Yan turned his head and looked at her in surprise. He did not expect to be reunited with Ying Lili at this time.

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