I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 811


Li Yan was slightly startled, and looked back. The motorcycle on the road disappeared at the end of the road in an instant.

"It's driving a bit too fast."

Li Yan felt the faint wind from the window of the car, and he couldn't help but worry about the driver's safety awareness.

After the bicycle was damaged, Li Yan, who had no bicycles to travel for a while, finally drove on his "oil tiger" supra to commute to and from get off work. He bought bread every morning and listened to the high school girls talking about the little ghosts. , After class, I spent a few working days peacefully.

The car had just parked in the parking lot. Just after Li Yan got out of the car, he heard the exclamation of a group of children.

"Wow, is this the teacher's car? Is this the teacher's car!?"

"So cool!"

"It's really the teacher's car."

Li Yan turned his head and saw the three children of the colors combination immediately surrounded the street and looked at the black modified car.

When the three children touched and touched the sports car and their eyes were bright, Li Yan's clothes were pulled, he lowered his head and looked at it, but Qin Ye was looking at him.

"What's the name of this car?"

Qin Ye represents the children, all showing curious expressions, watching Li Yan ask.

"Toyota's supra is just a modified car. The body has been redesigned, the tail wing has been abolished, and the seat has been added, so it can now seat four people."

Li Yan patted the front of the supra and introduced with a smile.

Yui and others didn't understand it very clearly, but they always felt very powerful and sighed "Oh".

However, when Li Yan was in the street hundreds of meters away from the school, he saw children who were going to school on the street, all wearing scarves or simply wearing scarves, which caught his attention.

"How is this going?"

Li Yan thought in doubt.

After all, it is now late April, and the temperature remains at 12-19 degrees Celsius. Although the air is still a bit cold, it's time to wear the scarf.

"Teacher, teacher, if you have time, take us to play!"

Xiaoxing said excitedly.

Yui became a little flustered, and persuaded: "Don't trouble the teacher!"

"But Yui, Kotoba, the teacher can take us far away, the beach, or Mount Fuji."

"So that's it~~~~"

The Yui in front of Li Yan was quickly persuaded by Xiao Xing and nodded if something happened. He silently complained that this child was too easy to change his position.

"Teacher, what are you looking at?"

Yui noticed that Li Yan was observing the children in the street from time to time, and asked.

"Well, it's nothing, I'm just curious about how so many children wear scarves to go to school when it's not very cold." Li Yan returned to his senses and said to Yui and the others.

"This." (Xiaoxing)

"Yes, neither the teacher nor the adults don't know." (Yui)

"So adults are idiots." (Qinye)

"what happened?"

Li Yan saw the three children talking to themselves and asked in confusion.

"Actually, teacher."

Yui's expression was a bit hesitant, but she still opened her eyes slightly, and explained, "Recently, there is a scary thing in school."

"A terrible thing?" Li Yan asked in a daze.

"Yes, it's a rumor about the urban legend [Headless Horseman]." Yui said to Li Yan with a scared expression.

headless rider!?

Li Yan's expression suddenly changed.

"The adults say that the Headless Horseman is fake." Xiao Xing said unconvinced.

"But two days ago, another child had a cut on his neck after hearing the sound of a motorcycle. If it weren't for an adult who came home from get off work passing by, something would have happened."

Qin Ye seemed to be very proficient in collecting data, said to Li Yan.

"Two weeks ago, an adult was really cracked off after hearing the sound of a motorcycle, although it was just a legend..."

Xiaoxing continued.

Yui said with a look of fear: "It is said that if you meet a headless horseman and wear a scarf, the other party will not attack you if they can't find your neck. Everyone spreads it very well, so you remember the teacher. It’s better to wear a scarf these days."

With that, Yui, Kotoba, and Xiaoxing all took out scarves from their schoolbags, and seemed to be fully equipped.

"...Oh, thank you very much."

Li Yan's expression became more complicated, he nodded, and then said: "But don't believe in these rumored urban legends. Pay attention to safety. You don't want to go out these nights, you know?"


The three children all responded in unison.

"I really want to see the Headless Horseman." Xiaoxing yelled boredly.

"Uh, uh."

Qin Ye, who was still playing the first level of the game, nodded.

"No, no, who wants to see such a terrifying monster!" Yui said with tears in her eyes with fright.

Li Yan fell silent.

The Headless Horseman does not exist, he, Zhenbai, and Supra around him have a say more than anyone.

But in fact, it is extremely rare in the real society to see such terrifying urban legends. Regardless of whether it is true or not, he first reminds the students. Basically, the Japanese Ministry of Education and schools will not take this item seriously. Right...

However, this is not the case.

8:15, East District Tangmen Primary School, Grade 3 Teacher Office.

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