I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 812

"Teachers, the Ministry of Education (Japan Education Agency) has issued a new notice. Please send the notice to the head teacher of each class."

Director Shibasaki took the file and said to them.


A dozen teachers including Li Yan and Higiya Hachiman were taken aback.

"From Friday to Sunday, all elementary schools in Tokyo are closed." Director Shibasaki told them.

Soon, there were discussions among the teachers.

"Sure enough, this is another period of time."

"In 14 years, it was the same in Miyazaki Prefecture."

"I really don't know what the Wenbu side thinks..."

Old teachers who have been working for several years are talking about this one after another.

"So, what happened?" Li Yan asked.

On the side, Higiya Hachiman said casually with an expression: "Senior, don't you know, the legend that shocked Japan?"

Li Yan paused and asked, "Is it a headless horseman?"

"The headless horseman? Well, this urban legend is also quite famous in Japan, but it's not this one. There have been several sensational events in Japan."

Higiya Hachiman looked serious, and said, "Grinning girl, it is said that someone has witnessed it in Tokyo, and it has caused panic among parents and students."

It is said that in 2004, 2006 and 2014, Japan caused the suspension of classes in some counties and cities due to this kind of fear. As a highly developed eastern country, there have been several cases in which national institutions have been alarmed by this incident. A reason will be fabricated to announce school holidays. However, many students and the media can still analyze the real reason for the holidays. I have to say that this is a uniqueness of the "land of monsters".


Li Yan looked at the government notice document in amazement. Perhaps he needs to pay more attention to it.

At dusk, at the entrance of Yiyuan Apartment.


At the door of the apartment, Li Yan encountered dazzling hair and dark circles under his eyes. At first glance, he saw Jia Baili, a decadent girl.

The difference is that this time Gabriel is dressed more formal, and it seems that he has gone out to work.

"Gabriel, have you gone to work?" Li Yan asked.

"what are you talking about?"

Gabriel quickly looked at Li Yan with a slight frown and asked.

Li Yan was stunned for a moment. After thinking about it, he suddenly realized, "Yes, it's not Saturday or Sunday. You will definitely stay in the room and play games. You won't go out except for school."

"What a fool."

Gabriel squinted, cursed, and said lazily: "It looks like Vinette and the others haven't told you, don't you know, I have already started work internship."


Li Yan fell silent, staring at Gabriel blankly.


"Wh, what, work!?"

Li Yan was shocked, looked at Gabriel in shock, and asked.

"Nonsense, all graduated, if there is not enough reason, how can you continue to stay in Japan..."

Gabriel took a sip of his drink and said casually, "I got my work visa. I have been working for a game company recommended by Kobayashi since last month."

Li Yan couldn't imagine that this fallen angel, the former goddess, and Gabriel, who was still a game rookie, had joined the game company.

"Wait a minute, what does your expression mean, are you thinking about how a game rookie can join a game company, right? I can also be a trainee planning!"

Jia Baili saw Li Yan's expression all of a sudden, suddenly clenched his fists in anger, scolded and asked.

Li Yan was suddenly said to be on his mind. Before Gabriel's anger, he quickly changed the subject and asked: "By the way, which company do you work for now, sonny or Nintenda?"

Gabriel said with a dim expression: "How can it be possible to go to such a big company, a small workshop, with dozens of people named [Chuanjiao games]."


When Li Yan heard this name, he suddenly remembered it. He remembered that this company was a web game company. When he was at Eagle Jump, the other party provided technical cooperation. Recently, he checked the "Hunting World II" on the Internet. "At the time of the data, the two companies were still engaged in linkage.

The streets at dusk are like time. The former high school students are now members of society.

Gabriel's eyes kept paying attention to Li Yan's face, as if he was calculating something.

"That's right." Gabriel looked at Li Yan and asked, "Li, don't you have a lot of contacts? If you can, can you introduce some people to me?"

Li Yan asked curiously: "What do you want manpower for?"

"This Sunday, my company and several small companies are going to participate in the game promotion exhibition on the sonny platform, but there are so many low-priced and similar cosers to find. I have been having a headache for this kind of work recently. It's very, thinking of it, a few of the people you know seem to be suitable."

Gabriel said.


Li Yan was stunned, and Jia Baili wanted to find some people he knew to be temporary cosplayers.

"Well, is it really okay for Cosplayer to find a non-professional temporarily, and my friend is not sure whether to accept such an attempt..."

Li Yan was a bit tangled and explained.

Gabriel explained: "Cosplay does not need any professional, as long as it looks similar and looks good, it's okay? How professional do you think Cosplayer should be?"

Li Yan fell silent. Although there was some truth, he always felt that the explanation was too casual.

As a last resort, Li Yan tried to publish this news in the discussion group of line.

"Almost forgot, Li, have you become a primary school teacher? Now, do you know any kids who like games very much? It's best not to be older than Primary Six?"

Gabriel seemed to be greedy and asked for another list.

Li Yan's expression became annoyed, and he always felt that this angel used him as a talent agency.

"What do you want a pupil like this for?" Li Yan asked with a somewhat dissatisfied expression.

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